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use std::io::IoSlice;
use std::mem;
use std::pin::Pin;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use futures::io::AsyncWrite;
use crate::future::Future;
use crate::io;
use crate::task::{Context, Poll};
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "docs")] {
pub struct ImplFuture<'a, T>(std::marker::PhantomData<&'a T>);
macro_rules! ret {
($a:lifetime, $f:tt, $o:ty) => (ImplFuture<$a, $o>);
} else {
macro_rules! ret {
($a:lifetime, $f:tt, $o:ty) => ($f<$a, Self>);
/// Allows writing to a byte stream.
/// This trait is an async version of [`std::io::Write`].
/// While it is currently not possible to implement this trait directly, it gets implemented
/// automatically for all types that implement [`futures::io::AsyncWrite`].
/// [`std::io::Write`]:
/// [`futures::io::AsyncWrite`]:
/// https://docs/futures-preview/0.3.0-alpha.17/futures/io/trait.AsyncWrite.html
pub trait Write {
/// Writes some bytes into the byte stream.
/// Returns the number of bytes written from the start of the buffer.
/// If the return value is `Ok(n)` then it must be guaranteed that `0 <= n <= buf.len()`. A
/// return value of `0` typically means that the underlying object is no longer able to accept
/// bytes and will likely not be able to in the future as well, or that the buffer provided is
/// empty.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # #![feature(async_await)]
/// # fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { async_std::task::block_on(async {
/// #
/// use async_std::{fs::File, prelude::*};
/// let mut f = File::create("a.txt").await?;
/// let n = f.write(b"hello world").await?;
/// #
/// # Ok(()) }) }
/// ```
fn write<'a>(&'a mut self, buf: &'a [u8]) -> ret!('a, WriteFuture, io::Result<usize>)
Self: Unpin;
/// Flushes the stream to ensure that all buffered contents reach their destination.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # #![feature(async_await)]
/// # fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { async_std::task::block_on(async {
/// #
/// use async_std::{fs::File, prelude::*};
/// let mut f = File::create("a.txt").await?;
/// f.write_all(b"hello world").await?;
/// f.flush().await?;
/// #
/// # Ok(()) }) }
/// ```
fn flush(&mut self) -> ret!('_, FlushFuture, io::Result<()>)
Self: Unpin;
/// Like [`write`], except that it writes from a slice of buffers.
/// Data is copied from each buffer in order, with the final buffer read from possibly being
/// only partially consumed. This method must behave as a call to [`write`] with the buffers
/// concatenated would.
/// The default implementation calls [`write`] with either the first nonempty buffer provided,
/// or an empty one if none exists.
/// [`write`]: #tymethod.write
fn write_vectored<'a>(
&'a mut self,
bufs: &'a [IoSlice<'a>],
) -> ret!('a, WriteVectoredFuture, io::Result<usize>)
Self: Unpin,
WriteVectoredFuture { writer: self, bufs }
/// Writes an entire buffer into the byte stream.
/// This method will continuously call [`write`] until there is no more data to be written or
/// an error is returned. This method will not return until the entire buffer has been
/// successfully written or such an error occurs.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # #![feature(async_await)]
/// # fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { async_std::task::block_on(async {
/// #
/// use async_std::{fs::File, prelude::*};
/// let mut f = File::create("a.txt").await?;
/// f.write_all(b"hello world").await?;
/// #
/// # Ok(()) }) }
/// ```
fn write_all<'a>(&'a mut self, buf: &'a [u8]) -> ret!('a, WriteAllFuture, io::Result<()>)
Self: Unpin,
WriteAllFuture { writer: self, buf }
impl<T: AsyncWrite + Unpin + ?Sized> Write for T {
fn write<'a>(&'a mut self, buf: &'a [u8]) -> ret!('a, WriteFuture, io::Result<usize>) {
WriteFuture { writer: self, buf }
fn flush(&mut self) -> ret!('_, FlushFuture, io::Result<()>) {
FlushFuture { writer: self }
pub struct WriteFuture<'a, T: Unpin + ?Sized> {
writer: &'a mut T,
buf: &'a [u8],
impl<T: AsyncWrite + Unpin + ?Sized> Future for WriteFuture<'_, T> {
type Output = io::Result<usize>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let buf = self.buf;
Pin::new(&mut *self.writer).poll_write(cx, buf)
pub struct FlushFuture<'a, T: Unpin + ?Sized> {
writer: &'a mut T,
impl<T: AsyncWrite + Unpin + ?Sized> Future for FlushFuture<'_, T> {
type Output = io::Result<()>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
Pin::new(&mut *self.writer).poll_flush(cx)
pub struct WriteVectoredFuture<'a, T: Unpin + ?Sized> {
writer: &'a mut T,
bufs: &'a [IoSlice<'a>],
impl<T: AsyncWrite + Unpin + ?Sized> Future for WriteVectoredFuture<'_, T> {
type Output = io::Result<usize>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let bufs = self.bufs;
Pin::new(&mut *self.writer).poll_write_vectored(cx, bufs)
pub struct WriteAllFuture<'a, T: Unpin + ?Sized> {
writer: &'a mut T,
buf: &'a [u8],
impl<T: AsyncWrite + Unpin + ?Sized> Future for WriteAllFuture<'_, T> {
type Output = io::Result<()>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let Self { writer, buf } = &mut *self;
while !buf.is_empty() {
let n = futures::ready!(Pin::new(&mut **writer).poll_write(cx, buf))?;
let (_, rest) = mem::replace(buf, &[]).split_at(n);
*buf = rest;
if n == 0 {
return Poll::Ready(Err(io::ErrorKind::WriteZero.into()));