@ -9,20 +9,50 @@ The following describes the locations for the various OpenMW file paths for diff
Configuration files and log files
:Linux: ``$HOME/.config/openmw``
:Mac: ``$HOME/Library/Preferences/openmw``
:Windows: ``C:\Users\Username\Documents\my games\openmw``
| OS | Location |
| Linux | `` $HOME/.config/openmw `` |
| Mac | `` $HOME/Library/Preferences/openmw `` |
| Windows | File Explorer | `` %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\OpenMW `` |
| | | |
| | PowerShell | `` "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\My Games\OpenMW" `` |
| | | |
| | Example | `` C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\OpenMW `` |
:Linux: ``$HOME/.local/share/openmw/saves``
:Mac: ``$HOME/Library/Application Support/openmw/saves``
:Windows: ``C:\Users\Username\Documents\my games\openmw\saves``
| OS | Location |
| Linux | `` $HOME/.config/openmw/saves `` |
| Mac | `` $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/openmw/saves `` |
| Windows | File Explorer | `` %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\OpenMW\saves `` |
| | | |
| | PowerShell | `` "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\My Games\OpenMW\saves" `` |
| | | |
| | Example | `` C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\OpenMW\saves `` |
:Linux: ``$HOME/.local/share/openmw``
:Mac: ``$HOME/Library/Application Support/openmw``
:Windows: ``C:\Users\Username\Documents\my games\openmw``
| OS | Location |
| Linux | `` $HOME/.local/share/openmw `` |
| Mac | `` $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/openmw `` |
| Windows | File Explorer | `` %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\OpenMW\OpenMW `` |
| | | |
| | PowerShell | `` "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\My Games\OpenMW\OpenMW" `` |
| | | |
| | Example | `` C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\OpenMW\OpenMW `` |