@ -525,65 +525,80 @@ void OMW::Engine::createWindow(Settings::Manager& settings)
checkSDLError ( SDL_GL_SetAttribute ( SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES , antialiasing ) ) ;
while ( ! mWindow )
osg : : ref_ptr < SDLUtil : : GraphicsWindowSDL2 > graphicsWindow ;
while ( ! graphicsWindow | | ! graphicsWindow - > valid ( ) )
mWindow = SDL_CreateWindow ( " OpenMW " , pos_x , pos_y , width , height , flags ) ;
if ( ! mWindow )
while ( ! mWindow )
// Try with a lower AA
if ( antialiasing > 0 )
mWindow = SDL_CreateWindow ( " OpenMW " , pos_x , pos_y , width , height , flags ) ;
if ( ! mWindow )
Log ( Debug : : Warning ) < < " Warning: " < < antialiasing < < " x antialiasing not supported, trying " < < antialiasing / 2 ;
antialiasing / = 2 ;
Settings : : Manager : : setInt ( " antialiasing " , " Video " , antialiasing ) ;
checkSDLError ( SDL_GL_SetAttribute ( SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES , antialiasing ) ) ;
continue ;
std : : stringstream error ;
error < < " Failed to create SDL window: " < < SDL_GetError ( ) ;
throw std : : runtime_error ( error . str ( ) ) ;
// Try with a lower AA
if ( antialiasing > 0 )
Log ( Debug : : Warning ) < < " Warning: " < < antialiasing < < " x antialiasing not supported, trying " < < antialiasing / 2 ;
antialiasing / = 2 ;
Settings : : Manager : : setInt ( " antialiasing " , " Video " , antialiasing ) ;
checkSDLError ( SDL_GL_SetAttribute ( SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES , antialiasing ) ) ;
continue ;
std : : stringstream error ;
error < < " Failed to create SDL window: " < < SDL_GetError ( ) ;
throw std : : runtime_error ( error . str ( ) ) ;
setWindowIcon ( ) ;
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : GraphicsContext : : Traits > traits = new osg : : GraphicsContext : : Traits ;
SDL_GetWindowPosition ( mWindow , & traits - > x , & traits - > y ) ;
SDL_GetWindowSize ( mWindow , & traits - > width , & traits - > height ) ;
traits - > windowName = SDL_GetWindowTitle ( mWindow ) ;
traits - > windowDecoration = ! ( SDL_GetWindowFlags ( mWindow ) & SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS ) ;
traits - > screenNum = SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex ( mWindow ) ;
// We tried to get rid of the hardcoding but failed: https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw/pull/1771
// Here goes kcat's quote:
// It's ultimately a chicken and egg problem, and the reason why the code is like it was in the first place.
// It needs a context to get the current attributes, but it needs the attributes to set up the context.
// So it just specifies the same values that were given to SDL in the hopes that it's good enough to what the window eventually gets.
traits - > red = 8 ;
traits - > green = 8 ;
traits - > blue = 8 ;
traits - > alpha = 0 ; // set to 0 to stop ScreenCaptureHandler reading the alpha channel
traits - > depth = 24 ;
traits - > stencil = 8 ;
traits - > vsync = vsync ;
traits - > doubleBuffer = true ;
traits - > inheritedWindowData = new SDLUtil : : GraphicsWindowSDL2 : : WindowData ( mWindow ) ;
osg : : ref_ptr < SDLUtil : : GraphicsWindowSDL2 > graphicsWindow = new SDLUtil : : GraphicsWindowSDL2 ( traits ) ;
if ( ! graphicsWindow - > valid ( ) ) throw std : : runtime_error ( " Failed to create GraphicsContext " ) ;
setWindowIcon ( ) ;
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : GraphicsContext : : Traits > traits = new osg : : GraphicsContext : : Traits ;
SDL_GetWindowPosition ( mWindow , & traits - > x , & traits - > y ) ;
SDL_GetWindowSize ( mWindow , & traits - > width , & traits - > height ) ;
traits - > windowName = SDL_GetWindowTitle ( mWindow ) ;
traits - > windowDecoration = ! ( SDL_GetWindowFlags ( mWindow ) & SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS ) ;
traits - > screenNum = SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex ( mWindow ) ;
traits - > vsync = vsync ;
traits - > inheritedWindowData = new SDLUtil : : GraphicsWindowSDL2 : : WindowData ( mWindow ) ;
graphicsWindow = new SDLUtil : : GraphicsWindowSDL2 ( traits ) ;
if ( ! graphicsWindow - > valid ( ) ) throw std : : runtime_error ( " Failed to create GraphicsContext " ) ;
if ( traits - > samples < antialiasing )
Log ( Debug : : Warning ) < < " Warning: Framebuffer MSAA level is only " < < traits - > samples < < " x instead of " < < antialiasing < < " x. Trying " < < antialiasing / 2 < < " x instead. " ;
graphicsWindow - > closeImplementation ( ) ;
SDL_DestroyWindow ( mWindow ) ;
mWindow = nullptr ;
antialiasing / = 2 ;
Settings : : Manager : : setInt ( " antialiasing " , " Video " , antialiasing ) ;
checkSDLError ( SDL_GL_SetAttribute ( SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES , antialiasing ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( traits - > red < 8 )
Log ( Debug : : Warning ) < < " Warning: Framebuffer only has a " < < traits - > red < < " bit red channel. " ;
if ( traits - > green < 8 )
Log ( Debug : : Warning ) < < " Warning: Framebuffer only has a " < < traits - > green < < " bit green channel. " ;
if ( traits - > blue < 8 )
Log ( Debug : : Warning ) < < " Warning: Framebuffer only has a " < < traits - > blue < < " bit blue channel. " ;
if ( traits - > depth < 8 )
Log ( Debug : : Warning ) < < " Warning: Framebuffer only has " < < traits - > red < < " bits of depth precision. " ;
traits - > alpha = 0 ; // set to 0 to stop ScreenCaptureHandler reading the alpha channel
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : Camera > camera = mViewer - > getCamera ( ) ;
camera - > setGraphicsContext ( graphicsWindow ) ;
camera - > setViewport ( 0 , 0 , traits - > width , traits - > height ) ;
camera - > setViewport ( 0 , 0 , graphicsWindow- > ge tT raits( ) - > width , graphicsWindow- > ge tT raits( ) - > height ) ;
if ( Debug : : shouldDebugOpenGL ( ) )
mViewer - > setRealizeOperation ( new Debug : : EnableGLDebugOperation ( ) ) ;
mViewer - > realize ( ) ;
mViewer - > getEventQueue ( ) - > getCurrentEventState ( ) - > setWindowRectangle ( 0 , 0 , traits - > width , traits - > height ) ;
mViewer - > getEventQueue ( ) - > getCurrentEventState ( ) - > setWindowRectangle ( 0 , 0 , graphicsWindow- > ge tT raits( ) - > width , graphicsWindow- > ge tT raits( ) - > height ) ;
void OMW : : Engine : : setWindowIcon ( )