@ -57,97 +57,6 @@ namespace
return closestIndex ;
/*std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point> reconstructPath(const std::vector<MWMechanics::PathFinder::Node>& graph,const ESM::Pathgrid* pathgrid, int lastNode,float xCell, float yCell)
std : : list < ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point > path ;
while ( graph [ lastNode ] . parent ! = - 1 )
//std::cout << "not empty" << xCell;
ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point pt = pathgrid - > mPoints [ lastNode ] ;
pt . mX + = xCell ;
pt . mY + = yCell ;
path . push_front ( pt ) ;
lastNode = graph [ lastNode ] . parent ;
return path ;
} */
/*std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point> buildPath2(const ESM::Pathgrid* pathgrid,int start,int goal,float xCell = 0, float yCell = 0)
std : : vector < Node > graph ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pathgrid - > mPoints . size ( ) ; i + + )
Node node ;
node . label = i ;
node . parent = - 1 ;
graph . push_back ( node ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pathgrid - > mEdges . size ( ) ; i + + )
Edge edge ;
edge . destination = pathgrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV1 ;
edge . cost = distance ( pathgrid - > mPoints [ pathgrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV0 ] , pathgrid - > mPoints [ pathgrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV1 ] ) ;
graph [ pathgrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV0 ] . edges . push_back ( edge ) ;
edge . destination = pathgrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV0 ;
graph [ pathgrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV1 ] . edges . push_back ( edge ) ;
std : : vector < float > g_score ( pathgrid - > mPoints . size ( ) , - 1. ) ;
std : : vector < float > f_score ( pathgrid - > mPoints . size ( ) , - 1. ) ;
g_score [ start ] = 0 ;
f_score [ start ] = distance ( pathgrid - > mPoints [ start ] , pathgrid - > mPoints [ goal ] ) ;
std : : list < int > openset ;
std : : list < int > closedset ;
openset . push_back ( start ) ;
int current = - 1 ;
while ( ! openset . empty ( ) )
current = openset . front ( ) ;
openset . pop_front ( ) ;
if ( current = = goal ) break ;
closedset . push_back ( current ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < graph [ current ] . edges . size ( ) ; j + + )
//int next = graph[current].edges[j].destination
if ( std : : find ( closedset . begin ( ) , closedset . end ( ) , graph [ current ] . edges [ j ] . destination ) = = closedset . end ( ) )
int dest = graph [ current ] . edges [ j ] . destination ;
float tentative_g = g_score [ current ] + graph [ current ] . edges [ j ] . cost ;
bool isInOpenSet = std : : find ( openset . begin ( ) , openset . end ( ) , dest ) ! = openset . end ( ) ;
if ( ! isInOpenSet
| | tentative_g < g_score [ dest ] )
graph [ dest ] . parent = current ;
g_score [ dest ] = tentative_g ;
f_score [ dest ] = tentative_g + distance ( pathgrid - > mPoints [ dest ] , pathgrid - > mPoints [ goal ] ) ;
if ( ! isInOpenSet )
std : : list < int > : : iterator it = openset . begin ( ) ;
for ( it = openset . begin ( ) ; it ! = openset . end ( ) ; it + + )
if ( g_score [ * it ] > g_score [ dest ] )
break ;
openset . insert ( it , dest ) ;
return reconstructPath ( graph , pathgrid , current , xCell , yCell ) ;
} */
namespace MWMechanics
@ -166,37 +75,83 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mIsPathConstructed = false ;
* NOTE : based on buildPath2 ( ) , please check git history if interested
* Populate mGraph with the cost of each allowed edge ( measured in distance ^ 2 )
* Any existing data in mGraph is wiped clean first . The node ' s parent is
* set with initial value of - 1. The parent values are populated by aStarSearch ( ) .
* mGSore and mFScore are also resized .
* mGraph [ f ] . edges [ n ] . destination = t
* f = point index of location " from "
* t = point index of location " to "
* n = index of edges from point f
* Example : ( note from p ( 0 ) to p ( 2 ) not allowed )
* mGraph [ 0 ] . edges [ 0 ] . destination = 1
* . edges [ 1 ] . destination = 3
* mGraph [ 1 ] . edges [ 0 ] . destination = 0
* . edges [ 1 ] . destination = 2
* . edges [ 2 ] . destination = 3
* mGraph [ 2 ] . edges [ 0 ] . destination = 1
* ( etc , etc )
* low
* cost
* p ( 0 ) < - - - > p ( 1 ) < - - - - - - - - - - - - > p ( 2 )
* ^ ^
* | |
* | + - - - - - > p ( 3 )
* + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >
* high cost
void PathFinder : : buildPathgridGraph ( const ESM : : Pathgrid * pathGrid )
mGraph . clear ( ) ;
mGScore . resize ( pathGrid - > mPoints . size ( ) , - 1 ) ;
mFScore . resize ( pathGrid - > mPoints . size ( ) , - 1 ) ;
// resize lists
mGScore . resize ( pathGrid - > mPoints . size ( ) , - 1 ) ;
mFScore . resize ( pathGrid - > mPoints . size ( ) , - 1 ) ;
Node defaultNode ;
defaultNode . label = - 1 ;
defaultNode . parent = - 1 ;
mGraph . resize ( pathGrid - > mPoints . size ( ) , defaultNode ) ;
// initialise mGraph
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pathGrid - > mPoints . size ( ) ; i + + )
Node node ;
node . label = i ;
node . parent = - 1 ;
mGraph [ i ] = node ;
mGraph [ i ] = node ; // TODO: old code used push_back(node), check if any difference
// store the costs (measured in distance ^2) of each edge, in both directions
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < pathGrid - > mEdges . size ( ) ; i + + )
Edge edge ;
edge . cost = distance ( pathGrid - > mPoints [ pathGrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV0 ] ,
pathGrid - > mPoints [ pathGrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV1 ] ) ;
// forward path of the edge
edge . destination = pathGrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV1 ;
edge . cost = distance ( pathGrid - > mPoints [ pathGrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV0 ] , pathGrid - > mPoints [ pathGrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV1 ] ) ;
mGraph [ pathGrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV0 ] . edges . push_back ( edge ) ;
edge . destination = pathGrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV0 ;
mGraph [ pathGrid - > mEdges [ i ] . mV1 ] . edges . push_back ( edge ) ;
// reverse path of the edge
// NOTE: These are redundant, ESM already contains the required reverse paths
//edge.destination = pathGrid->mEdges[i].mV0;
mIsGraphConstructed = true ;
void PathFinder : : cleanUpAStar ( )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < static_cast < int > ( mGraph . size ( ) ) ; i + + )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < static_cast < int > ( mGraph . size ( ) ) ; i + + )
mGraph [ i ] . parent = - 1 ;
mGScore [ i ] = - 1 ;
@ -204,6 +159,25 @@ namespace MWMechanics
* NOTE : based on buildPath2 ( ) , please check git history if interested
* Find the shortest path to the target goal using a well known algorithm .
* Uses mGraph which has pre - computed costs for allowed edges . It is assumed
* that mGraph is already constructed . The caller , i . e . buildPath ( ) , needs
* to ensure this .
* Returns path ( a list of pathgrid point indexes ) which may be empty .
* openset - point indexes to be traversed , lowest cost at the front
* closedset - point indexes already traversed
* mGScore - past accumulated costs vector indexed by point index
* mFScore - future estimated costs vector indexed by point index
* these are resized by buildPathgridGraph ( )
* The heuristics used is distance ^ 2 from current position to the final goal .
std : : list < ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point > PathFinder : : aStarSearch ( const ESM : : Pathgrid * pathGrid , int start , int goal , float xCell , float yCell )
cleanUpAStar ( ) ;
@ -218,18 +192,19 @@ namespace MWMechanics
while ( ! openset . empty ( ) )
current = openset . front ( ) ;
current = openset . front ( ) ; // front has the lowest cost
openset . pop_front ( ) ;
if ( current = = goal ) break ;
closedset . push_back ( current ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < static_cast < int > ( mGraph [ current ] . edges . size ( ) ) ; j + + )
// check all edges for the "current" point index
for ( int j = 0 ; j < static_cast < int > ( mGraph [ current ] . edges . size ( ) ) ; j + + )
//int next = mGraph[current].edges[j].destination
if ( std : : find ( closedset . begin ( ) , closedset . end ( ) , mGraph [ current ] . edges [ j ] . destination ) = = closedset . end ( ) )
// not in closedset - i.e. have not traversed this edge destination
int dest = mGraph [ current ] . edges [ j ] . destination ;
float tentative_g = mGScore [ current ] + mGraph [ current ] . edges [ j ] . cost ;
bool isInOpenSet = std : : find ( openset . begin ( ) , openset . end ( ) , dest ) ! = openset . end ( ) ;
@ -241,20 +216,22 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mFScore [ dest ] = tentative_g + distance ( pathGrid - > mPoints [ dest ] , pathGrid - > mPoints [ goal ] ) ;
if ( ! isInOpenSet )
// add this edge to openset, lowest cost goes to the front
// TODO: if this causes performance problems a hash table may help (apparently)
std : : list < int > : : iterator it = openset . begin ( ) ;
for ( it = openset . begin ( ) ; it ! = openset . end ( ) ; it + + )
if ( mGScore [ * it ] > mGScore [ dest ] )
if ( mGScore [ * it ] > mGScore [ dest ] )
break ;
openset . insert ( it , dest ) ;
openset . insert ( it , dest ) ;
} // if in closedset, i.e. traversed this edge already, try the next edge
// reconstruct path to return
std : : list < ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point > path ;
while ( mGraph [ current ] . parent ! = - 1 )
@ -266,6 +243,9 @@ namespace MWMechanics
current = mGraph [ current ] . parent ;
// TODO: Is this a bug? If path is empty the destination is inserted.
// Commented out pending further testing.
#if 0
if ( path . empty ( ) )
ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point pt = pathGrid - > mPoints [ goal ] ;
@ -273,10 +253,19 @@ namespace MWMechanics
pt . mY + = yCell ;
path . push_front ( pt ) ;
# endif
return path ;
* NOTE : This method may fail to find a path . The caller must check the result before using it .
* If there is no path the AI routies need to implement some other heuristics to reach the target .
* Updates mPath using aStarSearch ( ) .
* mPathConstructed is set true if successful , false if not
* May update mGraph by calling buildPathgridGraph ( ) if it isn ' t constructed yet .
void PathFinder : : buildPath ( const ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point & startPoint , const ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point & endPoint ,
const MWWorld : : CellStore * cell , bool allowShortcuts )
@ -310,11 +299,10 @@ namespace MWMechanics
if ( ! mIsGraphConstructed ) buildPathgridGraph ( pathGrid ) ;
mPath = aStarSearch ( pathGrid , startNode , endNode , xCell , yCell ) ; //findPath(startNode, endNode, mGraph);
mPath = aStarSearch ( pathGrid , startNode , endNode , xCell , yCell ) ;
if ( ! mPath . empty ( ) )
mPath . push_back ( endPoint ) ;
mIsPathConstructed = true ;
@ -331,8 +319,8 @@ namespace MWMechanics
float PathFinder : : getZAngleToNext ( float x , float y ) const
// This should never happen (programmers should have an if statement checking mIsPathConstructed that prevents this call
// if otherwise).
// This should never happen (programmers should have an if statement checking
// mIsPathConstructed that prevents this call if otherwise).
if ( mPath . empty ( ) )
return 0. ;