Changed list of skill names to contain the ID of the names instead, the actual names are then fetched from GMST.

Jan Borsodi 14 years ago
parent 869bc4d084
commit 30e0d713ed

@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ void RaceDialog::updateSkills()
MyGUI::IntCoord coord1(0, 0, skillList->getWidth() - (40 + 4), 18);
MyGUI::IntCoord coord2(coord1.left + coord1.width, 0, 40, 18);
WindowManager *wm = environment.mWindowManager;
ESMS::ESMStore &store = environment.mWorld->getStore();
const ESM::Race *race = store.races.find(currentRaceId);
int count = sizeof(race->data.bonus)/sizeof(race->data.bonus[0]); // TODO: Find a portable macro for this ARRAYSIZE?
@ -234,7 +235,8 @@ void RaceDialog::updateSkills()
skillNameWidget = skillList->createWidget<MyGUI::StaticText>("SandText", coord1, MyGUI::Align::Default,
std::string("SkillName") + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i));
assert(skillId >= 0 && skillId < ESM::Skill::Length);
const std::string &skillNameId = ESMS::Skill::sSkillNameIds[skillId];
skillNameWidget->setCaption(wm->getGameSettingString(skillNameId, skillNameId));
skillBonusWidget = skillList->createWidget<MyGUI::StaticText>("SandTextRight", coord2, MyGUI::Align::Default,
std::string("SkillBonus") + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i));

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ struct Skill
HandToHand = 26,
static const std::string sSkillNames[Length];
static const std::string sSkillNameIds[Length];
void load(ESMReader &esm)

@ -2,33 +2,33 @@
namespace ESM
const std::string Skill::sSkillNames[Length] = {
"Medium Armor",
"Heavy Armor",
"Blunt Weapon",
"Long Blade",
"Light Armor",
"Short Blade",
"Hand To Hand",
const std::string Skill::sSkillNameIds[Length] = {
