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#include "windowbase.hpp"
#include "referenceinterface.hpp"
#include "itemmodel.hpp"
namespace MWWorld
class Environment;
namespace MyGUI
class Gui;
class Widget;
namespace MWGui
class WindowManager;
class ContainerWindow;
class ItemView;
class SortFilterItemModel;
namespace MWGui
class ContainerWindow : public WindowBase, public ReferenceInterface
ContainerWindow(DragAndDrop* dragAndDrop);
void setPtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& container);
virtual void onClose();
void clear() { resetReference(); }
void onFrame(float dt) { checkReferenceAvailable(); }
virtual void resetReference();
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to check from elsewhere whether there is currently an
item being dragged in the container window
bool isOnDragAndDrop();
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to drag a specific item Ptr instead of having to rely
on an index that may have changed in the meantime, for drags that
require approval from the server
bool dragItemByPtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& itemPtr, int dragCount);
End of tes3mp addition
DragAndDrop* mDragAndDrop;
MWGui::ItemView* mItemView;
SortFilterItemModel* mSortModel;
ItemModel* mModel;
int mSelectedItem;
MyGUI::Button* mDisposeCorpseButton;
MyGUI::Button* mTakeButton;
MyGUI::Button* mCloseButton;
void onItemSelected(int index);
void onBackgroundSelected();
void dragItem(MyGUI::Widget* sender, int count);
void dropItem();
void onCloseButtonClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender);
void onTakeAllButtonClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender);
void onDisposeCorpseButtonClicked(MyGUI::Widget* sender);
/// @return is taking the item allowed?
bool onTakeItem(const ItemStack& item, int count);
virtual void onReferenceUnavailable();
#endif // CONTAINER_H