@ -416,44 +416,6 @@ namespace NifOsg
toSetup - > setFunction ( boost : : shared_ptr < ControllerFunction > ( new ControllerFunction ( ctrl ) ) ) ;
void optimize ( const Nif : : Node * nifNode , osg : : Group * node , bool skipMeshes )
// For nodes with an identity transform, remove the redundant Transform node
if ( node - > getDataVariance ( ) = = osg : : Object : : STATIC
// For TriShapes, we can only collapse the node, but not completely remove it,
// if the link to animated collision shapes is supposed to stay intact.
& & ( nifNode - > recType ! = Nif : : RC_NiTriShape | | ! skipMeshes )
// Don't optimize drawables with controllers, that creates issues when we want to deep copy controllers without deep copying the drawable that holds the controller.
// A deep copy of controllers may be needed to independently animate multiple copies of the same mesh.
& & ! node - > getUpdateCallback ( ) )
if ( node - > getNumParents ( ) & & nifNode - > trafo . isIdentity ( ) )
osg : : Group * parent = node - > getParent ( 0 ) ;
// can be multiple children in case of ParticleSystems, with the extra ParticleSystemUpdater node
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < node - > getNumChildren ( ) ; + + i )
osg : : Node * child = node - > getChild ( i ) ;
if ( i = = node - > getNumChildren ( ) - 1 ) // FIXME: some nicer way to determine where our actual Drawable resides...
child - > addUpdateCallback ( node - > getUpdateCallback ( ) ) ;
child - > setStateSet ( node - > getStateSet ( ) ) ;
child - > setName ( node - > getName ( ) ) ;
// make sure to copy the UserDataContainer with the record index, so that connections to an animated collision shape don't break
child - > setUserDataContainer ( node - > getUserDataContainer ( ) ) ;
parent - > addChild ( child ) ;
node - > removeChildren ( 0 , node - > getNumChildren ( ) ) ;
parent - > removeChild ( node ) ;
// For NiTriShapes *with* a valid transform, perhaps we could apply the transform to the vertices.
// Need to make sure that won't break transparency sorting. Check what the original engine is doing?
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : LOD > handleLodNode ( const Nif : : NiLODNode * niLodNode )
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : LOD > lod ( new osg : : LOD ) ;
@ -678,9 +640,6 @@ namespace NifOsg
if ( ! nifNode - > controller . empty ( ) & & node - > getDataVariance ( ) = = osg : : Object : : DYNAMIC )
handleNodeControllers ( nifNode , static_cast < osg : : MatrixTransform * > ( node . get ( ) ) , animflags ) ;
// Optimization pass
optimize ( nifNode , node , skipMeshes ) ;
if ( nifNode - > recType = = Nif : : RC_NiLODNode )