You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Created by koncord on 12.01.19.
#include "Plugin.hpp"
#include <cstdarg>
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
Plugin::PluginList Plugin::plugins;
//constexpr ScriptCallbackData Plugin::callbacks[];
static Plugin* scriptTmpPtr; // hack for RegisterEvent
Plugin::Plugin(const std::string &pluginName)
lib = OpenLibrary(pluginName.c_str());
if (!lib)
throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("Plugin ") + pluginName + " not found.");
PluginInit = SystemInterface<decltype(PluginInit)>(lib, "PluginInit").result;
if (!PluginInit)
throw std::runtime_error("\"void PluginInit(int pluginId)\" not implemented by plugin");
PluginFree = SystemInterface<decltype(PluginFree)>(lib, "PluginFree").result;
if (!PluginFree)
throw std::runtime_error("\"void PluginFree()\" not implemented");
bool Plugin::LoadPlugin(const std::string &plugin)
auto script = std::make_unique<Plugin>(plugin);
scriptTmpPtr = script.get(); // needs for RegisterEvent
bool result = script->PluginInit() == 1;
scriptTmpPtr = nullptr; // reset value for safety
if (result)
return true;
return false;
void Plugin::LoadPlugins(const std::vector<std::string> &pluginsList)
for(const auto &plugin : pluginsList)
static std::string moddir;
void Plugin::SetModDir(const std::string &_moddir)
if (moddir.empty()) // do not allow to change in runtime
moddir = _moddir;
const char* Plugin::GetModDir()
return moddir.c_str();
static std::string plugindir;
void Plugin::SetPluginDir(const std::string &pluginDir)
if (plugindir.empty()) // do not allow to change in runtime
plugindir = pluginDir;
const char *Plugin::GetPluginDir()
return plugindir.c_str();