@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
use std ::fmt ;
use std ::io ::{ Read as _ , Write as _ } ;
use std ::pin ::Pin ;
use std ::sync ::atomic ::{ AtomicUsize , Ordering } ;
use std ::sync ::{ Arc , Mutex } ;
use futures_io ::{ AsyncRead , AsyncWrite } ;
use lazy_static ::lazy_static ;
use mio ::{ self , Evented } ;
use slab ::Slab ;
@ -19,9 +15,6 @@ struct Entry {
/// A unique identifier.
token : mio ::Token ,
/// Indicates whether this I/O handle is ready for reading, writing, or if it is disconnected.
readiness : AtomicUsize ,
/// Tasks that are blocked on reading from this I/O handle.
readers : Mutex < Vec < Waker > > ,
@ -75,7 +68,6 @@ impl Reactor {
// Allocate an entry and insert it into the slab.
let entry = Arc ::new ( Entry {
token ,
readiness : AtomicUsize ::new ( mio ::Ready ::empty ( ) . as_usize ( ) ) ,
readers : Mutex ::new ( Vec ::new ( ) ) ,
writers : Mutex ::new ( Vec ::new ( ) ) ,
} ) ;
@ -151,9 +143,6 @@ fn main_loop() -> io::Result<()> {
if let Some ( entry ) = entries . get ( token . 0 ) {
// Set the readiness flags from this I/O event.
let readiness = event . readiness ( ) ;
. readiness
. fetch_or ( readiness . as_usize ( ) , Ordering ::SeqCst ) ;
// Wake up reader tasks blocked on this I/O handle.
if ! ( readiness & reader_interests ( ) ) . is_empty ( ) {
@ -178,7 +167,7 @@ fn main_loop() -> io::Result<()> {
/// This handle wraps an I/O event source and exposes a "futurized" interface on top of it,
/// implementing traits `AsyncRead` and `AsyncWrite`.
pub struct IoHandle < T : Evented > {
pub struct Watcher < T : Evented > {
/// Data associated with the I/O handle.
entry : Arc < Entry > ,
@ -186,13 +175,13 @@ pub struct IoHandle<T: Evented> {
source : Option < T > ,
impl < T : Evented > IoHandle < T > {
impl < T : Evented > Watcher < T > {
/// Creates a new I/O handle.
/// The provided I/O event source will be kept registered inside the reactor's poller for the
/// lifetime of the returned I/O handle.
pub fn new ( source : T ) -> IoHandle < T > {
IoHandle {
pub fn new ( source : T ) -> Watcher < T > {
Watcher {
entry : REACTOR
. register ( & source )
. expect ( "cannot register an I/O event source" ) ,
@ -205,91 +194,76 @@ impl<T: Evented> IoHandle<T> {
self . source . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( )
/// Polls the I/O handle for reading .
/// Polls the inner I/O source for a non-blocking read operation .
/// If reading from the I/O handle would block, `Poll::Pending` will be returned.
pub fn poll_readable ( & self , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> Poll < io ::Result < ( ) > > {
let mask = reader_interests ( ) ;
let mut readiness = mio ::Ready ::from_usize ( self . entry . readiness . load ( Ordering ::SeqCst ) ) ;
if ( readiness & mask ) . is_empty ( ) {
let mut list = self . entry . readers . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
if list . iter ( ) . all ( | w | ! w . will_wake ( cx . waker ( ) ) ) {
list . push ( cx . waker ( ) . clone ( ) ) ;
readiness = mio ::Ready ::from_usize ( self . entry . readiness . fetch_or ( 0 , Ordering ::SeqCst ) ) ;
/// If the operation returns an error of the `io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock` kind, the current task
/// will be registered for wakeup when the I/O source becomes readable.
pub fn poll_read_with < ' a , F , R > ( & ' a self , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > , mut f : F ) -> Poll < io ::Result < R > >
F : FnMut ( & ' a T ) -> io ::Result < R > ,
// If the operation isn't blocked, return its result.
match f ( self . source . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) {
Err ( err ) if err . kind ( ) = = io ::ErrorKind ::WouldBlock = > { }
res = > return Poll ::Ready ( res ) ,
if ( readiness & mask ) . is_empty ( ) {
Poll ::Pending
} else {
Poll ::Ready ( Ok ( ( ) ) )
// Lock the waker list.
let mut list = self . entry . readers . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// Try running the operation again.
match f ( self . source . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) {
Err ( err ) if err . kind ( ) = = io ::ErrorKind ::WouldBlock = > { }
res = > return Poll ::Ready ( res ) ,
/// Clears the readability status.
/// This method is usually called when an attempt at reading from the OS-level I/O handle
/// returns `io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock`.
pub fn clear_readable ( & self , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> io ::Result < ( ) > {
let mask = reader_interests ( ) - hup ( ) ;
self . entry
. readiness
. fetch_and ( ! mask . as_usize ( ) , Ordering ::SeqCst ) ;
if self . poll_readable ( cx ) ? . is_ready ( ) {
// Wake the current task.
cx . waker ( ) . wake_by_ref ( ) ;
// Register the task if it isn't registered already.
if list . iter ( ) . all ( | w | ! w . will_wake ( cx . waker ( ) ) ) {
list . push ( cx . waker ( ) . clone ( ) ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
Poll ::Pending
/// Polls the I/O handle for writing .
/// Polls the inner I/O source for a non-blocking write operation.
/// If writing into the I/O handle would block, `Poll::Pending` will be returned.
pub fn poll_writable ( & self , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> Poll < io ::Result < ( ) > > {
let mask = writer_interests ( ) ;
let mut readiness = mio ::Ready ::from_usize ( self . entry . readiness . load ( Ordering ::SeqCst ) ) ;
if ( readiness & mask ) . is_empty ( ) {
let mut list = self . entry . writers . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
if list . iter ( ) . all ( | w | ! w . will_wake ( cx . waker ( ) ) ) {
list . push ( cx . waker ( ) . clone ( ) ) ;
readiness = mio ::Ready ::from_usize ( self . entry . readiness . fetch_or ( 0 , Ordering ::SeqCst ) ) ;
/// If the operation returns an error of the `io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock` kind, the current task
/// will be registered for wakeup when the I/O source becomes writable.
pub fn poll_write_with < ' a , F , R > (
& ' a self ,
cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ,
mut f : F ,
) -> Poll < io ::Result < R > >
F : FnMut ( & ' a T ) -> io ::Result < R > ,
// If the operation isn't blocked, return its result.
match f ( self . source . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) {
Err ( err ) if err . kind ( ) = = io ::ErrorKind ::WouldBlock = > { }
res = > return Poll ::Ready ( res ) ,
if ( readiness & mask ) . is_empty ( ) {
Poll ::Pending
} else {
Poll ::Ready ( Ok ( ( ) ) )
// Lock the waker list.
let mut list = self . entry . writers . lock ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// Try running the operation again.
match f ( self . source . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) {
Err ( err ) if err . kind ( ) = = io ::ErrorKind ::WouldBlock = > { }
res = > return Poll ::Ready ( res ) ,
/// Clears the writability status.
/// This method is usually called when an attempt at writing from the OS-level I/O handle
/// returns `io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock`.
pub fn clear_writable ( & self , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> io ::Result < ( ) > {
let mask = writer_interests ( ) - hup ( ) ;
self . entry
. readiness
. fetch_and ( ! mask . as_usize ( ) , Ordering ::SeqCst ) ;
if self . poll_writable ( cx ) ? . is_ready ( ) {
// Wake the current task.
cx . waker ( ) . wake_by_ref ( ) ;
// Register the task if it isn't registered already.
if list . iter ( ) . all ( | w | ! w . will_wake ( cx . waker ( ) ) ) {
list . push ( cx . waker ( ) . clone ( ) ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
Poll ::Pending
/// Deregisters and returns the inner I/O source.
/// This method is typically used to convert `IoHandle`s to raw file descriptors/handles.
/// This method is typically used to convert `Watcher`s to raw file descriptors/handles.
#[ allow(dead_code) ]
pub fn into_inner ( mut self ) -> T {
let source = self . source . take ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
@ -299,7 +273,7 @@ impl<T: Evented> IoHandle<T> {
impl < T : Evented > Drop for IoHandle < T > {
impl < T : Evented > Drop for Watcher < T > {
fn drop ( & mut self ) {
if let Some ( ref source ) = self . source {
@ -309,125 +283,15 @@ impl<T: Evented> Drop for IoHandle<T> {
impl < T : Evented + fmt ::Debug > fmt ::Debug for IoHandle < T > {
impl < T : Evented + fmt ::Debug > fmt ::Debug for Watcher < T > {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
f . debug_struct ( " IoHandle ")
f . debug_struct ( " Watcher ")
. field ( "entry" , & self . entry )
. field ( "source" , & self . source )
. finish ( )
impl < T : Evented + std ::io ::Read + Unpin > AsyncRead for IoHandle < T > {
fn poll_read (
mut self : Pin < & mut Self > ,
cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ,
buf : & mut [ u8 ] ,
) -> Poll < io ::Result < usize > > {
futures_core ::ready ! ( Pin ::new ( & mut * self ) . poll_readable ( cx ) ? ) ;
match self . source . as_mut ( ) . unwrap ( ) . read ( buf ) {
Err ( ref err ) if err . kind ( ) = = io ::ErrorKind ::WouldBlock = > {
self . clear_readable ( cx ) ? ;
Poll ::Pending
res = > Poll ::Ready ( res ) ,
impl < ' a , T : Evented + Unpin > AsyncRead for & ' a IoHandle < T >
& ' a T : std ::io ::Read ,
fn poll_read (
mut self : Pin < & mut Self > ,
cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ,
buf : & mut [ u8 ] ,
) -> Poll < io ::Result < usize > > {
futures_core ::ready ! ( Pin ::new ( & mut * self ) . poll_readable ( cx ) ? ) ;
match self . source . as_ref ( ) . unwrap ( ) . read ( buf ) {
Err ( ref err ) if err . kind ( ) = = io ::ErrorKind ::WouldBlock = > {
self . clear_readable ( cx ) ? ;
Poll ::Pending
res = > Poll ::Ready ( res ) ,
impl < T : Evented + std ::io ::Write + Unpin > AsyncWrite for IoHandle < T > {
fn poll_write (
mut self : Pin < & mut Self > ,
cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ,
buf : & [ u8 ] ,
) -> Poll < io ::Result < usize > > {
futures_core ::ready ! ( self . poll_writable ( cx ) ? ) ;
match self . source . as_mut ( ) . unwrap ( ) . write ( buf ) {
Err ( ref err ) if err . kind ( ) = = io ::ErrorKind ::WouldBlock = > {
self . clear_writable ( cx ) ? ;
Poll ::Pending
res = > Poll ::Ready ( res ) ,
fn poll_flush ( mut self : Pin < & mut Self > , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> Poll < io ::Result < ( ) > > {
futures_core ::ready ! ( self . poll_writable ( cx ) ? ) ;
match self . source . as_mut ( ) . unwrap ( ) . flush ( ) {
Err ( ref err ) if err . kind ( ) = = io ::ErrorKind ::WouldBlock = > {
self . clear_writable ( cx ) ? ;
Poll ::Pending
res = > Poll ::Ready ( res ) ,
fn poll_close ( self : Pin < & mut Self > , _cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> Poll < io ::Result < ( ) > > {
Poll ::Ready ( Ok ( ( ) ) )
impl < ' a , T : Evented + Unpin > AsyncWrite for & ' a IoHandle < T >
& ' a T : std ::io ::Write ,
fn poll_write (
self : Pin < & mut Self > ,
cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ,
buf : & [ u8 ] ,
) -> Poll < io ::Result < usize > > {
futures_core ::ready ! ( self . poll_writable ( cx ) ? ) ;
match self . get_ref ( ) . write ( buf ) {
Err ( ref err ) if err . kind ( ) = = io ::ErrorKind ::WouldBlock = > {
self . clear_writable ( cx ) ? ;
Poll ::Pending
res = > Poll ::Ready ( res ) ,
fn poll_flush ( self : Pin < & mut Self > , cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> Poll < io ::Result < ( ) > > {
futures_core ::ready ! ( self . poll_writable ( cx ) ? ) ;
match self . get_ref ( ) . flush ( ) {
Err ( ref err ) if err . kind ( ) = = io ::ErrorKind ::WouldBlock = > {
self . clear_writable ( cx ) ? ;
Poll ::Pending
res = > Poll ::Ready ( res ) ,
fn poll_close ( self : Pin < & mut Self > , _cx : & mut Context < ' _ > ) -> Poll < io ::Result < ( ) > > {
Poll ::Ready ( Ok ( ( ) ) )
/// Returns a mask containing flags that interest tasks reading from I/O handles.
#[ inline ]
fn reader_interests ( ) -> mio ::Ready {