Merge branch 'master' into add_stdin_lock
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
language: rust
- RUSTFLAGS="-D warnings"
# Cache the whole `~/.cargo` directory to keep `~/cargo/.crates.toml`.
- /home/travis/.cargo
# Don't cache the cargo registry because it's too big.
- rm -rf /home/travis/.cargo/registry
- master
- staging
- trying
fast_finish: true
- rust: nightly
os: linux
- rust: nightly
os: osx
osx_image: xcode9.2
- rust: nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
os: windows
- name: fmt
rust: nightly
os: linux
before_script: |
if ! rustup component add rustfmt; then
echo "'rustfmt' is unavailable on the toolchain 'nightly', use the toolchain 'nightly-$target' instead";
rustup toolchain install nightly-$target;
rustup default nightly-$target;
rustup component add rustfmt;
- cargo fmt --all -- --check
- name: docs
rust: nightly
os: linux
- cargo doc --features docs
- name: book
rust: nightly
os: linux
- test -x $HOME/.cargo/bin/mdbook || ./ci/
- cargo build # to find 'extern crate async_std' by `mdbook test`
- mdbook build docs
- mdbook test -L ./target/debug/deps docs
- cargo check --all --benches --bins --examples --tests
- cargo check --features unstable --all --benches --bins --examples --tests
- cargo test --all --doc --features unstable
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
extension_trait! {
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
#[doc = r#"
A future represents an asynchronous computation.
A future is a value that may not have finished computing yet. This kind of
"asynchronous value" makes it possible for a thread to continue doing useful
work while it waits for the value to become available.
# The `poll` method
The core method of future, `poll`, *attempts* to resolve the future into a
final value. This method does not block if the value is not ready. Instead,
the current task is scheduled to be woken up when it's possible to make
further progress by `poll`ing again. The `context` passed to the `poll`
method can provide a [`Waker`], which is a handle for waking up the current
When using a future, you generally won't call `poll` directly, but instead
`.await` the value.
[`Waker`]: ../task/struct.Waker.html
pub trait Future {
#[doc = r#"
The type of value produced on completion.
type Output;
#[doc = r#"
Attempt to resolve the future to a final value, registering
the current task for wakeup if the value is not yet available.
# Return value
This function returns:
- [`Poll::Pending`] if the future is not ready yet
- [`Poll::Ready(val)`] with the result `val` of this future if it
finished successfully.
Once a future has finished, clients should not `poll` it again.
When a future is not ready yet, `poll` returns `Poll::Pending` and
stores a clone of the [`Waker`] copied from the current [`Context`].
This [`Waker`] is then woken once the future can make progress.
For example, a future waiting for a socket to become
readable would call `.clone()` on the [`Waker`] and store it.
When a signal arrives elsewhere indicating that the socket is readable,
[`Waker::wake`] is called and the socket future's task is awoken.
Once a task has been woken up, it should attempt to `poll` the future
again, which may or may not produce a final value.
Note that on multiple calls to `poll`, only the [`Waker`] from the
[`Context`] passed to the most recent call should be scheduled to
receive a wakeup.
# Runtime characteristics
Futures alone are *inert*; they must be *actively* `poll`ed to make
progress, meaning that each time the current task is woken up, it should
actively re-`poll` pending futures that it still has an interest in.
The `poll` function is not called repeatedly in a tight loop -- instead,
it should only be called when the future indicates that it is ready to
make progress (by calling `wake()`). If you're familiar with the
`poll(2)` or `select(2)` syscalls on Unix it's worth noting that futures
typically do *not* suffer the same problems of "all wakeups must poll
all events"; they are more like `epoll(4)`.
An implementation of `poll` should strive to return quickly, and should
not block. Returning quickly prevents unnecessarily clogging up
threads or event loops. If it is known ahead of time that a call to
`poll` may end up taking awhile, the work should be offloaded to a
thread pool (or something similar) to ensure that `poll` can return
# Panics
Once a future has completed (returned `Ready` from `poll`), calling its
`poll` method again may panic, block forever, or cause other kinds of
problems; the `Future` trait places no requirements on the effects of
such a call. However, as the `poll` method is not marked `unsafe`,
Rust's usual rules apply: calls must never cause undefined behavior
(memory corruption, incorrect use of `unsafe` functions, or the like),
regardless of the future's state.
[`Poll::Pending`]: ../task/enum.Poll.html#variant.Pending
[`Poll::Ready(val)`]: ../task/enum.Poll.html#variant.Ready
[`Context`]: ../task/struct.Context.html
[`Waker`]: ../task/struct.Waker.html
[`Waker::wake`]: ../task/struct.Waker.html#method.wake
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output>;
pub trait FutureExt: std::future::Future {
impl<F: Future + Unpin + ?Sized> Future for Box<F> {
type Output = F::Output;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
unreachable!("this impl only appears in the rendered docs")
impl<F: Future + Unpin + ?Sized> Future for &mut F {
type Output = F::Output;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
unreachable!("this impl only appears in the rendered docs")
impl<P> Future for Pin<P>
P: DerefMut + Unpin,
<P as Deref>::Target: Future,
type Output = <<P as Deref>::Target as Future>::Output;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
unreachable!("this impl only appears in the rendered docs")
impl<F: Future> Future for std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe<F> {
type Output = F::Output;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
unreachable!("this impl only appears in the rendered docs")
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
use crate::future::Future;
/// Convert a type into a `Future`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use async_std::future::{Future, IntoFuture};
/// use async_std::io;
/// use async_std::pin::Pin;
/// struct Client;
/// impl Client {
/// pub async fn send(self) -> io::Result<()> {
/// // Send a request
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// }
/// impl IntoFuture for Client {
/// type Output = io::Result<()>;
/// type Future = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Self::Output>>>;
/// fn into_future(self) -> Self::Future {
/// Box::pin(async {
/// self.send().await
/// })
/// }
/// }
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(unstable)))]
pub trait IntoFuture {
/// The type of value produced on completion.
type Output;
/// Which kind of future are we turning this into?
type Future: Future<Output = Self::Output>;
/// Create a future from a value
fn into_future(self) -> Self::Future;
impl<T: Future> IntoFuture for T {
type Output = T::Output;
type Future = T;
fn into_future(self) -> Self::Future {
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
use std::pin::Pin;
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::io::{self, Seek, SeekFrom};
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
pub struct SeekFuture<'a, T: Unpin + ?Sized> {
pub(crate) seeker: &'a mut T,
pub(crate) pos: SeekFrom,
impl<T: Seek + Unpin + ?Sized> Future for SeekFuture<'_, T> {
type Output = io::Result<u64>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let pos = self.pos;
Pin::new(&mut *self.seeker).poll_seek(cx, pos)
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
//! OS-specific extensions.
#[cfg(any(unix, feature = "docs"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(unix)))]
cfg_unix! {
pub mod unix;
#[cfg(any(windows, feature = "docs"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(windows)))]
cfg_windows! {
pub mod windows;
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::pin::Pin;
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::stream::Stream;
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
pin_project! {
/// A stream that yields elements by calling a closure.
/// This stream is constructed by [`from_fn`] function.
/// [`from_fn`]: fn.from_fn.html
pub struct FromFn<F, Fut, T> {
f: F,
future: Option<Fut>,
__t: PhantomData<T>,
/// Creates a new stream where to produce each new element a provided closure is called.
/// This allows creating a custom stream with any behaviour without using the more verbose
/// syntax of creating a dedicated type and implementing a `Stream` trait for it.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # async_std::task::block_on(async {
/// #
/// use async_std::prelude::*;
/// use async_std::sync::Mutex;
/// use std::sync::Arc;
/// use async_std::stream;
/// let count = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0u8));
/// let s = stream::from_fn(|| {
/// let count = Arc::clone(&count);
/// async move {
/// *count.lock().await += 1;
/// if *count.lock().await > 3 {
/// None
/// } else {
/// Some(*count.lock().await)
/// }
/// }
/// });
/// pin_utils::pin_mut!(s);
/// assert_eq!(, Some(1));
/// assert_eq!(, Some(2));
/// assert_eq!(, Some(3));
/// assert_eq!(, None);
/// #
/// # })
/// ```
pub fn from_fn<T, F, Fut>(f: F) -> FromFn<F, Fut, T>
F: FnMut() -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = Option<T>>,
FromFn {
future: None,
__t: PhantomData,
impl<F, Fut, T> Stream for FromFn<F, Fut, T>
F: FnMut() -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = Option<T>>,
type Item = T;
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
let mut this = self.project();
loop {
if this.future.is_some() {
let next =
return Poll::Ready(next);
} else {
let fut = (this.f)();
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use futures_core::future::Future;
use futures_core::stream::Stream;
use futures_timer::Delay;
/// Creates a new stream that yields at a set interval.
/// The stream first yields after `dur`, and continues to yield every
/// `dur` after that. The stream accounts for time elapsed between calls, and
/// will adjust accordingly to prevent time skews.
/// Each interval may be slightly longer than the specified duration, but never
/// less.
/// Note that intervals are not intended for high resolution timers, but rather
/// they will likely fire some granularity after the exact instant that they're
/// otherwise indicated to fire at.
/// See also: [`task::sleep`].
/// [`task::sleep`]: ../task/fn.sleep.html
/// # Examples
/// Basic example:
/// ```no_run
/// use async_std::prelude::*;
/// use async_std::stream;
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// # fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { async_std::task::block_on(async {
/// #
/// let mut interval = stream::interval(Duration::from_secs(4));
/// while let Some(_) = {
/// println!("prints every four seconds");
/// }
/// #
/// # Ok(()) }) }
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(unstable)))]
pub fn interval(dur: Duration) -> Interval {
Interval {
delay: Delay::new(dur),
interval: dur,
/// A stream representing notifications at fixed interval
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(unstable)))]
pub struct Interval {
delay: Delay,
interval: Duration,
impl Stream for Interval {
type Item = ();
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
if Pin::new(&mut self.delay).poll(cx).is_pending() {
return Poll::Pending;
let when = Instant::now();
let next = next_interval(when, Instant::now(), self.interval);
/// Converts Duration object to raw nanoseconds if possible
/// This is useful to divide intervals.
/// While technically for large duration it's impossible to represent any
/// duration as nanoseconds, the largest duration we can represent is about
/// 427_000 years. Large enough for any interval we would use or calculate in
/// tokio.
fn duration_to_nanos(dur: Duration) -> Option<u64> {
.and_then(|v| v.checked_add(u64::from(dur.subsec_nanos())))
fn next_interval(prev: Instant, now: Instant, interval: Duration) -> Instant {
let new = prev + interval;
if new > now {
return new;
let spent_ns = duration_to_nanos(now.duration_since(prev)).expect("interval should be expired");
let interval_ns =
duration_to_nanos(interval).expect("interval is less that 427 thousand years");
let mult = spent_ns / interval_ns + 1;
mult < (1 << 32),
"can't skip more than 4 billion intervals of {:?} \
(trying to skip {})",
prev + interval * (mult as u32)
mod test {
use super::next_interval;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
struct Timeline(Instant);
impl Timeline {
fn new() -> Timeline {
fn at(&self, millis: u64) -> Instant {
self.0 + Duration::from_millis(millis)
fn at_ns(&self, sec: u64, nanos: u32) -> Instant {
self.0 + Duration::new(sec, nanos)
fn dur(millis: u64) -> Duration {
// The math around Instant/Duration isn't 100% precise due to rounding
// errors, see #249 for more info
fn almost_eq(a: Instant, b: Instant) -> bool {
if a == b {
} else if a > b {
a - b < Duration::from_millis(1)
} else {
b - a < Duration::from_millis(1)
fn norm_next() {
let tm = Timeline::new();
next_interval(,, dur(10)),
next_interval(,, dur(100)),
next_interval(,, dur(2100)),
fn fast_forward() {
let tm = Timeline::new();
next_interval(,, dur(10)),
next_interval(,, dur(100)),
next_interval(,, dur(2100)),
/// TODO: this test actually should be successful, but since we can't
/// multiply Duration on anything larger than u32 easily we decided
/// to allow it to fail for now
#[should_panic(expected = "can't skip more than 4 billion intervals")]
fn large_skip() {
let tm = Timeline::new();
next_interval(tm.at_ns(0, 1), tm.at_ns(25, 0), Duration::new(0, 2)),
tm.at_ns(25, 1)
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::stream::Stream;
/// Trait to represent types that can be created by productming up a stream.
/// This trait is used to implement the [`product`] method on streams. Types which
/// implement the trait can be generated by the [`product`] method. Like
/// [`FromStream`] this trait should rarely be called directly and instead
/// interacted with through [`Stream::product`].
/// [`product`]: trait.Product.html#tymethod.product
/// [`FromStream`]: trait.FromStream.html
/// [`Stream::product`]: trait.Stream.html#method.product
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "docs", doc(cfg(unstable)))]
pub trait Product<A = Self>: Sized {
/// Method which takes a stream and generates `Self` from the elements by
/// multiplying the items.
fn product<S, F>(stream: S) -> F
S: Stream<Item = A>,
F: Future<Output = Self>;
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::pin::Pin;
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::stream::Stream;
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
pin_project! {
/// A stream that repeats elements of type `T` endlessly by applying a provided closure.
/// This stream is constructed by the [`repeat_with`] function.
/// [`repeat_with`]: fn.repeat_with.html
pub struct RepeatWith<F, Fut, A> {
f: F,
future: Option<Fut>,
__a: PhantomData<A>,
/// Creates a new stream that repeats elements of type `A` endlessly by applying the provided closure.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// # async_std::task::block_on(async {
/// #
/// use async_std::prelude::*;
/// use async_std::stream;
/// let s = stream::repeat_with(|| async { 1 });
/// pin_utils::pin_mut!(s);
/// assert_eq!(, Some(1));
/// assert_eq!(, Some(1));
/// assert_eq!(, Some(1));
/// assert_eq!(, Some(1));
/// # })
/// ```
/// Going finite:
/// ```
/// # async_std::task::block_on(async {
/// #
/// use async_std::prelude::*;
/// use async_std::stream;
/// let s = stream::repeat_with(|| async { 1u8 }).take(2);
/// pin_utils::pin_mut!(s);
/// assert_eq!(, Some(1));
/// assert_eq!(, Some(1));
/// assert_eq!(, None);
/// # })
/// ```
pub fn repeat_with<F, Fut, A>(repeater: F) -> RepeatWith<F, Fut, A>
F: FnMut() -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = A>,
RepeatWith {
f: repeater,
future: None,
__a: PhantomData,
impl<F, Fut, A> Stream for RepeatWith<F, Fut, A>
F: FnMut() -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = A>,
type Item = A;
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
let mut this = self.project();
loop {
if this.future.is_some() {
let res = futures_core::ready!(this.future.as_mut().as_pin_mut().unwrap().poll(cx));
return Poll::Ready(Some(res));
} else {
let fut = (this.f)();
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::pin::Pin;
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use super::fuse::Fuse;
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::stream::Stream;
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
pin_project! {
// Lexicographically compares the elements of this `Stream` with those
// of another using `Ord`.
pub struct CmpFuture<L: Stream, R: Stream> {
l: Fuse<L>,
r: Fuse<R>,
l_cache: Option<L::Item>,
r_cache: Option<R::Item>,
impl<L: Stream, R: Stream> CmpFuture<L, R> {
pub(super) fn new(l: L, r: R) -> Self {
CmpFuture {
l: l.fuse(),
r: r.fuse(),
l_cache: None,
r_cache: None,
impl<L: Stream, R: Stream> Future for CmpFuture<L, R>
L: Stream + Sized,
R: Stream<Item = L::Item> + Sized,
L::Item: Ord,
type Output = Ordering;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let mut this = self.project();
loop {
// Stream that completes earliest can be considered Less, etc
let l_complete = this.l.done && this.l_cache.is_none();
let r_complete = this.r.done && this.r_cache.is_none();
if l_complete && r_complete {
return Poll::Ready(Ordering::Equal);
} else if l_complete {
return Poll::Ready(Ordering::Less);
} else if r_complete {
return Poll::Ready(Ordering::Greater);
// Get next value if possible and necesary
if !this.l.done && this.l_cache.is_none() {
let l_next = futures_core::ready!(this.l.as_mut().poll_next(cx));
if let Some(item) = l_next {
*this.l_cache = Some(item);
if !this.r.done && this.r_cache.is_none() {
let r_next = futures_core::ready!(this.r.as_mut().poll_next(cx));
if let Some(item) = r_next {
*this.r_cache = Some(item);
// Compare if both values are available.
if this.l_cache.is_some() && this.r_cache.is_some() {
let l_value = this.l_cache.take().unwrap();
let r_value = this.r_cache.take().unwrap();
let result = l_value.cmp(&r_value);
if let Ordering::Equal = result {
// Reset cache to prepare for next comparison
*this.l_cache = None;
*this.r_cache = None;
} else {
// Return non equal value
return Poll::Ready(result);
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::pin::Pin;
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use super::partial_cmp::PartialCmpFuture;
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::stream::Stream;
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
pin_project! {
// Determines if the elements of this `Stream` are lexicographically
// greater than or equal to those of another.
pub struct GeFuture<L: Stream, R: Stream> {
partial_cmp: PartialCmpFuture<L, R>,
impl<L: Stream, R: Stream> GeFuture<L, R>
L::Item: PartialOrd<R::Item>,
pub(super) fn new(l: L, r: R) -> Self {
GeFuture {
partial_cmp: l.partial_cmp(r),
impl<L: Stream, R: Stream> Future for GeFuture<L, R>
L: Stream,
R: Stream,
L::Item: PartialOrd<R::Item>,
type Output = bool;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let result = futures_core::ready!(self.project().partial_cmp.poll(cx));
match result {
Some(Ordering::Greater) | Some(Ordering::Equal) => Poll::Ready(true),
_ => Poll::Ready(false),
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::pin::Pin;
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use super::partial_cmp::PartialCmpFuture;
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::stream::Stream;
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
pin_project! {
// Determines if the elements of this `Stream` are lexicographically
// greater than those of another.
pub struct GtFuture<L: Stream, R: Stream> {
partial_cmp: PartialCmpFuture<L, R>,
impl<L: Stream, R: Stream> GtFuture<L, R>
L::Item: PartialOrd<R::Item>,
pub(super) fn new(l: L, r: R) -> Self {
GtFuture {
partial_cmp: l.partial_cmp(r),
impl<L: Stream, R: Stream> Future for GtFuture<L, R>
L: Stream + Sized,
R: Stream + Sized,
L::Item: PartialOrd<R::Item>,
type Output = bool;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let result = futures_core::ready!(self.project().partial_cmp.poll(cx));
match result {
Some(Ordering::Greater) => Poll::Ready(true),
_ => Poll::Ready(false),
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
use std::pin::Pin;
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::stream::Stream;
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
pin_project! {
pub struct LastFuture<S, T> {
stream: S,
last: Option<T>,
impl<S, T> LastFuture<S, T> {
pub(crate) fn new(stream: S) -> Self {
LastFuture { stream, last: None }
impl<S> Future for LastFuture<S, S::Item>
S: Stream + Unpin + Sized,
S::Item: Copy,
type Output = Option<S::Item>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.project();
let next = futures_core::ready!(;
match next {
Some(new) => {
*this.last = Some(new);
None => Poll::Ready(*this.last),
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::pin::Pin;
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use super::partial_cmp::PartialCmpFuture;
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::stream::Stream;
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
pin_project! {
/// Determines if the elements of this `Stream` are lexicographically
/// less or equal to those of another.
pub struct LeFuture<L: Stream, R: Stream> {
partial_cmp: PartialCmpFuture<L, R>,
impl<L: Stream, R: Stream> LeFuture<L, R>
L::Item: PartialOrd<R::Item>,
pub(super) fn new(l: L, r: R) -> Self {
LeFuture {
partial_cmp: l.partial_cmp(r),
impl<L: Stream, R: Stream> Future for LeFuture<L, R>
L: Stream + Sized,
R: Stream + Sized,
L::Item: PartialOrd<R::Item>,
type Output = bool;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let result = futures_core::ready!(self.project().partial_cmp.poll(cx));
match result {
Some(Ordering::Less) | Some(Ordering::Equal) => Poll::Ready(true),
_ => Poll::Ready(false),
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::pin::Pin;
use pin_project_lite::pin_project;
use super::partial_cmp::PartialCmpFuture;
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::stream::Stream;
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
pin_project! {
// Determines if the elements of this `Stream` are lexicographically
// less than those of another.
pub struct LtFuture<L: Stream, R: Stream> {
partial_cmp: PartialCmpFuture<L, R>,
impl<L: Stream, R: Stream> LtFuture<L, R>
L::Item: PartialOrd<R::Item>,
pub(super) fn new(l: L, r: R) -> Self {
LtFuture {
partial_cmp: l.partial_cmp(r),
impl<L: Stream, R: Stream> Future for LtFuture<L, R>
L: Stream + Sized,
R: Stream + Sized,
L::Item: PartialOrd<R::Item>,
type Output = bool;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let result = futures_core::ready!(self.project().partial_cmp.poll(cx));
match result {
Some(Ordering::Less) => Poll::Ready(true),
_ => Poll::Ready(false),
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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