forked from teamnwah/openmw-tes3coop
Implemented updating editor application from preferences menu, loading settings when editor loads, adding Record Status Display prefernce. Fixed multiple bugs, made changes to CSM(V)Settings classes to make implementing new prefrences easier. Rewrote CSMSettings::UserSettings to retain last-loaded settings. Adjusted icon position in Record Status column Capitalized status text Added delegate to referenceables table
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108 lines
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#include "groupblock.hpp"
#include "itemblock.hpp"
CSVSettings::GroupBlock::GroupBlock (QWidget* parent)
: AbstractBlock (parent)
CSVSettings::GroupBlock::GroupBlock (bool isVisible, QWidget *parent)
: AbstractBlock (isVisible, parent)
int CSVSettings::GroupBlock::build (GroupBlockDef *def)
if (def->properties.size() == 0)
return -1;
int retVal = 0;
setVisible (def->isVisible);
mBox->setLayout(createLayout (def->widgetOrientation, true));
setObjectName (def->title);
mBox->setTitle (def->title);
foreach (SettingsItemDef *itemDef, def->properties)
ItemBlock *block = new ItemBlock (mBox);
if (block->build (*itemDef) < 0)
retVal = -2;
mItemBlockList << block;
mBox->layout()->addWidget (block->getGroupBox());
connect (block, SIGNAL (signalUpdateSetting (const QString &, const QString &)),
this, SLOT (slotUpdateSetting (const QString &, const QString &) ));
return retVal;
CSMSettings::SettingList *CSVSettings::GroupBlock::getSettings()
CSMSettings::SettingList *settings = 0;
foreach (ItemBlock *block, mItemBlockList)
if (!settings)
settings = new CSMSettings::SettingList();
settings->append(*(block->getSettings ()));
return settings;
CSVSettings::ItemBlock *CSVSettings::GroupBlock::getItemBlock (const QString &name, ItemBlockList *blockList)
ItemBlock *retBlock = 0;
if (!blockList)
blockList = &mItemBlockList;
foreach (ItemBlock *block, *blockList)
if (block->objectName() == name)
retBlock = block;
return retBlock;
CSVSettings::ItemBlock *CSVSettings::GroupBlock::getItemBlock (int index)
ItemBlock *retBlock = 0;
if (mItemBlockList.size() > index)
retBlock =;
return retBlock;
bool CSVSettings::GroupBlock::updateSettings (const CSMSettings::SettingMap &settings)
bool success = true;
//update all non-proxy settings
foreach (ItemBlock *block, mItemBlockList)
CSMSettings::SettingContainer *setting = settings[block->objectName()];
if (setting)
bool success2 = block->update (setting->getValue());
success = success && success2;
return success;