@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
# include "../mwworld/class.hpp"
# include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp"
# include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp"
# include "../mwworld/customdata.hpp"
# include "creaturestats.hpp"
# include "steering.hpp"
@ -72,6 +73,8 @@ namespace MWMechanics
bool mIsWanderingManually ;
ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point mPreviousWanderingNearSpawnLocation ;
int mStuckTimer ;
bool mCanWanderAlongPathGrid ;
unsigned short mIdleAnimation ;
std : : vector < unsigned short > mBadIdles ; // Idle animations that when called cause errors
@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mState ( AiWander : : Wander_ChooseAction ) ,
mIsWanderingManually ( false ) ,
mStuckTimer ( 0 ) ,
mCanWanderAlongPathGrid ( true ) ,
mIdleAnimation ( 0 ) ,
mBadIdles ( )
{ } ;
@ -227,6 +231,9 @@ namespace MWMechanics
bool AiWander : : reactionTimeActions ( const MWWorld : : Ptr & actor , AiWanderStorage & storage ,
const MWWorld : : CellStore * & currentCell , bool cellChange , ESM : : Position & pos )
if ( mDistance < = 0 )
storage . mCanWanderAlongPathGrid = false ;
if ( isPackageCompleted ( actor , storage ) )
return true ;
@ -241,19 +248,19 @@ namespace MWMechanics
// Initialization to discover & store allowed node points for this actor.
if ( mPopulateAvailableNodes )
getAllowedNodes ( actor , currentCell - > getCell ( ) );
getAllowedNodes ( actor , currentCell - > getCell ( ) , storage );
// Actor becomes stationary - see above URL's for previous research
// If a creature or an NPC with a wander distance and no pathgrid is available,
// randomly idle or wander around near spawn point
if ( mAllowedNodes . empty ( ) & & ( mDistance > 0 | | ! actor . getClass ( ) . isNpc ( ) ) & & ! storage . mIsWanderingManually ) {
if ( mAllowedNodes . empty ( ) & & mDistance > 0 & & ! storage . mIsWanderingManually ) {
// Typically want to idle for a short time before the next wander
if ( Misc : : Rng : : rollDice ( 100 ) > = 96 ) {
wanderNearStart ( actor , storage , mDistance , actor . getClass ( ) . isNpc ( ) );
wanderNearStart ( actor , storage , mDistance );
} else if ( mAllowedNodes . empty ( ) & & ! storage . mIsWanderingManually ) {
mDistance = 0 ;
storage. mCanWanderAlongPathGrid = false ;
// Detect obstacles if wandering manually
@ -281,7 +288,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
playGreetingIfPlayerGetsTooClose ( actor , storage ) ;
if ( ( wanderState = = Wander_MoveNow ) & & mDistance )
if ( ( wanderState = = Wander_MoveNow ) & & storage. mCanWanderAlongPathGrid )
// Construct a new path if there isn't one
if ( ! storage . mPathFinder . isPathConstructed ( ) )
@ -346,13 +353,12 @@ namespace MWMechanics
* distance ( mDistance ) from the position where they started the wander package .
* http : //www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes3Mod:AIWander
void AiWander : : wanderNearStart ( const MWWorld : : Ptr & actor , AiWanderStorage & storage , int wanderDistance , bool isNpc ) {
void AiWander : : wanderNearStart ( const MWWorld : : Ptr & actor , AiWanderStorage & storage , int wanderDistance ) {
const ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point currentPosition = actor . getRefData ( ) . getPosition ( ) . pos ;
// Determine a random location within radius of original position
const float pi = 3.14159265359f ;
const float maxWanderDistance = isNpc ? wanderDistance : MINIMUM_WANDER_DISTANCE * 14.0f ;
const float wanderRadius = Misc : : Rng : : rollClosedProbability ( ) * maxWanderDistance ;
const float wanderRadius = Misc : : Rng : : rollClosedProbability ( ) * wanderDistance ;
const float randomDirection = Misc : : Rng : : rollClosedProbability ( ) * 2.0f * pi ;
const float destinationX = mInitialActorPosition . x ( ) + wanderRadius * std : : cos ( randomDirection ) ;
const float destinationY = mInitialActorPosition . y ( ) + wanderRadius * std : : sin ( randomDirection ) ;
@ -376,10 +382,10 @@ namespace MWMechanics
const float minimumDistanceTraveled = actorSpeed / 5.0f ;
if ( distanceApart2d ( storage . mPreviousWanderingNearSpawnLocation , currentPosition ) < minimumDistanceTraveled ) {
// Hit an obstacle and haven't moved much
if ( + + ( storage . mStuckTimer ) > 10 ) {
// Stuck too long, stop wandering
if ( + + ( storage . mStuckTimer ) > 8 ) {
// Stuck too long, wander elsewhere
storage . setState ( Wander_ChooseAction ) ;
mDistance = 0 ;
wanderNearStart( actor , storage , mDistance ) ;
} else {
storage . mPreviousWanderingNearSpawnLocation = currentPosition ;
@ -769,7 +775,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
return ;
if ( mPopulateAvailableNodes )
getAllowedNodes ( actor , actor . getCell ( ) - > getCell ( ) );
getAllowedNodes ( actor , actor . getCell ( ) - > getCell ( ) , state . get < AiWanderStorage > ( ) );
if ( mAllowedNodes . empty ( ) )
return ;
@ -796,7 +802,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
return static_cast < int > ( DESTINATION_TOLERANCE * ( Misc : : Rng : : rollProbability ( ) * 2.0f - 1.0f ) ) ;
void AiWander : : getAllowedNodes ( const MWWorld : : Ptr & actor , const ESM : : Cell * cell )
void AiWander : : getAllowedNodes ( const MWWorld : : Ptr & actor , const ESM : : Cell * cell , AiWanderStorage & storage )
// infrequently used, therefore no benefit in caching it as a member
const ESM : : Pathgrid *
@ -810,14 +816,14 @@ namespace MWMechanics
// http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5833
// Note: In order to wander, need at least two points.
if ( ! pathgrid | | ( pathgrid - > mPoints . size ( ) < 2 ) )
mDistance = 0 ;
storage. mCanWanderAlongPathGrid = false ;
// A distance value passed into the constructor indicates how far the
// actor can wander from the spawn position. AiWander assumes that
// pathgrid points are available, and uses them to randomly select wander
// destinations within the allowed set of pathgrid points (nodes).
// ... pathgrids don't usually include water, so swimmers ignore them
if ( mDistance & & ! actor . getClass ( ) . isPureWaterCreature ( actor ) )
if ( mDistance & & storage . mCanWanderAlongPathGrid & & ! actor . getClass ( ) . isPureWaterCreature ( actor ) )
// get NPC's position in local (i.e. cell) co-ordinates
osg : : Vec3f npcPos ( mInitialActorPosition ) ;