@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ namespace MWGui
: OEngine::GUI::Layout("openmw_mainmenu.layout")
, mButtonBox(0), mWidth (w), mHeight (h)
, mSaveGameDialog(NULL)
, mBackground(NULL)
getWidget(mVersionText, "VersionText");
std::stringstream sstream;
@ -59,6 +60,10 @@ namespace MWGui
if (visible)
MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->containsMode(MWGui::GM_MainMenu) &&
MWBase::Environment::get().getStateManager()->getState() == MWBase::StateManager::State_NoGame);
OEngine::GUI::Layout::setVisible (visible);
@ -125,11 +130,42 @@ namespace MWGui
void MainMenu::showBackground(bool show)
if (mBackground)
mBackground = NULL;
if (show)
if (!mBackground)
mBackground = MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().createWidgetReal<MyGUI::ImageBox>("ImageBox", 0,0,1,1,
MyGUI::Align::Stretch, "Menu");
// Use black bars to correct aspect ratio. The video player also does it, so we need to do it
// for mw_logo.bik to align correctly with menu_morrowind.dds.
MyGUI::IntSize screenSize = MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getViewSize();
// No way to un-hardcode this right now, menu_morrowind.dds is 1024x512 but was designed for 4:3
double imageaspect = 4.0/3.0;
int leftPadding = std::max(0.0, (screenSize.width - screenSize.height * imageaspect) / 2);
int topPadding = std::max(0.0, (screenSize.height - screenSize.width / imageaspect) / 2);
MyGUI::ImageBox* image = mBackground->createWidget<MyGUI::ImageBox>("ImageBox",
leftPadding, topPadding, screenSize.width - leftPadding*2, screenSize.height - topPadding*2, MyGUI::Align::Default);
void MainMenu::updateMenu()
setCoord(0,0, mWidth, mHeight);
if (!mButtonBox)
mButtonBox = mMainWidget->createWidget<MyGUI::Widget>("", MyGUI::IntCoord(0, 0, 0, 0), MyGUI::Align::Default);
@ -137,6 +173,8 @@ namespace MWGui
MWBase::StateManager::State state = MWBase::Environment::get().getStateManager()->getState();
showBackground(state == MWBase::StateManager::State_NoGame);
std::vector<std::string> buttons;
if (state==MWBase::StateManager::State_Running)
@ -191,12 +229,27 @@ namespace MWGui
assert(mButtons.find(*it) != mButtons.end());
MWGui::ImageButton* button = mButtons[*it];
MyGUI::IntSize requested = button->getRequestedSize();
button->setCoord((maxwidth-requested.width) / 2, curH, requested.width, requested.height);
curH += requested.height;
// Trim off some of the excessive padding
// TODO: perhaps do this within ImageButton?
int trim = 8;
button->setImageCoord(MyGUI::IntCoord(0, trim, requested.width, requested.height-trim));
int height = requested.height-trim*2;
button->setImageTile(MyGUI::IntSize(requested.width, height));
button->setCoord((maxwidth-requested.width) / 2, curH, requested.width, height);
curH += height;
mButtonBox->setCoord (mWidth/2 - maxwidth/2, mHeight/2 - curH/2, maxwidth, curH);
if (state == MWBase::StateManager::State_NoGame)
// Align with the background image
int bottomPadding=48;
mButtonBox->setCoord (mWidth/2 - maxwidth/2, mHeight - curH - bottomPadding, maxwidth, curH);
mButtonBox->setCoord (mWidth/2 - maxwidth/2, mHeight/2 - curH/2, maxwidth, curH);