@ -1010,6 +1010,19 @@ namespace MWClass
End of tes3mp addition
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp addition
Avoid returning an ActionTalk when a non-player NPC activates another
non-player NPC, because it will always pop up a dialogue screen for
the local player
if (ptr != MWMechanics::getPlayer() && actor != MWMechanics::getPlayer())
return std::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action>(new MWWorld::FailedAction(""));
End of tes3mp addition
// player got activated by another NPC
// player got activated by another NPC
if(ptr == MWMechanics::getPlayer())
if(ptr == MWMechanics::getPlayer())
return std::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action>(new MWWorld::ActionTalk(actor));
return std::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action>(new MWWorld::ActionTalk(actor));