@ -5,12 +5,8 @@
#include <components/files/configurationmanager.hpp>
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
#include <components/contentselector/model/naturalsort.hpp>
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <OgreRoot.h>
#include "setting.hpp"
#include "support.hpp"
#include <QTextCodec>
@ -32,12 +28,9 @@ namespace boost
} /* namespace boost */
#endif /* (BOOST_VERSION <= 104600) */
namespace CSMSettings
UserSettings *UserSettings::mUserSettingsInstance = 0;
CSMSettings::UserSettings *CSMSettings::UserSettings::mUserSettingsInstance = 0;
UserSettings::UserSettings (const Files::ConfigurationManager& configurationManager)
CSMSettings::UserSettings::UserSettings (const Files::ConfigurationManager& configurationManager)
: mCfgMgr (configurationManager)
, mSettingDefinitions(NULL)
, mSettingCfgDefinitions(NULL)
@ -51,13 +44,13 @@ UserSettings::UserSettings (const Files::ConfigurationManager& configurationMana
mSettingCfgDefinitions = new QSettings(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, "", QString(), this);
void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
void CSMSettings::UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
QString page;
QString section;
page = "Objects";
section = "Objects";
Setting *numLights = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, page, "num lights");
Setting *numLights = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "num lights");
numLights->setColumnSpan (1);
@ -66,7 +59,7 @@ void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
numLights->setWidgetWidth (10);
numLights->setViewLocation(1, 2);
Setting *shaders = createSetting (Type_CheckBox, page, "shaders");
Setting *shaders = createSetting (Type_CheckBox, section, "shaders");
shaders->setDeclaredValues(QStringList() << "true" << "false");
@ -77,9 +70,9 @@ void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
shaders->setViewLocation(2, 1);
page = "Scene";
section = "Scene";
Setting *fastFactor = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, page, "fast factor");
Setting *fastFactor = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "fast factor");
fastFactor->setColumnSpan (1);
@ -91,7 +84,7 @@ void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
fastFactor->setWidgetWidth (10);
fastFactor->setViewLocation(1, 2);
Setting *farClipDist = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, page, "far clip distance");
Setting *farClipDist = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "far clip distance");
farClipDist->setColumnSpan (1);
@ -100,7 +93,7 @@ void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
farClipDist->setWidgetWidth (10);
farClipDist->setViewLocation(2, 2);
Setting *timerStart = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, page, "timer start");
Setting *timerStart = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "timer start");
timerStart->setColumnSpan (1);
@ -110,10 +103,43 @@ void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
timerStart->setViewLocation(3, 2);
page = "Window Size";
section = "SubView";
Setting *width = createSetting (Type_LineEdit, page, "Width");
Setting *height = createSetting (Type_LineEdit, page, "Height");
Setting *maxSubView = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "max subviews");
maxSubView->setColumnSpan (1);
maxSubView->setMinimum (1);
maxSubView->setSpecialValueText("1"); // workaround for setMinimum
maxSubView->setMaximum (100); // FIXME: not sure what the max value should be
maxSubView->setWidgetWidth (10);
maxSubView->setViewLocation(1, 2);
Setting *minWidth = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section, "minimum width");
minWidth->setColumnSpan (1);
minWidth->setMinimum (50);
maxSubView->setSpecialValueText("50"); // workaround for setMinimum
minWidth->setMaximum (10000); // FIXME: not sure what the max value should be
minWidth->setWidgetWidth (10);
minWidth->setViewLocation(2, 2);
Setting *reuse = createSetting (Type_CheckBox, section, "reuse");
reuse->setDeclaredValues(QStringList() << "true" << "false");
reuse->setSpecialValueText("Reuse SubView");
reuse->setColumnSpan (3);
reuse->setStyleSheet ("QGroupBox { border: 0px; }");
reuse->setViewLocation(3, 2);
section = "Window Size";
Setting *width = createSetting (Type_LineEdit, section, "Width");
Setting *height = createSetting (Type_LineEdit, section, "Height");
width->setWidgetWidth (5);
height->setWidgetWidth (8);
@ -130,7 +156,7 @@ void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
*Create the proxy setting for predefined values
Setting *preDefined = createSetting (Type_ComboBox, page,
Setting *preDefined = createSetting (Type_ComboBox, section,
preDefined->setDeclaredValues (QStringList() << "640 x 480"
@ -149,7 +175,7 @@ void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
page = "Display Format";
section = "Display Format";
QString defaultValue = "Icon and Text";
@ -157,10 +183,10 @@ void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
<< defaultValue << "Icon Only" << "Text Only";
Setting *rsd = createSetting (Type_RadioButton,
page, "Record Status Display");
section, "Record Status Display");
Setting *ritd = createSetting (Type_RadioButton,
page, "Referenceable ID Type Display");
section, "Referenceable ID Type Display");
rsd->setDeclaredValues (values);
ritd->setDeclaredValues (values);
@ -169,7 +195,7 @@ void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
ritd->setEditorSetting (true);
page = "Proxy Selection Test";
section = "Proxy Selection Test";
* There are three types of values:
@ -197,30 +223,30 @@ void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
//create setting objects, specifying the basic widget type,
//the page name, and the view name
Setting *masterBoolean = createSetting (Type_RadioButton, page,
Setting *masterBoolean = createSetting (Type_RadioButton, section,
"Master Proxy");
Setting *slaveBoolean = createSetting (Type_CheckBox, page,
Setting *slaveBoolean = createSetting (Type_CheckBox, section,
"Proxy Checkboxes");
Setting *slaveSingleText = createSetting (Type_LineEdit, page,
Setting *slaveSingleText = createSetting (Type_LineEdit, section,
"Proxy TextBox 1");
Setting *slaveMultiText = createSetting (Type_LineEdit, page,
Setting *slaveMultiText = createSetting (Type_LineEdit, section,
"ProxyTextBox 2");
Setting *slaveAlphaSpinbox = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, page,
Setting *slaveAlphaSpinbox = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section,
"Alpha Spinbox");
Setting *slaveIntegerSpinbox = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, page,
Setting *slaveIntegerSpinbox = createSetting (Type_SpinBox, section,
"Int Spinbox");
Setting *slaveDoubleSpinbox = createSetting (Type_DoubleSpinBox,
page, "Double Spinbox");
section, "Double Spinbox");
Setting *slaveSlider = createSetting (Type_Slider, page, "Slider");
Setting *slaveSlider = createSetting (Type_Slider, section, "Slider");
Setting *slaveDial = createSetting (Type_Dial, page, "Dial");
Setting *slaveDial = createSetting (Type_Dial, section, "Dial");
//set declared values for selected views
masterBoolean->setDeclaredValues (QStringList()
@ -343,12 +369,12 @@ void UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
mUserSettingsInstance = 0;
void UserSettings::loadSettings (const QString &fileName)
void CSMSettings::UserSettings::loadSettings (const QString &fileName)
QString userFilePath = QString::fromUtf8
@ -375,128 +401,13 @@ void UserSettings::loadSettings (const QString &fileName)
mSettingDefinitions = new QSettings
(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, "opencs", QString(), this);
// prepare to use the settings from settings.cfg
const std::string localdefault = mCfgMgr.getLocalPath().string() + "/settings-default.cfg";
const std::string globaldefault = mCfgMgr.getGlobalPath().string() + "/settings-default.cfg";
Settings::Manager settings;
// prefer local
if (boost::filesystem::exists(localdefault))
else if (boost::filesystem::exists(globaldefault))
std::cerr<< "No default settings file found! Make sure the file \"settings-default.cfg\" was properly installed."<< std::endl;
// load user settings if they exist, otherwise just load the default settings as user settings
const std::string settingspath = mCfgMgr.getUserConfigPath().string() + "/settings.cfg";
if (boost::filesystem::exists(settingspath))
else if (boost::filesystem::exists(localdefault))
else if (boost::filesystem::exists(globaldefault))
std::string renderSystem = settings.getString("render system", "Video");
if(renderSystem == "")
renderSystem = "Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem";
renderSystem = "OpenGL Rendering Subsystem";
mSettingCfgDefinitions->setValue("Video/render system", renderSystem.c_str());
std::string currShader = settings.getString("shader mode", "General");
// can't call Ogre::Root at this point as it hasn't been initialised
QString rend = renderSystem.c_str();
bool openGL = rend.contains(QRegExp("^OpenGL", Qt::CaseInsensitive));
bool glES = rend.contains(QRegExp("^OpenGL ES", Qt::CaseInsensitive));
// force shader language based on render system
if(currShader == ""
|| (openGL && currShader == "hlsl")
|| (!openGL && currShader == "glsl")
|| (glES && currShader != "glsles"))
QString shader = openGL ? (glES ? "glsles" : "glsl") : "hlsl";
mSettingDefinitions->setValue("shader mode", shader); //no group means "General" group
// check if override entry exists (default: disabled)
if(!mSettingDefinitions->childGroups().contains("Video", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
mSettingDefinitions->setValue("Video/use settings.cfg", "false");
QStringList UserSettings::getOgreRenderers()
Ogre::RenderSystemList renderers = Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getAvailableRenderers();
Ogre::RenderSystemList::iterator it = renderers.begin();
for(; it != renderers.end(); ++it)
return mOgreRenderers;
QStringList UserSettings::getOgreOptions(const QString &key, const QString &renderer)
QStringList result;
Ogre::RenderSystem *rend = Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystemByName(renderer.toStdString());
return result;
Ogre::ConfigOptionMap& renderOpt = rend->getConfigOptions();
Ogre::ConfigOptionMap::iterator it = renderOpt.begin();
uint row = 0;
for(; it != renderOpt.end(); ++it, ++row)
Ogre::StringVector::iterator opt_it = it->second.possibleValues.begin();
uint idx = 0;
for(; opt_it != it->second.possibleValues.end(); ++opt_it, ++idx)
if(strcmp (key.toStdString().c_str(), it->first.c_str()) == 0)
result << ((key == "FSAA") ? QString("MSAA ") : QString(""))
+ QString::fromStdString((*opt_it).c_str()).simplified();
// Sort ascending
qSort(result.begin(), result.end(), naturalSortLessThanCI);
// Replace the zero option with Off
int index = result.indexOf("MSAA 0");
if(index != -1)
result.replace(index, QObject::tr("Off"));
return result;
QStringList UserSettings::getShaderLanguageByRenderer(const QString &renderer)
QStringList result;
if(renderer == "Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem")
else if(renderer == "OpenGL Rendering Subsystem")
else if(renderer.contains(QRegExp("^OpenGL ES", Qt::CaseInsensitive)))
return result;
// if the key is not found create one with a defaut value
QString UserSettings::setting(const QString &viewKey, const QStringList &list)
QString CSMSettings::UserSettings::setting(const QString &viewKey, const QStringList &list)
return settingValue(viewKey);
@ -509,22 +420,23 @@ QString UserSettings::setting(const QString &viewKey, const QStringList &list)
return QString();
bool UserSettings::hasSettingDefinitions (const QString &viewKey) const
bool CSMSettings::UserSettings::hasSettingDefinitions (const QString &viewKey) const
return (mSettingDefinitions->contains (viewKey));
void UserSettings::setDefinitions (const QString &key, const QStringList &list)
void CSMSettings::UserSettings::setDefinitions
(const QString &key, const QStringList &list)
mSettingDefinitions->setValue (key, list);
void UserSettings::saveDefinitions() const
void CSMSettings::UserSettings::saveDefinitions() const
QString UserSettings::settingValue (const QString &settingKey)
QString CSMSettings::UserSettings::settingValue (const QString &settingKey)
QStringList defs;
@ -552,20 +464,22 @@ QString UserSettings::settingValue (const QString &settingKey)
return defs.at(0);
UserSettings& UserSettings::instance()
CSMSettings::UserSettings& CSMSettings::UserSettings::instance()
return *mUserSettingsInstance;
void UserSettings::updateUserSetting(const QString &settingKey, const QStringList &list)
void CSMSettings::UserSettings::updateUserSetting(const QString &settingKey,
const QStringList &list)
mSettingDefinitions->setValue (settingKey ,list);
emit userSettingUpdated (settingKey, list);
Setting *UserSettings::findSetting (const QString &pageName, const QString &settingName)
CSMSettings::Setting *CSMSettings::UserSettings::findSetting
(const QString &pageName, const QString &settingName)
foreach (Setting *setting, mSettings)
@ -578,7 +492,8 @@ Setting *UserSettings::findSetting (const QString &pageName, const QString &sett
return 0;
void UserSettings::removeSetting (const QString &pageName, const QString &settingName)
void CSMSettings::UserSettings::removeSetting
(const QString &pageName, const QString &settingName)
if (mSettings.isEmpty())
@ -599,7 +514,7 @@ void UserSettings::removeSetting (const QString &pageName, const QString &settin
SettingPageMap UserSettings::settingPageMap() const
CSMSettings::SettingPageMap CSMSettings::UserSettings::settingPageMap() const
SettingPageMap pageMap;
@ -609,8 +524,8 @@ SettingPageMap UserSettings::settingPageMap() const
return pageMap;
Setting *UserSettings::createSetting
(SettingType typ, const QString &page, const QString &name)
CSMSettings::Setting *CSMSettings::UserSettings::createSetting
(CSMSettings::SettingType typ, const QString &page, const QString &name)
//get list of all settings for the current setting name
if (findSetting (page, name))
@ -629,12 +544,10 @@ Setting *UserSettings::createSetting
return setting;
QStringList UserSettings::definitions (const QString &viewKey) const
QStringList CSMSettings::UserSettings::definitions (const QString &viewKey) const
if (mSettingDefinitions->contains (viewKey))
return mSettingDefinitions->value (viewKey).toStringList();
return QStringList();