Prevent NPC suicides off silt the strider platform in Seyda Neen. Added some comments as well. There may be opportunities for some optimization but left that out for now.

cc9cii 11 years ago
parent 90a813ad2c
commit 267855c44e

@ -57,97 +57,6 @@ namespace
return closestIndex;
/*std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point> reconstructPath(const std::vector<MWMechanics::PathFinder::Node>& graph,const ESM::Pathgrid* pathgrid, int lastNode,float xCell, float yCell)
std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point> path;
while(graph[lastNode].parent != -1)
//std::cout << "not empty" << xCell;
ESM::Pathgrid::Point pt = pathgrid->mPoints[lastNode];
pt.mX += xCell;
pt.mY += yCell;
lastNode = graph[lastNode].parent;
return path;
/*std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point> buildPath2(const ESM::Pathgrid* pathgrid,int start,int goal,float xCell = 0, float yCell = 0)
std::vector<Node> graph;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pathgrid->mPoints.size(); i++)
Node node;
node.label = i;
node.parent = -1;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pathgrid->mEdges.size(); i++)
Edge edge;
edge.destination = pathgrid->mEdges[i].mV1;
edge.cost = distance(pathgrid->mPoints[pathgrid->mEdges[i].mV0],pathgrid->mPoints[pathgrid->mEdges[i].mV1]);
edge.destination = pathgrid->mEdges[i].mV0;
std::vector<float> g_score(pathgrid->mPoints.size(),-1.);
std::vector<float> f_score(pathgrid->mPoints.size(),-1.);
g_score[start] = 0;
f_score[start] = distance(pathgrid->mPoints[start],pathgrid->mPoints[goal]);
std::list<int> openset;
std::list<int> closedset;
int current = -1;
current = openset.front();
if(current == goal) break;
for(int j = 0;j<graph[current].edges.size();j++)
//int next = graph[current].edges[j].destination
if(std::find(closedset.begin(),closedset.end(),graph[current].edges[j].destination) == closedset.end())
int dest = graph[current].edges[j].destination;
float tentative_g = g_score[current] + graph[current].edges[j].cost;
bool isInOpenSet = std::find(openset.begin(),openset.end(),dest) != openset.end();
|| tentative_g < g_score[dest] )
graph[dest].parent = current;
g_score[dest] = tentative_g;
f_score[dest] = tentative_g + distance(pathgrid->mPoints[dest],pathgrid->mPoints[goal]);
std::list<int>::iterator it = openset.begin();
for(it = openset.begin();it!= openset.end();it++)
return reconstructPath(graph,pathgrid,current,xCell,yCell);
namespace MWMechanics
@ -166,37 +75,83 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mIsPathConstructed = false;
* NOTE: based on buildPath2(), please check git history if interested
* Populate mGraph with the cost of each allowed edge (measured in distance ^2)
* Any existing data in mGraph is wiped clean first. The node's parent is
* set with initial value of -1. The parent values are populated by aStarSearch().
* mGSore and mFScore are also resized.
* mGraph[f].edges[n].destination = t
* f = point index of location "from"
* t = point index of location "to"
* n = index of edges from point f
* Example: (note from p(0) to p(2) not allowed)
* mGraph[0].edges[0].destination = 1
* .edges[1].destination = 3
* mGraph[1].edges[0].destination = 0
* .edges[1].destination = 2
* .edges[2].destination = 3
* mGraph[2].edges[0].destination = 1
* (etc, etc)
* low
* cost
* p(0) <---> p(1) <------------> p(2)
* ^ ^
* | |
* | +-----> p(3)
* +---------------->
* high cost
void PathFinder::buildPathgridGraph(const ESM::Pathgrid* pathGrid)
// resize lists
mGScore.resize(pathGrid->mPoints.size(), -1);
mFScore.resize(pathGrid->mPoints.size(), -1);
Node defaultNode;
defaultNode.label = -1;
defaultNode.parent = -1;
// initialise mGraph
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pathGrid->mPoints.size(); i++)
Node node;
node.label = i;
node.parent = -1;
mGraph[i] = node;
mGraph[i] = node; // TODO: old code used push_back(node), check if any difference
// store the costs (measured in distance ^2) of each edge, in both directions
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pathGrid->mEdges.size(); i++)
Edge edge;
edge.cost = distance(pathGrid->mPoints[pathGrid->mEdges[i].mV0],
// forward path of the edge
edge.destination = pathGrid->mEdges[i].mV1;
edge.cost = distance(pathGrid->mPoints[pathGrid->mEdges[i].mV0],pathGrid->mPoints[pathGrid->mEdges[i].mV1]);
edge.destination = pathGrid->mEdges[i].mV0;
// reverse path of the edge
// NOTE: These are redundant, ESM already contains the required reverse paths
//edge.destination = pathGrid->mEdges[i].mV0;
mIsGraphConstructed = true;
void PathFinder::cleanUpAStar()
for(int i=0;i<static_cast<int> (mGraph.size());i++)
for(int i = 0; i < static_cast<int> (mGraph.size()); i++)
mGraph[i].parent = -1;
mGScore[i] = -1;
@ -204,6 +159,25 @@ namespace MWMechanics
* NOTE: based on buildPath2(), please check git history if interested
* Find the shortest path to the target goal using a well known algorithm.
* Uses mGraph which has pre-computed costs for allowed edges. It is assumed
* that mGraph is already constructed. The caller, i.e. buildPath(), needs
* to ensure this.
* Returns path (a list of pathgrid point indexes) which may be empty.
* openset - point indexes to be traversed, lowest cost at the front
* closedset - point indexes already traversed
* mGScore - past accumulated costs vector indexed by point index
* mFScore - future estimated costs vector indexed by point index
* these are resized by buildPathgridGraph()
* The heuristics used is distance^2 from current position to the final goal.
std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point> PathFinder::aStarSearch(const ESM::Pathgrid* pathGrid,int start,int goal,float xCell, float yCell)
@ -218,18 +192,19 @@ namespace MWMechanics
current = openset.front();
current = openset.front(); // front has the lowest cost
if(current == goal) break;
for(int j = 0;j<static_cast<int> (mGraph[current].edges.size());j++)
// check all edges for the "current" point index
for(int j = 0; j < static_cast<int> (mGraph[current].edges.size()); j++)
//int next = mGraph[current].edges[j].destination
if(std::find(closedset.begin(),closedset.end(),mGraph[current].edges[j].destination) == closedset.end())
// not in closedset - i.e. have not traversed this edge destination
int dest = mGraph[current].edges[j].destination;
float tentative_g = mGScore[current] + mGraph[current].edges[j].cost;
bool isInOpenSet = std::find(openset.begin(),openset.end(),dest) != openset.end();
@ -241,20 +216,22 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mFScore[dest] = tentative_g + distance(pathGrid->mPoints[dest],pathGrid->mPoints[goal]);
// add this edge to openset, lowest cost goes to the front
// TODO: if this causes performance problems a hash table may help (apparently)
std::list<int>::iterator it = openset.begin();
for(it = openset.begin();it!= openset.end();it++)
if(mGScore[*it] > mGScore[dest])
openset.insert(it, dest);
} // if in closedset, i.e. traversed this edge already, try the next edge
// reconstruct path to return
std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point> path;
while(mGraph[current].parent != -1)
@ -266,6 +243,9 @@ namespace MWMechanics
current = mGraph[current].parent;
// TODO: Is this a bug? If path is empty the destination is inserted.
// Commented out pending further testing.
#if 0
ESM::Pathgrid::Point pt = pathGrid->mPoints[goal];
@ -273,10 +253,19 @@ namespace MWMechanics
pt.mY += yCell;
return path;
* NOTE: This method may fail to find a path. The caller must check the result before using it.
* If there is no path the AI routies need to implement some other heuristics to reach the target.
* Updates mPath using aStarSearch().
* mPathConstructed is set true if successful, false if not
* May update mGraph by calling buildPathgridGraph() if it isn't constructed yet.
void PathFinder::buildPath(const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &startPoint, const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &endPoint,
const MWWorld::CellStore* cell, bool allowShortcuts)
@ -310,11 +299,10 @@ namespace MWMechanics
if(!mIsGraphConstructed) buildPathgridGraph(pathGrid);
mPath = aStarSearch(pathGrid,startNode,endNode,xCell,yCell);//findPath(startNode, endNode, mGraph);
mPath = aStarSearch(pathGrid,startNode,endNode,xCell,yCell);
mIsPathConstructed = true;
@ -331,8 +319,8 @@ namespace MWMechanics
float PathFinder::getZAngleToNext(float x, float y) const
// This should never happen (programmers should have an if statement checking mIsPathConstructed that prevents this call
// if otherwise).
// This should never happen (programmers should have an if statement checking
// mIsPathConstructed that prevents this call if otherwise).
return 0.;
