use std::cell::{Cell, UnsafeCell}; use std::fmt::Arguments; use std::future::Future; use std::io; use std::mem; use std::panic::{self, AssertUnwindSafe}; use std::pin::Pin; use std::ptr; use std::thread; use crossbeam::channel::{unbounded, Sender}; use futures::prelude::*; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use super::task; use super::{JoinHandle, Task}; /// Returns a handle to the current task. /// /// # Panics /// /// This function will panic if not called within the context of a task created by [`block_on`], /// [`spawn`], or [`Builder::spawn`]. /// /// [`block_on`]: fn.block_on.html /// [`spawn`]: fn.spawn.html /// [`Builder::spawn`]: struct.Builder.html#method.spawn /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// # #![feature(async_await)] /// use async_std::task::current; /// /// # async_std::task::block_on(async { /// println!("The name of this task is {:?}", current().name()); /// # }); pub fn current() -> Task { get_task(|task| task.clone()).expect("`task::current()` called outside the context of a task") } /// Spawns a task. /// /// This function is similar to [`std::thread::spawn`], except it spawns an asynchronous task. /// /// [`std::thread`]: /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// # #![feature(async_await)] /// use async_std::task; /// /// # async_std::task::block_on(async { /// let handle = task::spawn(async { /// 1 + 2 /// }); /// /// assert_eq!(handle.await, 3); /// # }); /// ``` pub fn spawn(future: F) -> JoinHandle where F: Future + Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static, { spawn_with_builder(Builder::new(), future, "spawn") } /// Spawns a task and blocks the current thread on its result. /// /// Calling this function is similar to [spawning] a thread and immediately [joining] it, except an /// asynchronous task will be spawned. /// /// [spawning]: /// [joining]: /// /// # Examples /// /// ```no_run /// # #![feature(async_await)] /// use async_std::task; /// /// fn main() { /// task::block_on(async { /// println!("Hello, world!"); /// }) /// } /// ``` pub fn block_on(future: F) -> T where F: Future + Send, T: Send, { unsafe { // A place on the stack where the result will be stored. let out = &mut UnsafeCell::new(None); // Wrap the future into one that stores the result into `out`. let future = { let out = out.get(); async move { let v = AssertUnwindSafe(future).catch_unwind().await; *out = Some(v); } }; // Pin the future onto the stack. futures::pin_mut!(future); // Transmute the future into one that is static and sendable. let future = mem::transmute::< Pin<&mut dyn Future>, Pin<&'static mut (dyn Future + Send)>, >(future); // Spawn the future and wait for it to complete. futures::executor::block_on(spawn_with_builder(Builder::new(), future, "block_on")); // Take out the result. match (*out.get()).take().unwrap() { Ok(v) => v, Err(err) => panic::resume_unwind(err), } } } /// Task builder that configures the settings of a new task. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Builder { pub(crate) name: Option, } impl Builder { /// Creates a new builder. pub fn new() -> Builder { Builder { name: None } } /// Configures the name of the task. pub fn name(mut self, name: String) -> Builder { = Some(name); self } /// Spawns a task with the configured settings. pub fn spawn(self, future: F) -> io::Result> where F: Future + Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static, { Ok(spawn_with_builder(self, future, "spawn")) } } pub(crate) fn spawn_with_builder( builder: Builder, future: F, fn_name: &'static str, ) -> JoinHandle where F: Future + Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static, { let Builder { name } = builder; type Job = async_task::Task; lazy_static! { static ref QUEUE: Sender = { let (sender, receiver) = unbounded::(); for _ in 0..num_cpus::get().max(1) { let receiver = receiver.clone(); thread::Builder::new() .name("async-task-driver".to_string()) .spawn(|| { TAG.with(|tag| { for job in receiver { tag.set(job.tag()); abort_on_panic(||; tag.set(ptr::null()); } }); }) .expect("cannot start a thread driving tasks"); } sender }; } let tag = task::Tag::new(name); let schedule = |job| QUEUE.send(job).unwrap(); let child_id = tag.task_id().as_u64(); let parent_id = get_task(|t|; print( format_args!("{}", fn_name), LogData { parent_id, child_id, }, ); // Wrap the future into one that drops task-local variables on exit. let future = async move { let res = future.await; // Abort on panic because thread-local variables behave the same way. abort_on_panic(|| get_task(|task| task.metadata().local_map.clear())); print( format_args!("{} completed", fn_name), LogData { parent_id, child_id, }, ); res }; let (task, handle) = async_task::spawn(future, schedule, tag); task.schedule(); JoinHandle::new(handle) } thread_local! { static TAG: Cell<*const task::Tag> = Cell::new(ptr::null_mut()); } pub(crate) fn get_task R, R>(f: F) -> Option { let res = TAG.try_with(|tag| unsafe { tag.get().as_ref().map(task::Tag::task).map(f) }); match res { Ok(Some(val)) => Some(val), Ok(None) | Err(_) => None, } } /// Calls a function and aborts if it panics. /// /// This is useful in unsafe code where we can't recover from panics. #[inline] fn abort_on_panic(f: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> T { struct Bomb; impl Drop for Bomb { fn drop(&mut self) { std::process::abort(); } } let bomb = Bomb; let t = f(); mem::forget(bomb); t } /// This struct only exists because kv logging isn't supported from the macros right now. struct LogData { parent_id: u64, child_id: u64, } impl<'a> log::kv::Source for LogData { fn visit<'kvs>( &'kvs self, visitor: &mut dyn log::kv::Visitor<'kvs>, ) -> Result<(), log::kv::Error> { visitor.visit_pair("parent_id".into(), self.parent_id.into())?; visitor.visit_pair("child_id".into(), self.child_id.into())?; Ok(()) } } fn print(msg: Arguments<'_>, key_values: impl log::kv::Source) { log::logger().log( &log::Record::builder() .args(msg) .key_values(&key_values) .level(log::Level::Trace) .target(module_path!()) .module_path(Some(module_path!())) .file(Some(file!())) .line(Some(line!())) .build(), ); }