241: Simplify extension traits using a macro r=yoshuawuyts a=stjepang
This PR would fix#235
Async methods in our extension traits are now written in the simpler `-> impl Future<Output = T> [ConcreteFuture<Self>]` style. At the same time, doc tests are used even when the `docs` feature is not enabled.
Co-authored-by: Stjepan Glavina <stjepang@gmail.com>
243: future docs r=stjepang a=yoshuawuyts
Docs for futures concurrency. We currently don't have anything, and I figured this would be helpful in pointing folks in the right direction. Thanks!
## Screenshot

Co-authored-by: Yoshua Wuyts <yoshuawuyts@gmail.com>
224: Re-export IO traits from futures r=stjepang a=stjepang
Sorry for the big PR!
Instead of providing our own traits `async_std::io::{Read, Write, Seek, BufRead}`, we now re-export `futures::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, AsyncSeek, AsyncRead}`. While re-exporting we rename them to strip away the "Async" prefix.
The documentation will display the contents of the original traits from the `futures` crate together with our own extension methods. There's a note in the docs saying the extenion methods become available only when `async_std::prelude::*` is imported.
Our extension traits are re-exported into the prelude, but are marked with `#[doc(hidden)]` so they're completely invisible to users.
The benefit of this is that people can now implement traits from `async_std::io` for their types and stay compatible with `futures`. This will also simplify some trait bounds in our APIs - for example, things like `where Self: futures_io::AsyncRead`.
At the same time, I cleaned up some trait bounds in our stream interfaces, but haven't otherwise fiddled with them much.
I intend to follow up with another PR doing the same change for `Stream` so that we re-export the stream trait from `futures`.
Co-authored-by: Stjepan Glavina <stjepang@gmail.com>
233: adds stream::chain combinator r=stjepang a=montekki
Adds a `Chain` combinator and Introduces some changes to `Fuse` so it's usable in this case, but those need a closer look.
Ref: #129
Stdlib: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#method.chain
Co-authored-by: Fedor Sakharov <fedor.sakharov@gmail.com>