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namespace Eater\Glim\Handler\Install;
use Eater\Glim\Handler\Main;
use Eater\Glim\Model\UserQuery;
class Show extends Main
public function beforeHandle() {
if (UserQuery::create()->findOne()) {
return $this->redirect('/login');
public function handle()
$return = 1;
$execEnabled = $this->isExecEnabled();
$hasOpenSsl = false;
if ($execEnabled) {
exec('command -v openssl', $output, $return);
$hasOpenSsl = $return === 0;
$data = [
'hasExecEnabled' => $execEnabled,
'hasOpenSsl' => $hasOpenSsl,
'hasOpenSslExtension' => extension_loaded('openssl'),
'hasZipExtension' => extension_loaded('zip'),
'hostname' => parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], PHP_URL_HOST),
'hostnameWithPort' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
return $this->render('install.html.twig', $data);
private function isExecEnabled() {
if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
return false;
} else {
$d = ini_get('disable_functions');
$s = ini_get('suhosin.executor.func.blacklist');
if ("$d$s") {
$array = preg_split('/,\s*/', "$d,$s");
if (in_array('exec', $array)) {
return false;
return true;