Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp.git synced 2025-03-03 17:19:39 +00:00

Remove unused code

This commit is contained in:
scrawl 2013-12-14 05:07:08 +01:00
parent 39eea24dc3
commit 530d06ab54
5 changed files with 2 additions and 329 deletions

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@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ add_component_dir (misc
add_component_dir (files
linuxpath windowspath macospath fixedpath multidircollection collections fileops configurationmanager
filelibrary constrainedfiledatastream lowlevelfile
linuxpath windowspath macospath fixedpath multidircollection collections configurationmanager
constrainedfiledatastream lowlevelfile
add_component_dir (compiler

View file

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
#include "filelibrary.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <../components/misc/stringops.hpp>
namespace Files
// Looks for a string in a vector of strings
bool containsVectorString(const StringVector& list, const std::string& str)
for (StringVector::const_iterator iter = list.begin();
iter != list.end(); ++iter)
if (*iter == str)
return true;
return false;
// Searches a path and adds the results to the library
void FileLibrary::add(const boost::filesystem::path &root, bool recursive, bool strict,
const StringVector &acceptableExtensions)
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(root))
std::cout << "Warning " << root.string() << " does not exist.\n";
std::string fileExtension;
std::string type;
// remember the last location of the priority list when listing new items
int length = mPriorityList.size();
// First makes a list of all candidate files
FileLister(root, mPriorityList, recursive);
// Then sort these files into sections according to the folder they belong to
for (PathContainer::iterator listIter = mPriorityList.begin() + length;
listIter != mPriorityList.end(); ++listIter)
if( !acceptableExtensions.empty() )
fileExtension = boost::filesystem::path (listIter->extension()).string();
if(!containsVectorString(acceptableExtensions, fileExtension))
type = boost::filesystem::path (listIter->parent_path().leaf()).string();
if (!strict)
// std::cout << "Added path: " << listIter->string() << " in section "<< type <<std::endl;
// Returns true if the named section exists
bool FileLibrary::containsSection(std::string sectionName, bool strict)
if (!strict)
StringPathContMap::const_iterator mapIter = mMap.find(sectionName);
if (mapIter == mMap.end())
return false;
return true;
// Returns a pointer to const for a section of the library
const PathContainer* FileLibrary::section(std::string sectionName, bool strict)
if (!strict)
StringPathContMap::const_iterator mapIter = mMap.find(sectionName);
if (mapIter == mMap.end())
//std::cout << "Empty\n";
return &mEmptyPath;
return &(mapIter->second);
// Searches the library for an item and returns a boost path to it
boost::filesystem::path FileLibrary::locate(std::string item, bool strict, bool ignoreExtensions, std::string sectionName)
boost::filesystem::path result("");
if (sectionName == "")
return FileListLocator(mPriorityList, boost::filesystem::path(item), strict, ignoreExtensions);
if (!containsSection(sectionName, strict))
std::cout << "Warning: There is no section named " << sectionName << "\n";
return result;
result = FileListLocator(mMap[sectionName], boost::filesystem::path(item), strict, ignoreExtensions);
return result;
// Prints all the available sections, used for debugging
void FileLibrary::printSections()
for(StringPathContMap::const_iterator mapIter = mMap.begin();
mapIter != mMap.end(); ++mapIter)
std::cout << mapIter->first <<std::endl;

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
#include <components/files/fileops.hpp>
namespace Files
typedef std::map<std::string, PathContainer> StringPathContMap;
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
/// Looks for a string in a vector of strings
bool containsVectorString(const StringVector& list, const std::string& str);
/// \brief Searches directories and makes lists of files according to folder name
class FileLibrary
StringPathContMap mMap;
PathContainer mEmptyPath;
PathContainer mPriorityList;
/// Searches a path and adds the results to the library
/// Recursive search and fs strict options are available
/// Takes a vector of acceptable files extensions, if none is given it lists everything.
void add(const boost::filesystem::path &root, bool recursive, bool strict,
const StringVector &acceptableExtensions);
/// Returns true if the named section exists
/// You can run this check before running section()
bool containsSection(std::string sectionName, bool strict);
/// Returns a pointer to const for a section of the library
/// which is essentially a PathContainer.
/// If the section does not exists it returns a pointer to an empty path.
const PathContainer* section(std::string sectionName, bool strict);
/// Searches the library for an item and returns a boost path to it
/// Optionally you can provide a specific section
/// The result is the first that comes up according to alphabetical
/// section naming
boost::filesystem::path locate(std::string item, bool strict, bool ignoreExtensions, std::string sectionName="");
/// Prints all the available sections, used for debugging
void printSections();

View file

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
#include "fileops.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <../components/misc/stringops.hpp>
namespace Files
bool isFile(const char *name)
return boost::filesystem::exists(boost::filesystem::path(name));
// Returns true if the last part of the superset matches the subset
bool endingMatches(const std::string& superset, const std::string& subset)
if (subset.length() > superset.length())
return false;
return superset.substr(superset.length() - subset.length()) == subset;
// Makes a list of files from a directory
void FileLister( boost::filesystem::path currentPath, Files::PathContainer& list, bool recursive)
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(currentPath))
std::cout << "WARNING: " << currentPath.string() << " does not exist.\n";
return ;
if (recursive)
for ( boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator end, itr(currentPath.string());
itr != end; ++itr )
if ( boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(*itr))
for ( boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end, itr(currentPath.string());
itr != end; ++itr )
if ( boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(*itr))
// Locates path in path container
boost::filesystem::path FileListLocator (const Files::PathContainer& list, const boost::filesystem::path& toFind,
bool strict, bool ignoreExtensions)
boost::filesystem::path result("");
if (list.empty())
return result;
std::string toFindStr;
if (ignoreExtensions)
toFindStr = boost::filesystem::basename(toFind);
toFindStr = toFind.string();
std::string fullPath;
// The filesystems slash sets the default slash
std::string slash;
std::string wrongslash;
if(list[0].string().find("\\") != std::string::npos)
slash = "\\";
wrongslash = "/";
slash = "/";
wrongslash = "\\";
// The file being looked for is converted to the new slash
if(toFindStr.find(wrongslash) != std::string::npos )
boost::replace_all(toFindStr, wrongslash, slash);
if (!strict)
for (Files::PathContainer::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
fullPath = it->string();
if (ignoreExtensions)
fullPath.erase(fullPath.length() -
boost::filesystem::path (it->extension()).string().length());
if (!strict)
if(endingMatches(fullPath, toFindStr))
result = *it;
return result;
// Overloaded form of the locator that takes a string and returns a string
std::string FileListLocator (const Files::PathContainer& list,const std::string& toFind, bool strict, bool ignoreExtensions)
return FileListLocator(list, boost::filesystem::path(toFind), strict, ignoreExtensions).string();

View file

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
namespace Files
///\brief Check if a given path is an existing file (not a directory)
///\param [in] name - filename
bool isFile(const char *name);
/// A vector of Boost Paths, very handy
typedef std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> PathContainer;
/// Makes a list of files from a directory by taking a boost
/// path and a Path Container and adds to the Path container
/// all files in the path. It has a recursive option.
void FileLister( boost::filesystem::path currentPath, Files::PathContainer& list, bool recursive);
/// Locates boost path in path container
/// returns the path from the container
/// that contains the searched path.
/// If it's not found it returns and empty path
/// Takes care of slashes, backslashes and it has a strict option.
boost::filesystem::path FileListLocator (const Files::PathContainer& list, const boost::filesystem::path& toFind,
bool strict, bool ignoreExtensions);
/// Overloaded form of the locator that takes a string and returns a string
std::string FileListLocator (const Files::PathContainer& list,const std::string& toFind, bool strict, bool ignoreExtensions);