@ -74,13 +74,82 @@ namespace Shader
return true ;
bool parseFors ( std : : string & source )
const char escapeCharacter = ' $ ' ;
size_t foundPos = 0 ;
while ( ( foundPos = source . find ( escapeCharacter ) ) ! = std : : string : : npos )
size_t endPos = source . find_first_of ( " \n \r ()[].;, " , foundPos ) ;
if ( endPos = = std : : string : : npos )
std : : cerr < < " Unexpected EOF " < < std : : endl ;
return false ;
std : : string command = source . substr ( foundPos + 1 , endPos - ( foundPos + 1 ) ) ;
if ( command ! = " foreach " )
std : : cerr < < " Unknown shader directive: $ " < < command < < std : : endl ;
return false ;
size_t iterNameStart = endPos + 1 ;
size_t iterNameEnd = source . find_first_of ( " \n \r ()[].;, " , iterNameStart ) ;
if ( iterNameEnd = = std : : string : : npos )
std : : cerr < < " Unexpected EOF " < < std : : endl ;
return false ;
std : : string iteratorName = " $ " + source . substr ( iterNameStart , iterNameEnd - iterNameStart ) ;
size_t listStart = iterNameEnd + 1 ;
size_t listEnd = source . find_first_of ( " \n \r " , listStart ) ;
if ( listEnd = = std : : string : : npos )
std : : cerr < < " Unexpected EOF " < < std : : endl ;
return false ;
std : : string list = source . substr ( listStart , listEnd - listStart ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > listElements ;
boost : : split ( listElements , list , boost : : is_any_of ( " , " ) ) ;
size_t contentStart = source . find_first_not_of ( " \n \r " , listEnd ) ;
size_t contentEnd = source . find ( " $endforeach " , contentStart ) ;
if ( contentEnd = = std : : string : : npos )
std : : cerr < < " Unexpected EOF " < < std : : endl ;
return false ;
std : : string content = source . substr ( contentStart , contentEnd - contentStart ) ;
size_t overallEnd = contentEnd + std : : string ( " $endforeach " ) . length ( ) ;
// This will be wrong if there are other #line directives, so that needs fixing
int lineNumber = std : : count ( source . begin ( ) , source . begin ( ) + overallEnd , ' \n ' ) + 2 ;
std : : string replacement = " " ;
for ( std : : vector < std : : string > : : const_iterator element = listElements . cbegin ( ) ; element ! = listElements . cend ( ) ; element + + )
std : : string contentInstance = content ;
size_t foundIterator ;
while ( ( foundIterator = contentInstance . find ( iteratorName ) ) ! = std : : string : : npos )
contentInstance . replace ( foundIterator , iteratorName . length ( ) , * element ) ;
replacement + = contentInstance ;
replacement + = " \n #line " + std : : to_string ( lineNumber ) ;
source . replace ( foundPos , overallEnd - foundPos , replacement ) ;
return true ;
bool parseDefines ( std : : string & source , const ShaderManager : : DefineMap & defines )
const char escapeCharacter = ' @ ' ;
size_t foundPos = 0 ;
std : : vector < std : : string > forIterators ;
while ( ( foundPos = source . find ( escapeCharacter ) ) ! = std : : string : : npos )
size_t endPos = source . find_first_of ( " \n \r ()[].; " , foundPos ) ;
size_t endPos = source . find_first_of ( " \n \r ()[].; , " , foundPos ) ;
if ( endPos = = std : : string : : npos )
std : : cerr < < " Unexpected EOF " < < std : : endl ;
@ -88,7 +157,34 @@ namespace Shader
std : : string define = source . substr ( foundPos + 1 , endPos - ( foundPos + 1 ) ) ;
ShaderManager : : DefineMap : : const_iterator defineFound = defines . find ( define ) ;
if ( defineFound = = defines . end ( ) )
if ( define = = " foreach " )
source . replace ( foundPos , 1 , " $ " ) ;
size_t iterNameStart = endPos + 1 ;
size_t iterNameEnd = source . find_first_of ( " \n \r ()[].;, " , iterNameStart ) ;
if ( iterNameEnd = = std : : string : : npos )
std : : cerr < < " Unexpected EOF " < < std : : endl ;
return false ;
forIterators . push_back ( source . substr ( iterNameStart , iterNameEnd - iterNameStart ) ) ;
else if ( define = = " endforeach " )
source . replace ( foundPos , 1 , " $ " ) ;
if ( forIterators . empty ( ) )
std : : cerr < < " endforeach without foreach " < < std : : endl ;
return false ;
forIterators . pop_back ( ) ;
else if ( std : : find ( forIterators . begin ( ) , forIterators . end ( ) , define ) ! = forIterators . end ( ) )
source . replace ( foundPos , 1 , " $ " ) ;
else if ( defineFound = = defines . end ( ) )
std : : cerr < < " Undefined " < < define < < std : : endl ;
return false ;
@ -113,23 +209,10 @@ namespace Shader
if ( shadows )
definesWithShadows . insert ( std : : make_pair ( std : : string ( " shadows_enabled " ) , std : : string ( " 1 " ) ) ) ;
/*definesWithShadows.insert(std::string("shadow_texture_unit_declarations"), std::string(""));
definesWithShadows . insert ( std : : string ( " shadow_space_coordinate_declarations " ) , std : : string ( " " ) ) ;
definesWithShadows . insert ( std : : string ( " shadow_space_coordinate_calculations " ) , std : : string ( " " ) ) ;
definesWithShadows . insert ( std : : string ( " shadow_texture_sampler_declarations " ) , std : : string ( " " ) ) ;
definesWithShadows . insert ( std : : string ( " shadow_texture_lookup_calculations " ) , std : : string ( " " ) ) ; */
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numShadowMaps ; + + i )
definesWithShadows [ " shadow_texture_unit_declarations " ] + = " uniform int shadowTextureUnit " + std : : to_string ( i ) + " ; \n " ;
definesWithShadows [ " shadow_space_coordinate_declarations " ] + = " varying vec4 shadowSpaceCoords " + std : : to_string ( i ) + " ; \n " ;
definesWithShadows [ " shadow_space_coordinate_calculations " ] + = " eyePlaneMat = mat4(gl_EyePlaneS[shadowTextureUnit " + std : : to_string ( i ) + " ], gl_EyePlaneT[shadowTextureUnit " + std : : to_string ( i ) + " ], gl_EyePlaneR[shadowTextureUnit " + std : : to_string ( i ) + " ], gl_EyePlaneQ[shadowTextureUnit " + std : : to_string ( i ) + " ]); \n "
+ " shadowSpaceCoords " + std : : to_string ( i ) + " = viewPos * eyePlaneMat; \n " ;
definesWithShadows [ " shadow_texture_sampler_declarations " ] + = " uniform sampler2DShadow shadowTexture " + std : : to_string ( i ) + " ; \n " ;
definesWithShadows [ " shadow_texture_lookup_calculations " ] + = " shadowing *= shadow2DProj(shadowTexture " + std : : to_string ( i ) + " , shadowSpaceCoords " + std : : to_string ( i ) + " ).r; \n " ;
definesWithShadows [ " shadow_texture_unit_list " ] + = std : : to_string ( i ) + " , " ;
// remove extra comma
definesWithShadows [ " shadow_texture_unit_list " ] = definesWithShadows [ " shadow_texture_unit_list " ] . substr ( 0 , definesWithShadows [ " shadow_texture_unit_list " ] . length ( ) - 1 ) ;
definesWithShadows . insert ( defines . begin ( ) , defines . end ( ) ) ;
@ -161,7 +244,7 @@ namespace Shader
if ( shaderIt = = mShaders . end ( ) )
std : : string shaderSource = templateIt - > second ;
if ( ! parseDefines ( shaderSource , definesWithShadows ) )
if ( ! parseDefines ( shaderSource , definesWithShadows ) | | ! parseFors ( shaderSource ) )
// Add to the cache anyway to avoid logging the same error over and over.
mShaders . insert ( std : : make_pair ( std : : make_pair ( shaderTemplate , defines ) , nullptr ) ) ;