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276 lines
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10 years ago
#include "controller.hpp"
#include <osg/MatrixTransform>
#include <osg/TexMat>
#include <osgAnimation/MorphGeometry>
#include <components/nif/data.hpp>
namespace NifOsg
float ValueInterpolator::interpKey(const Nif::FloatKeyMap::MapType &keys, float time, float def) const
if (keys.size() == 0)
return def;
if(time <= keys.begin()->first)
return keys.begin()->second.mValue;
Nif::FloatKeyMap::MapType::const_iterator it = keys.lower_bound(time);
if (it != keys.end())
float aTime = it->first;
const Nif::FloatKey* aKey = &it->second;
assert (it != keys.begin()); // Shouldn't happen, was checked at beginning of this function
Nif::FloatKeyMap::MapType::const_iterator last = --it;
float aLastTime = last->first;
const Nif::FloatKey* aLastKey = &last->second;
float a = (time - aLastTime) / (aTime - aLastTime);
return aLastKey->mValue + ((aKey->mValue - aLastKey->mValue) * a);
return keys.rbegin()->second.mValue;
osg::Vec3f ValueInterpolator::interpKey(const Nif::Vector3KeyMap::MapType &keys, float time) const
if(time <= keys.begin()->first)
return keys.begin()->second.mValue;
Nif::Vector3KeyMap::MapType::const_iterator it = keys.lower_bound(time);
if (it != keys.end())
float aTime = it->first;
const Nif::KeyT<osg::Vec3f>* aKey = &it->second;
assert (it != keys.begin()); // Shouldn't happen, was checked at beginning of this function
Nif::Vector3KeyMap::MapType::const_iterator last = --it;
float aLastTime = last->first;
const Nif::KeyT<osg::Vec3f>* aLastKey = &last->second;
float a = (time - aLastTime) / (aTime - aLastTime);
return aLastKey->mValue + ((aKey->mValue - aLastKey->mValue) * a);
return keys.rbegin()->second.mValue;
ControllerFunction::ControllerFunction(const Nif::Controller *ctrl, bool deltaInput)
: mDeltaInput(deltaInput)
, mFrequency(ctrl->frequency)
, mPhase(ctrl->phase)
, mStartTime(ctrl->timeStart)
, mStopTime(ctrl->timeStop)
, mDeltaCount(0.f)
mDeltaCount = mPhase;
float ControllerFunction::calculate(float value)
if (mStopTime - mStartTime == 0.f)
return 0.f;
mDeltaCount += value*mFrequency;
if(mDeltaCount < mStartTime)
mDeltaCount = mStopTime - std::fmod(mStartTime - mDeltaCount,
mStopTime - mStartTime);
mDeltaCount = std::fmod(mDeltaCount - mStartTime,
mStopTime - mStartTime) + mStartTime;
return mDeltaCount;
value = std::min(mStopTime, std::max(mStartTime, value+mPhase));
return value;
osg::Quat KeyframeController::Value::interpKey(const Nif::QuaternionKeyMap::MapType &keys, float time)
if(time <= keys.begin()->first)
return keys.begin()->second.mValue;
Nif::QuaternionKeyMap::MapType::const_iterator it = keys.lower_bound(time);
if (it != keys.end())
float aTime = it->first;
const Nif::QuaternionKey* aKey = &it->second;
assert (it != keys.begin()); // Shouldn't happen, was checked at beginning of this function
Nif::QuaternionKeyMap::MapType::const_iterator last = --it;
float aLastTime = last->first;
const Nif::QuaternionKey* aLastKey = &last->second;
float a = (time - aLastTime) / (aTime - aLastTime);
osg::Quat v1 = aLastKey->mValue;
osg::Quat v2 = aKey->mValue;
// don't take the long path
if (v1.x()*v2.x() + v1.y()*v2.y() + v1.z()*v2.z() + v1.w()*v2.w() < 0) // dotProduct(v1,v2)
v1 = -v1;
osg::Quat result;
result.slerp(a, v1, v2);
return result;
return keys.rbegin()->second.mValue;
osg::Quat KeyframeController::Value::getXYZRotation(float time) const
float xrot = interpKey(mXRotations->mKeys, time);
float yrot = interpKey(mYRotations->mKeys, time);
float zrot = interpKey(mZRotations->mKeys, time);
osg::Quat xr(xrot, osg::Vec3f(1,0,0));
osg::Quat yr(yrot, osg::Vec3f(0,1,0));
osg::Quat zr(zrot, osg::Vec3f(0,0,1));
return (zr*yr*xr);
KeyframeController::Value::Value(osg::Node *target, const Nif::NIFFilePtr &nif, const Nif::NiKeyframeData *data,
osg::Quat initialQuat, float initialScale)
: NodeTargetValue(target)
, mRotations(&data->mRotations)
, mXRotations(&data->mXRotations)
, mYRotations(&data->mYRotations)
, mZRotations(&data->mZRotations)
, mTranslations(&data->mTranslations)
, mScales(&data->mScales)
, mNif(nif)
, mInitialQuat(initialQuat)
, mInitialScale(initialScale)
{ }
osg::Vec3f KeyframeController::Value::getTranslation(float time) const
if(mTranslations->mKeys.size() > 0)
return interpKey(mTranslations->mKeys, time);
osg::MatrixTransform* trans = static_cast<osg::MatrixTransform*>(mNode);
return trans->getMatrix().getTrans();
void KeyframeController::Value::setValue(float time)
osg::MatrixTransform* trans = static_cast<osg::MatrixTransform*>(mNode);
osg::Matrix mat = trans->getMatrix();
if(mRotations->mKeys.size() > 0)
mat.setRotate(interpKey(mRotations->mKeys, time));
else if (!mXRotations->mKeys.empty() || !mYRotations->mKeys.empty() || !mZRotations->mKeys.empty())
// let's hope no one's using multiple KeyframeControllers on the same node (not that would make any sense...)
float scale = mInitialScale;
if(mScales->mKeys.size() > 0)
scale = interpKey(mScales->mKeys, time);
for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
for (int j=0;j<3;++j)
mat(i,j) *= scale;
if(mTranslations->mKeys.size() > 0)
mat.setTrans(interpKey(mTranslations->mKeys, time));
Controller::Controller(boost::shared_ptr<ControllerSource> src, boost::shared_ptr<ControllerValue> dest, boost::shared_ptr<ControllerFunction> function)
: mSource(src)
, mDestValue(dest)
, mFunction(function)
void Controller::update()
if (mSource.get())
GeomMorpherController::Value::Value(osgAnimation::MorphGeometry *geom, const Nif::NiMorphData* morphData)
: mGeom(geom)
, mMorphs(morphData->mMorphs)
void GeomMorpherController::Value::setValue(float time)
if (mMorphs.size() <= 1)
int i = 0;
for (std::vector<Nif::NiMorphData::MorphData>::iterator it = mMorphs.begin()+1; it != mMorphs.end(); ++it,++i)
float val = 0;
if (!it->mData.mKeys.empty())
val = interpKey(it->mData.mKeys, time);
val = std::max(0.f, std::min(1.f, val));
mGeom->setWeight(i, val);
UVController::Value::Value(osg::StateSet *target, const Nif::NiUVData *data, std::set<int> textureUnits)
: mStateSet(target)
, mUTrans(data->mKeyList[0])
, mVTrans(data->mKeyList[1])
, mUScale(data->mKeyList[2])
, mVScale(data->mKeyList[3])
, mTextureUnits(textureUnits)
void UVController::Value::setValue(float value)
float uTrans = interpKey(mUTrans.mKeys, value, 0.0f);
float vTrans = interpKey(mVTrans.mKeys, value, 0.0f);
float uScale = interpKey(mUScale.mKeys, value, 1.0f);
float vScale = interpKey(mVScale.mKeys, value, 1.0f);
osg::Matrixf mat = osg::Matrixf::scale(uScale, vScale, 1);
mat.setTrans(uTrans, vTrans, 0);
osg::TexMat* texMat = new osg::TexMat;
for (std::set<int>::const_iterator it = mTextureUnits.begin(); it != mTextureUnits.end(); ++it)
mStateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes(*it, texMat, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
bool VisController::Value::calculate(float time) const
if(mData.size() == 0)
return true;
for(size_t i = 1;i < mData.size();i++)
if(mData[i].time > time)
return mData[i-1].isSet;
return mData.back().isSet;
void VisController::Value::setValue(float time)
bool vis = calculate(time);
mNode->setNodeMask(vis ? ~0 : 0);