Merge branch 'buttons'

Marc Zinnschlag 9 years ago
commit 1b7a0e5d64

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ opencs_units (view/widget
opencs_units (view/render
scenewidget worldspacewidget pagedworldspacewidget unpagedworldspacewidget
previewwidget editmode instancemode
previewwidget editmode instancemode instanceselectionmode
opencs_units_noqt (view/render

@ -22,11 +22,18 @@ bool CSVRender::Cell::removeObject (const std::string& id)
if (iter==mObjects.end())
return false;
delete iter->second;
mObjects.erase (iter);
removeObject (iter);
return true;
std::map<std::string, CSVRender::Object *>::iterator CSVRender::Cell::removeObject (
std::map<std::string, Object *>::iterator iter)
delete iter->second;
mObjects.erase (iter++);
return iter;
bool CSVRender::Cell::addObjects (int start, int end)
bool modified = false;
@ -161,8 +168,8 @@ bool CSVRender::Cell::referenceDataChanged (const QModelIndex& topLeft,
// perform update and remove where needed
bool modified = false;
for (std::map<std::string, Object *>::iterator iter (mObjects.begin());
iter!=mObjects.end(); ++iter)
std::map<std::string, Object *>::iterator iter = mObjects.begin();
while (iter!=mObjects.end())
if (iter->second->referenceDataChanged (topLeft, bottomRight))
modified = true;
@ -171,23 +178,30 @@ bool CSVRender::Cell::referenceDataChanged (const QModelIndex& topLeft,
if (iter2!=ids.end())
if (iter2->second)
bool deleted = iter2->second;
ids.erase (iter2);
if (deleted)
removeObject (iter->first);
iter = removeObject (iter);
modified = true;
ids.erase (iter2);
// add new objects
for (std::map<std::string, bool>::iterator iter (ids.begin()); iter!=ids.end(); ++iter)
mObjects.insert (std::make_pair (
iter->first, new Object (mData, mCellNode, iter->first, false)));
if (!iter->second)
mObjects.insert (std::make_pair (
iter->first, new Object (mData, mCellNode, iter->first, false)));
modified = true;
modified = true;
return modified;
@ -249,6 +263,28 @@ void CSVRender::Cell::setSelection (int elementMask, Selection mode)
void CSVRender::Cell::selectAllWithSameParentId (int elementMask)
std::set<std::string> ids;
for (std::map<std::string, Object *>::const_iterator iter (mObjects.begin());
iter!=mObjects.end(); ++iter)
if (iter->second->getSelected())
ids.insert (iter->second->getReferenceableId());
for (std::map<std::string, Object *>::const_iterator iter (mObjects.begin());
iter!=mObjects.end(); ++iter)
if (!iter->second->getSelected() &&
ids.find (iter->second->getReferenceableId())!=ids.end())
iter->second->setSelected (true);
void CSVRender::Cell::setCellArrows (int mask)
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
@ -276,3 +312,16 @@ bool CSVRender::Cell::isDeleted() const
return mDeleted;
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<CSVRender::TagBase> > CSVRender::Cell::getSelection (unsigned int elementMask) const
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> > result;
if (elementMask & Mask_Reference)
for (std::map<std::string, Object *>::const_iterator iter (mObjects.begin());
iter!=mObjects.end(); ++iter)
if (iter->second->getSelected())
result.push_back (iter->second->getTag());
return result;

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ namespace CSMWorld
namespace CSVRender
class TagBase;
class Cell
CSMWorld::Data& mData;
@ -47,6 +49,10 @@ namespace CSVRender
/// \return Was the object deleted?
bool removeObject (const std::string& id);
// Remove object and return iterator to next object.
std::map<std::string, Object *>::iterator removeObject (
std::map<std::string, Object *>::iterator iter);
/// Add objects from reference table that are within this cell.
/// \return Have any objects been added?
@ -93,12 +99,18 @@ namespace CSVRender
void setSelection (int elementMask, Selection mode);
// Select everything that references the same ID as at least one of the elements
// already selected
void selectAllWithSameParentId (int elementMask);
void setCellArrows (int mask);
/// Returns 0, 0 in case of an unpaged cell.
CSMWorld::CellCoordinates getCoordinates() const;
bool isDeleted() const;
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> > getSelection (unsigned int elementMask) const;

@ -9,16 +9,73 @@
#include "../../model/world/idtree.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/commands.hpp"
#include "../widget/scenetoolbar.hpp"
#include "../widget/scenetoolmode.hpp"
#include "mask.hpp"
#include "object.hpp"
#include "worldspacewidget.hpp"
#include "pagedworldspacewidget.hpp"
#include "instanceselectionmode.hpp"
CSVRender::InstanceMode::InstanceMode (WorldspaceWidget *worldspaceWidget, QWidget *parent)
: EditMode (worldspaceWidget, QIcon (":placeholder"), Mask_Reference, "Instance editing",
parent), mSubMode (0), mSelectionMode (0)
void CSVRender::InstanceMode::activate (CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *toolbar)
if (!mSubMode)
mSubMode = new CSVWidget::SceneToolMode (toolbar, "Edit Sub-Mode");
mSubMode->addButton (":placeholder", "move",
"Move selected instances"
"<ul><li>Use primary edit to move instances around freely</li>"
"<li>Use secondary edit to move instances around within the grid</li>"
"<font color=Red>Not implemented yet</font color>");
mSubMode->addButton (":placeholder", "rotate",
"Rotate selected instances"
"<ul><li>Use primary edit to rotate instances freely</li>"
"<li>Use secondary edit to rotate instances within the grid</li>"
"<font color=Red>Not implemented yet</font color>");
mSubMode->addButton (":placeholder", "scale",
"Scale selected instances"
"<ul><li>Use primary edit to scale instances freely</li>"
"<li>Use secondary edit to scale instances along the grid</li>"
"<font color=Red>Not implemented yet</font color>");
if (!mSelectionMode)
mSelectionMode = new InstanceSelectionMode (toolbar, getWorldspaceWidget());
EditMode::activate (toolbar);
toolbar->addTool (mSubMode);
toolbar->addTool (mSelectionMode);
void CSVRender::InstanceMode::deactivate (CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *toolbar)
if (mSelectionMode)
toolbar->removeTool (mSelectionMode);
delete mSelectionMode;
mSelectionMode = 0;
if (mSubMode)
toolbar->removeTool (mSubMode);
delete mSubMode;
mSubMode = 0;
EditMode::deactivate (toolbar);
void CSVRender::InstanceMode::primaryEditPressed (osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> tag)

@ -3,16 +3,29 @@
#include "editmode.hpp"
namespace CSVWidget
class SceneToolMode;
namespace CSVRender
class InstanceSelectionMode;
class InstanceMode : public EditMode
CSVWidget::SceneToolMode *mSubMode;
InstanceSelectionMode *mSelectionMode;
InstanceMode (WorldspaceWidget *worldspaceWidget, QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual void activate (CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *toolbar);
virtual void deactivate (CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *toolbar);
virtual void primaryEditPressed (osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> tag);
virtual void secondaryEditPressed (osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> tag);

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
#include "instanceselectionmode.hpp"
#include <QMenu>
#include <QAction>
#include "../../model/world/idtable.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/commands.hpp"
#include "worldspacewidget.hpp"
#include "object.hpp"
bool CSVRender::InstanceSelectionMode::createContextMenu (QMenu *menu)
if (menu)
menu->addAction (mSelectAll);
menu->addAction (mDeselectAll);
menu->addAction (mSelectSame);
menu->addAction (mDeleteSelection);
return true;
CSVRender::InstanceSelectionMode::InstanceSelectionMode (CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *parent,
WorldspaceWidget& worldspaceWidget)
: CSVWidget::SceneToolMode (parent, "Selection Mode"), mWorldspaceWidget (worldspaceWidget)
addButton (":placeholder", "cube-centre",
"Centred cube"
"<ul><li>Drag with primary (make instances the selection) or secondary (invert selection state) select button from the centre of the selection cube outwards</li>"
"<li>The selection cube is aligned to the word space axis</li>"
"<li>If context selection mode is enabled, a drag with primary/secondary edit not starting on an instance will have the same effect</li>"
"<font color=Red>Not implemented yet</font color>");
addButton (":placeholder", "cube-corner",
"Cube corner to corner"
"<ul><li>Drag with primary (make instances the selection) or secondary (invert selection state) select button from one corner of the selection cube to the opposite corner</li>"
"<li>The selection cube is aligned to the word space axis</li>"
"<li>If context selection mode is enabled, a drag with primary/secondary edit not starting on an instance will have the same effect</li>"
"<font color=Red>Not implemented yet</font color>");
addButton (":placeholder", "sphere",
"Centred sphere"
"<ul><li>Drag with primary (make instances the selection) or secondary (invert selection state) select button from the centre of the selection sphere outwards</li>"
"<li>If context selection mode is enabled, a drag with primary/secondary edit not starting on an instance will have the same effect</li>"
"<font color=Red>Not implemented yet</font color>");
mSelectAll = new QAction ("Select all instances", this);
mDeselectAll = new QAction ("Clear selection", this);
mDeleteSelection = new QAction ("Delete selected instances", this);
mSelectSame = new QAction ("Extend selection to instances with same object ID", this);
connect (mSelectAll, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (selectAll()));
connect (mDeselectAll, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (clearSelection()));
connect (mDeleteSelection, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (deleteSelection()));
connect (mSelectSame, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (selectSame()));
void CSVRender::InstanceSelectionMode::selectAll()
mWorldspaceWidget.selectAll (Mask_Reference);
void CSVRender::InstanceSelectionMode::clearSelection()
mWorldspaceWidget.clearSelection (Mask_Reference);
void CSVRender::InstanceSelectionMode::deleteSelection()
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> > selection =
mWorldspaceWidget.getSelection (Mask_Reference);
CSMWorld::IdTable& referencesTable =
dynamic_cast<CSMWorld::IdTable&> (*mWorldspaceWidget.getDocument().getData().
getTableModel (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_References));
for (std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> >::iterator iter (selection.begin());
iter!=selection.end(); ++iter)
CSMWorld::DeleteCommand *command = new CSMWorld::DeleteCommand (referencesTable,
static_cast<ObjectTag *> (iter->get())->mObject->getReferenceId());
mWorldspaceWidget.getDocument().getUndoStack().push (command);
void CSVRender::InstanceSelectionMode::selectSame()
mWorldspaceWidget.selectAllWithSameParentId (Mask_Reference);

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#include "../widget/scenetoolmode.hpp"
class QAction;
namespace CSVRender
class WorldspaceWidget;
class InstanceSelectionMode : public CSVWidget::SceneToolMode
WorldspaceWidget& mWorldspaceWidget;
QAction *mSelectAll;
QAction *mDeselectAll;
QAction *mDeleteSelection;
QAction *mSelectSame;
/// Add context menu items to \a menu.
/// \attention menu can be a 0-pointer
/// \return Have there been any menu items to be added (if menu is 0 and there
/// items to be added, the function must return true anyway.
virtual bool createContextMenu (QMenu *menu);
InstanceSelectionMode (CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *parent, WorldspaceWidget& worldspaceWidget);
private slots:
void selectAll();
void clearSelection();
void deleteSelection();
void selectSame();

@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ CSVRender::Object::~Object()
void CSVRender::Object::setSelected(bool selected)
@ -284,3 +285,8 @@ std::string CSVRender::Object::getReferenceableId() const
return mReferenceableId;
osg::ref_ptr<CSVRender::TagBase> CSVRender::Object::getTag() const
return static_cast<CSVRender::TagBase *> (mBaseNode->getUserData());

@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ namespace CSVRender
std::string getReferenceId() const;
std::string getReferenceableId() const;
osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> getTag() const;

@ -509,6 +509,24 @@ void CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget::clearSelection (int elementMask)
void CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget::selectAll (int elementMask)
for (std::map<CSMWorld::CellCoordinates, Cell *>::iterator iter = mCells.begin();
iter!=mCells.end(); ++iter)
iter->second->setSelection (elementMask, Cell::Selection_All);
void CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget::selectAllWithSameParentId (int elementMask)
for (std::map<CSMWorld::CellCoordinates, Cell *>::iterator iter = mCells.begin();
iter!=mCells.end(); ++iter)
iter->second->selectAllWithSameParentId (elementMask);
std::string CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget::getCellId (const osg::Vec3f& point) const
const int cellSize = 8192;
@ -520,6 +538,23 @@ std::string CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget::getCellId (const osg::Vec3f& point
return cellCoordinates.getId (mWorldspace);
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<CSVRender::TagBase> > CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget::getSelection (
unsigned int elementMask) const
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<CSVRender::TagBase> > result;
for (std::map<CSMWorld::CellCoordinates, Cell *>::const_iterator iter = mCells.begin();
iter!=mCells.end(); ++iter)
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<CSVRender::TagBase> > cellResult =
iter->second->getSelection (elementMask);
result.insert (result.end(), cellResult.begin(), cellResult.end());
return result;
CSVWidget::SceneToolToggle *CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget::makeControlVisibilitySelector (
CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *parent)

@ -98,8 +98,20 @@ namespace CSVRender
/// \param elementMask Elements to be affected by the clear operation
virtual void clearSelection (int elementMask);
/// \param elementMask Elements to be affected by the select operation
virtual void selectAll (int elementMask);
// Select everything that references the same ID as at least one of the elements
// already selected
/// \param elementMask Elements to be affected by the select operation
virtual void selectAllWithSameParentId (int elementMask);
virtual std::string getCellId (const osg::Vec3f& point) const;
virtual std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> > getSelection (unsigned int elementMask)
virtual void addVisibilitySelectorButtons (CSVWidget::SceneToolToggle2 *tool);

@ -108,11 +108,29 @@ void CSVRender::UnpagedWorldspaceWidget::clearSelection (int elementMask)
void CSVRender::UnpagedWorldspaceWidget::selectAll (int elementMask)
mCell->setSelection (elementMask, Cell::Selection_All);
void CSVRender::UnpagedWorldspaceWidget::selectAllWithSameParentId (int elementMask)
mCell->selectAllWithSameParentId (elementMask);
std::string CSVRender::UnpagedWorldspaceWidget::getCellId (const osg::Vec3f& point) const
return mCellId;
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<CSVRender::TagBase> > CSVRender::UnpagedWorldspaceWidget::getSelection (
unsigned int elementMask) const
return mCell->getSelection (elementMask);
void CSVRender::UnpagedWorldspaceWidget::referenceableDataChanged (const QModelIndex& topLeft,
const QModelIndex& bottomRight)

@ -46,8 +46,20 @@ namespace CSVRender
/// \param elementMask Elements to be affected by the clear operation
virtual void clearSelection (int elementMask);
/// \param elementMask Elements to be affected by the select operation
virtual void selectAll (int elementMask);
// Select everything that references the same ID as at least one of the elements
// already selected
/// \param elementMask Elements to be affected by the select operation
virtual void selectAllWithSameParentId (int elementMask);
virtual std::string getCellId (const osg::Vec3f& point) const;
virtual std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> > getSelection (unsigned int elementMask)
virtual void referenceableDataChanged (const QModelIndex& topLeft,

@ -127,6 +127,15 @@ namespace CSVRender
/// \param elementMask Elements to be affected by the clear operation
virtual void clearSelection (int elementMask) = 0;
/// \param elementMask Elements to be affected by the select operation
virtual void selectAll (int elementMask) = 0;
// Select everything that references the same ID as at least one of the elements
// already selected
/// \param elementMask Elements to be affected by the select operation
virtual void selectAllWithSameParentId (int elementMask) = 0;
/// Return the next intersection point with scene elements matched by
/// \a interactionMask based on \a localPos and the camera vector.
/// If there is no such point, instead a point "in front" of \a localPos will be
@ -140,6 +149,9 @@ namespace CSVRender
virtual std::string getCellId (const osg::Vec3f& point) const = 0;
virtual std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> > getSelection (unsigned int elementMask)
const = 0;
/// Visual elements in a scene

@ -7,3 +7,8 @@ CSVWidget::ModeButton::ModeButton (const QIcon& icon, const QString& tooltip, QW
void CSVWidget::ModeButton::activate (SceneToolbar *toolbar) {}
void CSVWidget::ModeButton::deactivate (SceneToolbar *toolbar) {}
bool CSVWidget::ModeButton::createContextMenu (QMenu *menu)
return false;

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#include "pushbutton.hpp"
class QMenu;
namespace CSVWidget
class SceneToolbar;
@ -22,6 +24,14 @@ namespace CSVWidget
/// Default-Implementation: do nothing
virtual void deactivate (SceneToolbar *toolbar);
/// Add context menu items to \a menu. Default-implementation: return false
/// \attention menu can be a 0-pointer
/// \return Have there been any menu items to be added (if menu is 0 and there
/// items to be added, the function must return true anyway.
virtual bool createContextMenu (QMenu *menu);

@ -3,10 +3,27 @@
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QSignalMapper>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QContextMenuEvent>
#include "scenetoolbar.hpp"
#include "modebutton.hpp"
void CSVWidget::SceneToolMode::contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *event)
QMenu menu (this);
if (createContextMenu (&menu))
menu.exec (event->globalPos());
bool CSVWidget::SceneToolMode::createContextMenu (QMenu *menu)
if (mCurrent)
return mCurrent->createContextMenu (menu);
return false;
void CSVWidget::SceneToolMode::adjustToolTip (const ModeButton *activeMode)
QString toolTip = mToolTip;
@ -15,6 +32,9 @@ void CSVWidget::SceneToolMode::adjustToolTip (const ModeButton *activeMode)
toolTip += "<p>(left click to change mode)";
if (createContextMenu (0))
toolTip += "<br>(right click to access context menu)";
setToolTip (toolTip);

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <map>
class QHBoxLayout;
class QMenu;
namespace CSVWidget
@ -29,6 +30,17 @@ namespace CSVWidget
void adjustToolTip (const ModeButton *activeMode);
virtual void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *event);
/// Add context menu items to \a menu. Default-implementation: Pass on request to
/// current mode button or return false, if there is no current mode button.
/// \attention menu can be a 0-pointer
/// \return Have there been any menu items to be added (if menu is 0 and there
/// items to be added, the function must return true anyway.
virtual bool createContextMenu (QMenu *menu);
SceneToolMode (SceneToolbar *parent, const QString& toolTip);

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ CSVWidget::SceneToolbar* CSVWorld::SceneSubView::makeToolbar (CSVRender::Worldsp
CSVWidget::SceneToolRun *runTool = widget->makeRunTool (toolbar);
toolbar->addTool (runTool);
toolbar->addTool (widget->makeEditModeSelector (toolbar));
toolbar->addTool (widget->makeEditModeSelector (toolbar), runTool);
return toolbar;
