use std::fs; use std::future::Future; use std::io; use std::pin::Pin; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::task::{Context, Poll}; use futures::Stream; use super::DirEntry; use crate::task::blocking; /// A stream over entries in a directory. /// /// This stream is returned by [`read_dir`] and yields items of type /// [`io::Result`]`<`[`DirEntry`]`>`. Each [`DirEntry`] can then retrieve information like entry's /// path or metadata. /// /// This type is an async version of [`std::fs::ReadDir`]. /// /// [`read_dir`]: fn.read_dir.html /// [`io::Result`]: /// [`DirEntry`]: struct.DirEntry.html /// [`std::fs::ReadDir`]: #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ReadDir(Mutex); /// The state of an asynchronous `ReadDir`. /// /// The `ReadDir` can be either idle or busy performing an asynchronous operation. #[derive(Debug)] enum State { Idle(Option), Busy(blocking::JoinHandle), } /// Inner representation of an asynchronous `DirEntry`. #[derive(Debug)] struct Inner { /// The blocking handle. read_dir: fs::ReadDir, /// The next item in the stream. item: Option>, } impl ReadDir { /// Creates an asynchronous `ReadDir` from a synchronous handle. pub(crate) fn new(inner: fs::ReadDir) -> ReadDir { ReadDir(Mutex::new(State::Idle(Some(Inner { read_dir: inner, item: None, })))) } } impl Stream for ReadDir { type Item = io::Result; fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { let state = &mut *self.0.lock().unwrap(); loop { match state { State::Idle(opt) => { let inner = match opt.as_mut() { None => return Poll::Ready(None), Some(inner) => inner, }; // Check if the operation has completed. if let Some(res) = inner.item.take() { return Poll::Ready(Some(res)); } else { let mut inner = opt.take().unwrap(); // Start the operation asynchronously. *state = State::Busy(blocking::spawn(async move { match { None => State::Idle(None), Some(res) => { inner.item = Some(; State::Idle(Some(inner)) } } })); } } // Poll the asynchronous operation the file is currently blocked on. State::Busy(task) => *state = futures::ready!(Pin::new(task).poll(cx)), } } } }