@ -799,20 +799,80 @@ namespace MWMechanics
int index = Misc::Rng::rollDice(storage.mAllowedNodes.size());
ESM::Pathgrid::Point dest = storage.mAllowedNodes[index];
state.moveIn(new AiWanderStorage());
ESM::Pathgrid::Point worldDest = dest;
ToWorldCoordinates(worldDest, actor.getCell()->getCell());
bool isPathGridOccupied = MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->isAnyActorInRange(PathFinder::MakeOsgVec3(worldDest), 60);
// add offset only if the selected pathgrid is occupied by another actor
if (isPathGridOccupied)
ESM::Pathgrid::PointList points;
getNeighbouringNodes(dest, actor.getCell(), points);
// there are no neighbouring nodes, nowhere to move
if (points.empty())
int initialSize = points.size();
bool isOccupied = false;
// AI will try to move the NPC towards every neighboring node until suitable place will be found
for (int i = 0; i < initialSize; i++)
int randomIndex = Misc::Rng::rollDice(points.size());
ESM::Pathgrid::Point connDest = points[randomIndex];
// add an offset towards random neighboring node
osg::Vec3f dir = PathFinder::MakeOsgVec3(connDest) - PathFinder::MakeOsgVec3(dest);
float length = dir.length();
for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
// move for 5-15% towards random neighboring node
dest = PathFinder::MakePathgridPoint(PathFinder::MakeOsgVec3(dest) + dir * (j * 5 * length / 100.f));
worldDest = dest;
ToWorldCoordinates(worldDest, actor.getCell()->getCell());
isOccupied = MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->isAnyActorInRange(PathFinder::MakeOsgVec3(worldDest), 60);
if (!isOccupied)
if (!isOccupied)
// Will try an another neighboring node
// there is no free space, nowhere to move
if (isOccupied)
// place above to prevent moving inside objects, e.g. stairs, because a vector between pathgrids can be underground.
// Adding 20 in adjustPosition() is not enough.
dest.mZ += 60;
dest.mX += OffsetToPreventOvercrowding();
dest.mY += OffsetToPreventOvercrowding();
ToWorldCoordinates(dest, actor.getCell()->getCell());
state.moveIn(new AiWanderStorage());
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->moveObject(actor, static_cast<float>(dest.mX),
static_cast<float>(dest.mY), static_cast<float>(dest.mZ));
actor.getClass().adjustPosition(actor, false);
int AiWander::OffsetToPreventOvercrowding()
void AiWander::getNeighbouringNodes(ESM::Pathgrid::Point dest, const MWWorld::CellStore* currentCell, ESM::Pathgrid::PointList& points)
return static_cast<int>(20 * (Misc::Rng::rollProbability() * 2.0f - 1.0f));
const ESM::Pathgrid *pathgrid =
int index = PathFinder::GetClosestPoint(pathgrid, PathFinder::MakeOsgVec3(dest));
currentCell->getNeighbouringPoints(index, points);
void AiWander::getAllowedNodes(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const ESM::Cell* cell, AiWanderStorage& storage)