@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
// Created by koncord on 02.01.16.
# include <boost/algorithm/clamp.hpp>
# include <components/openmw-mp/Log.hpp>
# include <apps/openmw/mwmechanics/steering.hpp>
@ -130,6 +126,56 @@ void DedicatedPlayer::move(float dt)
MWMechanics : : zTurn ( ptr , position . rot [ 2 ] , osg : : DegreesToRadians ( 1.0 ) ) ;
void DedicatedPlayer : : setBaseInfo ( )
MWBase : : World * world = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) ;
ESM : : Creature tempCreature ;
ESM : : NPC tempNpc ;
if ( ! creatureRefId . empty ( ) )
const ESM : : Creature * tmpCreature = world - > getStore ( ) . get < ESM : : Creature > ( ) . search ( creatureRefId ) ;
if ( tmpCreature = = 0 )
creatureRefId = " " ;
tempCreature = getCreatureRecord ( ) ;
if ( creatureRefId . empty ( ) )
tempNpc = getNpcRecord ( ) ;
bool reset = false ;
if ( reference )
deleteReference ( ) ;
reset = true ;
if ( state = = 0 )
createReference ( tempNpc , tempCreature , reset ) ;
updateReference ( tempNpc , tempCreature ) ;
state = 2 ;
// Give this new character a fatigue of at least 1 so it doesn't spawn
// on the ground
creatureStats . mDynamic [ 2 ] . mBase = 1 ;
world - > enable ( ptr ) ;
void DedicatedPlayer : : setAnimFlags ( )
using namespace MWMechanics ;
@ -302,14 +348,167 @@ void DedicatedPlayer::playSpeech()
winMgr - > messageBox ( MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getDialogueManager ( ) - > getVoiceCaption ( sound ) , MWGui : : ShowInDialogueMode_Never ) ;
MWWorld : : Ptr DedicatedPlayer : : getPtr ( )
ESM : : Creature DedicatedPlayer : : getCreatureRecord ( )
return ptr ;
MWBase : : World * world = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) ;
ESM : : Creature creature ;
const ESM : : Creature * tmpCreature = world - > getStore ( ) . get < ESM : : Creature > ( ) . search ( creatureRefId ) ;
creature = * tmpCreature ;
creature . mScript = " " ;
if ( ! displayCreatureName )
creature . mName = npc . mName ;
LOG_APPEND ( Log : : LOG_INFO , " Player %s looks like %s " , npc . mName . c_str ( ) , creatureRefId . c_str ( ) ) ;
return creature ;
ESM : : NPC DedicatedPlayer : : getNpcRecord ( )
MWBase : : World * world = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) ;
MWWorld : : Ptr player = world - > getPlayerPtr ( ) ;
ESM : : NPC newNpc = * player . get < ESM : : NPC > ( ) - > mBase ;
// To avoid freezes caused by invalid races, only set race if we find it
// on our client
if ( world - > getStore ( ) . get < ESM : : Race > ( ) . search ( npc . mRace ) ! = 0 )
newNpc . mRace = npc . mRace ;
newNpc . mHead = npc . mHead ;
newNpc . mHair = npc . mHair ;
newNpc . mClass = npc . mClass ;
newNpc . mName = npc . mName ;
newNpc . mFlags = npc . mFlags ;
return newNpc ;
void DedicatedPlayer : : createReference ( ESM : : NPC & npc , ESM : : Creature & creature , bool reset )
MWBase : : World * world = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) ;
// Temporarily spawn or move player to the center of exterior 0, 0
ESM : : Position spawnPos ;
spawnPos . pos [ 0 ] = spawnPos . pos [ 1 ] = Main : : get ( ) . getCellController ( ) - > getCellSize ( ) / 2 ;
spawnPos . pos [ 2 ] = 0 ;
MWWorld : : CellStore * cellStore = world - > getExterior ( 0 , 0 ) ;
string recid ;
if ( creatureRefId . empty ( ) )
LOG_APPEND ( Log : : LOG_INFO , " - Creating new NPC record " ) ;
npc . mId = " Dedicated Player " ;
recid = world - > createRecord ( npc ) - > mId ;
LOG_APPEND ( Log : : LOG_INFO , " - Creating new Creature record " ) ;
creature . mId = " Dedicated Player " ;
recid = world - > createRecord ( creature ) - > mId ;
reference = new MWWorld : : ManualRef ( world - > getStore ( ) , recid , 1 ) ;
LOG_APPEND ( Log : : LOG_INFO , " - Creating new reference pointer for %s " , this - > npc . mName . c_str ( ) ) ;
MWWorld : : Ptr tmp ;
if ( reset )
if ( cell . isExterior ( ) )
cellStore = world - > getExterior ( cell . mData . mX , cell . mData . mY ) ;
cellStore = world - > getInterior ( cell . mName ) ;
spawnPos = position ;
tmp = world - > placeObject ( reference - > getPtr ( ) , cellStore , spawnPos ) ;
ptr . mCell = tmp . mCell ;
ptr . mRef = tmp . mRef ;
if ( ! reset )
cell = * ptr . getCell ( ) - > getCell ( ) ;
position = ptr . getRefData ( ) . getPosition ( ) ;
ESM : : CustomMarker mEditingMarker = Main : : get ( ) . getGUIController ( ) - > createMarker ( guid ) ;
marker = mEditingMarker ;
setMarkerState ( true ) ;
MWWorld : : Ptr DedicatedPlayer : : getLiveCellPtr ( )
void DedicatedPlayer : : updateReference ( ESM : : NPC & npc , ESM : : Creature & creature )
return reference - > getPtr ( ) ;
MWBase : : World * world = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) ;
// Temporarily spawn or move player to the center of exterior 0, 0
ESM : : Position spawnPos ;
spawnPos . pos [ 0 ] = spawnPos . pos [ 1 ] = Main : : get ( ) . getCellController ( ) - > getCellSize ( ) / 2 ;
spawnPos . pos [ 2 ] = 0 ;
MWWorld : : CellStore * cellStore = world - > getExterior ( 0 , 0 ) ;
LOG_APPEND ( Log : : LOG_INFO , " - Updating reference pointer for %s " , npc . mName . c_str ( ) ) ;
MWWorld : : ESMStore * store = const_cast < MWWorld : : ESMStore * > ( & world - > getStore ( ) ) ;
MWWorld : : Store < ESM : : Creature > * creature_store = const_cast < MWWorld : : Store < ESM : : Creature > * > ( & store - > get < ESM : : Creature > ( ) ) ;
MWWorld : : Store < ESM : : NPC > * npc_store = const_cast < MWWorld : : Store < ESM : : NPC > * > ( & store - > get < ESM : : NPC > ( ) ) ;
if ( ! creatureRefId . empty ( ) )
if ( ! npc . mId . empty ( ) | | npc . mId ! = " Dedicated Player " )
LOG_APPEND ( Log : : LOG_INFO , " - Deleting NPC record " ) ;
npc_store - > erase ( npc . mId ) ;
npc . mId . clear ( ) ;
creature . mId = ptr . get < ESM : : Creature > ( ) - > mBase - > mId ;
creature_store - > insert ( creature ) ;
if ( ! creature . mId . empty ( ) | | creature . mId ! = " Dedicated Player " )
LOG_APPEND ( Log : : LOG_INFO , " - Deleting Creature record " ) ;
creature_store - > erase ( creature . mId ) ;
creature . mId . clear ( ) ;
npc . mId = ptr . get < ESM : : NPC > ( ) - > mBase - > mId ;
npc_store - > insert ( npc ) ;
// Disable Ptr to avoid graphical glitches caused by race changes
world - > disable ( ptr ) ;
setPtr ( world - > moveObject ( ptr , cellStore , spawnPos . pos [ 0 ] , spawnPos . pos [ 1 ] , spawnPos . pos [ 2 ] ) ) ;
setCell ( ) ;
void DedicatedPlayer : : deleteReference ( )
MWBase : : World * world = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) ;
bool isNPC = reference - > getPtr ( ) . getTypeName ( ) = = typeid ( ESM : : NPC ) . name ( ) ;
if ( ( ! creatureRefId . empty ( ) & & isNPC ) | |
( creatureRefId . empty ( ) & & ! isNPC ) )
LOG_APPEND ( Log : : LOG_INFO , " - Deleting old reference " ) ;
state = 0 ;
world - > deleteObject ( ptr ) ;
delete reference ;
reference = nullptr ;
MWWorld : : Ptr DedicatedPlayer : : getPtr ( )
return ptr ;
MWWorld : : ManualRef * DedicatedPlayer : : getRef ( )