@ -387,6 +387,18 @@ namespace MWWorld
for (std::vector<MagicBoltState>::iterator it = mMagicBolts.begin(); it != mMagicBolts.end();)
// If the actor caster is gone, the magic bolt needs to be removed from the scene during the next frame.
MWWorld::Ptr caster = it->getCaster();
if (!caster.isEmpty() && caster.getClass().isActor())
if (caster.getRefData().getCount() <= 0 || caster.getClass().getCreatureStats(caster).isDead())
it = mMagicBolts.erase(it);
osg::Quat orient = it->mNode->getAttitude();
static float fTargetSpellMaxSpeed = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>()
@ -405,8 +417,6 @@ namespace MWWorld
update(*it, duration);
MWWorld::Ptr caster = it->getCaster();
// For AI actors, get combat targets to use in the ray cast. Only those targets will return a positive hit result.
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> targetActors;
if (!caster.isEmpty() && caster.getClass().isActor() && caster != MWMechanics::getPlayer())