@ -34,6 +34,13 @@ btVector3 getbtVector(const osg::Vec3f &v)
return btVector3(v.x(), v.y(), v.z());
bool pathFileNameStartsWithX(const std::string& path)
const std::size_t slashpos = path.find_last_of("/\\");
const std::size_t letterPos = slashpos == std::string::npos ? 0 : slashpos + 1;
return letterPos < path.size() && (path[letterPos] == 'x' || path[letterPos] == 'X');
namespace NifBullet
@ -88,18 +95,10 @@ osg::ref_ptr<Resource::BulletShape> BulletNifLoader::load(const Nif::NIFFilePtr&
bool autogenerated = hasAutoGeneratedCollision(node);
bool isAnimated = false;
// files with the name convention xmodel.nif usually have keyframes stored in a separate file xmodel.kf (see Animation::addAnimSource).
// assume all nodes in the file will be animated
std::string filename = nif->getFilename();
size_t slashpos = filename.find_last_of("/\\");
if (slashpos == std::string::npos)
slashpos = 0;
if (slashpos+1 < filename.size() && (filename[slashpos+1] == 'x' || filename[slashpos+1] == 'X'))
isAnimated = true;
const bool isAnimated = pathFileNameStartsWithX(nif->getFilename());
handleNode(node, 0, autogenerated, isAnimated, autogenerated);