graffy76 700d55f1fb Fixed / implemented missing features for RecordStatusDelegate
Implemented updating editor application from preferences menu, loading
settings when editor loads, adding Record Status Display prefernce.

Fixed multiple bugs, made changes to CSM(V)Settings classes to make
implementing new prefrences easier.

Rewrote CSMSettings::UserSettings to retain last-loaded settings.

Adjusted icon position in Record Status column

Capitalized status text

Added delegate to referenceables table
2013-06-15 06:40:18 -05:00

159 lines
5.7 KiB

#include "samplepage.hpp"
#include <QList>
#include <QListView>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QDockWidget>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QStyle>
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
#include <QPlastiqueStyle>
#include "../../model/settings/usersettings.hpp"
#include "groupblock.hpp"
#include "toggleblock.hpp"
CSVSettings::SamplePage::SamplePage(QWidget *parent):
AbstractPage("Editor", parent)
// Hacks to get the stylesheet look properly
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
QPlastiqueStyle *style = new QPlastiqueStyle;
void CSVSettings::SamplePage::setupUi()
GroupBlockDef *undoStack = new GroupBlockDef(QString("Undo Stack Size"));
GroupBlockDef *topLevelWindowCount = new GroupBlockDef(QString("Maximum Top-Level Window Count"));
GroupBlockDef *reuseSubwindow = new GroupBlockDef(QString("Reuse Subwindows"));
GroupBlockDef *customWindowSize = new GroupBlockDef(QString ("Custom Window Size"));
GroupBlockDef *definedWindowSize = new GroupBlockDef(QString ("Pre-Defined Window Size"));
GroupBlockDef *windowSizeToggle = new GroupBlockDef(QString ("Window Size"));
CustomBlockDef *windowSize = new CustomBlockDef(QString ("Window Size"));
//undo stack size property
SettingsItemDef *undoStackItem = new SettingsItemDef (undoStack->title, "32");
undoStack->properties << undoStackItem;
undoStackItem->minMax.left = "0";
undoStackItem->minMax.right = "64";
WidgetDef stackWidget (Widget_SpinBox);
stackWidget.minMax = &(undoStackItem->minMax);
stackWidget.widgetWidth = 50;
undoStackItem->widget = stackWidget;
//number of top level windows property
SettingsItemDef *topLevelItem = new SettingsItemDef (topLevelWindowCount->title, "100");
topLevelWindowCount->properties << topLevelItem;
topLevelItem->minMax.left = "1";
topLevelItem->minMax.right = "256";
WidgetDef topLvlWinWidget (Widget_SpinBox);
topLvlWinWidget.minMax = &(topLevelItem->minMax);
topLvlWinWidget.widgetWidth = 50;
topLevelItem->widget = topLvlWinWidget;
//reuse subwindows property
SettingsItemDef *reuseSubItem = new SettingsItemDef (reuseSubwindow->title, "Reuse Subwindows");
*(reuseSubItem->valueList) << "None" << "Top-Level" << "Document-Level";
WidgetDef reuseSubWidget (Widget_RadioButton);
reuseSubWidget.valueList = (reuseSubItem->valueList);
reuseSubWidget.widgetAlignment = Align_Left;
reuseSubwindow->properties << reuseSubItem;
reuseSubItem->widget = reuseSubWidget;
//custom window size properties
//custom width
SettingsItemDef *widthItem = new SettingsItemDef ("Window Width", "640");
widthItem->widget = WidgetDef (Widget_LineEdit);
widthItem->widget.widgetWidth = 45;
//custom height
SettingsItemDef *heightItem = new SettingsItemDef ("Window Height", "480");
heightItem->widget = WidgetDef (Widget_LineEdit);
heightItem->widget.widgetWidth = 45;
heightItem->widget.caption = "x";
customWindowSize->properties << widthItem << heightItem;
customWindowSize->widgetOrientation = Orient_Horizontal;
customWindowSize->isVisible = false;
SettingsItemDef *widthByHeightItem = new SettingsItemDef ("Window Size", "640x480");
WidgetDef widthByHeightWidget = WidgetDef (Widget_ComboBox);
widthByHeightWidget.widgetWidth = 90;
*(widthByHeightItem->valueList) << "640x480" << "800x600" << "1024x768";
QStringList *widthProxy = new QStringList;
QStringList *heightProxy = new QStringList;
(*widthProxy) << "Window Width" << "640" << "800" << "1024";
(*heightProxy) << "Window Height" << "480" << "600" << "768";
*(widthByHeightItem->proxyList) << widthProxy << heightProxy;
widthByHeightItem->widget = widthByHeightWidget;
definedWindowSize->properties << widthByHeightItem;
definedWindowSize->isProxy = true;
definedWindowSize->isVisible = false;
// window size toggle
windowSizeToggle->captions << "Pre-Defined" << "Custom";
windowSizeToggle->widgetOrientation = Orient_Vertical;
windowSizeToggle->isVisible = false;
//define a widget for each group in the toggle
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
windowSizeToggle->widgets << new WidgetDef (Widget_RadioButton);
windowSizeToggle->>isDefault = false;
windowSize->blockDefList << windowSizeToggle << definedWindowSize << customWindowSize;
windowSize->defaultValue = "Custom";
mAbstractBlocks << buildBlock<GroupBlock> (topLevelWindowCount)
<< buildBlock<GroupBlock> (reuseSubwindow)
<< buildBlock<ToggleBlock> (windowSize)
<< buildBlock<GroupBlock> (undoStack);
foreach (AbstractBlock *block, mAbstractBlocks)
connect (block, SIGNAL (signalUpdateSetting (const QString &, const QString &)),
this, SIGNAL (signalUpdateEditorSetting (const QString &, const QString &)) );
void CSVSettings::SamplePage::initializeWidgets (const CSMSettings::SettingMap &settings)
//iterate each item in each blocks in this section
//validate the corresponding setting against the defined valuelist if any.
for (AbstractBlockList::Iterator it_block = mAbstractBlocks.begin();
it_block != mAbstractBlocks.end(); ++it_block)
(*it_block)->updateSettings (settings);