Add basic cell preloader class

Not properly in use yet, but seems to be working.
scrawl 9 years ago
parent e055ae094a
commit 6f9ca0f68f

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ add_openmw_dir (mwworld
actionequip timestamp actionalchemy cellstore actionapply actioneat
store esmstore recordcmp fallback actionrepair actionsoulgem livecellref actiondoor
contentloader esmloader actiontrap cellreflist cellref physicssystem weather projectilemanager
add_openmw_dir (mwphysics

@ -690,6 +690,11 @@ namespace MWPhysics
delete mBroadphase;
Resource::BulletShapeManager *PhysicsSystem::getShapeManager()
return mShapeManager.get();
bool PhysicsSystem::toggleDebugRendering()
mDebugDrawEnabled = !mDebugDrawEnabled;

@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ namespace MWPhysics
PhysicsSystem (Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> parentNode);
~PhysicsSystem ();
Resource::BulletShapeManager* getShapeManager();
void enableWater(float height);
void setWaterHeight(float height);
void disableWater();

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
#include "cellpreloader.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <components/resource/scenemanager.hpp>
#include <components/resource/bulletshapemanager.hpp>
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "cellstore.hpp"
#include "manualref.hpp"
#include "class.hpp"
namespace MWWorld
struct ListModelsVisitor
ListModelsVisitor(std::vector<std::string>& out)
: mOut(out)
virtual bool operator()(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr)
std::string model = ptr.getClass().getModel(ptr);
if (!model.empty())
return true;
std::vector<std::string>& mOut;
class PreloadItem : public SceneUtil::WorkItem
/// Constructor to be called from the main thread.
PreloadItem(const MWWorld::CellStore* cell, Resource::SceneManager* sceneManager, Resource::BulletShapeManager* bulletShapeManager)
: mSceneManager(sceneManager)
, mBulletShapeManager(bulletShapeManager)
if (cell->getState() == MWWorld::CellStore::State_Loaded)
ListModelsVisitor visitor (mMeshes);
const std::vector<std::string>& objectIds = cell->getPreloadedIds();
// could possibly build the model list in the worker thread if we manage to make the Store thread safe
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = objectIds.begin(); it != objectIds.end(); ++it)
MWWorld::ManualRef ref(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(), *it);
std::string model = ref.getPtr().getClass().getModel(ref.getPtr());
if (!model.empty())
/// Preload work to be called from the worker thread.
virtual void doWork()
for (MeshList::const_iterator it = mMeshes.begin(); it != mMeshes.end(); ++it)
// TODO: do a createInstance() and hold on to it since we can make use of it when the cell goes active
catch (std::exception& e)
// ignore error for now, would spam the log too much
// error will be shown when visiting the cell
typedef std::vector<std::string> MeshList;
MeshList mMeshes;
Resource::SceneManager* mSceneManager;
Resource::BulletShapeManager* mBulletShapeManager;
// keep a ref to the loaded object to make sure it stays loaded as long as this cell is in the preloaded state
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<const osg::Node> > mPreloadedNodes;
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<const Resource::BulletShape> > mPreloadedShapes;
CellPreloader::CellPreloader(Resource::SceneManager *sceneManager, Resource::BulletShapeManager* bulletShapeManager)
: mSceneManager(sceneManager)
, mBulletShapeManager(bulletShapeManager)
mWorkQueue = new SceneUtil::WorkQueue;
void CellPreloader::preload(const CellStore *cell, double timestamp)
if (!mWorkQueue)
std::cerr << "can't preload, no work queue set " << std::endl;
if (cell->getState() == CellStore::State_Unloaded)
std::cerr << "can't preload objects for unloaded cell" << std::endl;
PreloadMap::iterator found = mPreloadCells.find(cell);
if (found != mPreloadCells.end())
// already preloaded, nothing to do other than updating the timestamp
found->second.mTimeStamp = timestamp;
osg::ref_ptr<PreloadItem> item (new PreloadItem(cell, mSceneManager, mBulletShapeManager));
mPreloadCells[cell] = PreloadEntry(timestamp, item);
void CellPreloader::updateCache(double timestamp)
// time (in seconds) to keep a preloaded cell in cache after it's no longer needed
const double expiryTime = 60.0;
for (PreloadMap::iterator it = mPreloadCells.begin(); it != mPreloadCells.end();)
if (it->second.mTimeStamp < timestamp - expiryTime)
void CellPreloader::setWorkQueue(osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::WorkQueue> workQueue)
mWorkQueue = workQueue;

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#include <map>
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
#include <components/sceneutil/workqueue.hpp>
namespace Resource
class SceneManager;
class BulletShapeManager;
namespace MWWorld
class CellStore;
class CellPreloader
CellPreloader(Resource::SceneManager* sceneManager, Resource::BulletShapeManager* bulletShapeManager);
/// Ask a background thread to preload rendering meshes and collision shapes for objects in this cell.
/// @note The cell itself must be in State_Loaded or State_Preloaded.
void preload(const MWWorld::CellStore* cell, double timestamp);
/// Removes preloaded cells that have not had a preload request for a while.
void updateCache(double timestamp);
void setWorkQueue(osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::WorkQueue> workQueue);
Resource::SceneManager* mSceneManager;
Resource::BulletShapeManager* mBulletShapeManager;
osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::WorkQueue> mWorkQueue;
struct PreloadEntry
PreloadEntry(double timestamp, osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::WorkItem> workItem)
: mTimeStamp(timestamp)
, mWorkItem(workItem)
: mTimeStamp(0.0)
double mTimeStamp;
osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::WorkItem> mWorkItem;
typedef std::map<const MWWorld::CellStore*, PreloadEntry> PreloadMap;
// Cells that are currently being preloaded, or have already finished preloading
PreloadMap mPreloadCells;

@ -333,6 +333,11 @@ namespace MWWorld
return mState;
const std::vector<std::string> &CellStore::getPreloadedIds() const
return mIds;
bool CellStore::hasState() const
return mHasState;

@ -204,6 +204,9 @@ namespace MWWorld
State getState() const;
const std::vector<std::string>& getPreloadedIds() const;
///< Get Ids of objects in this cell, only valid in State_Preloaded
bool hasState() const;
///< Does this cell have state that needs to be stored in a saved game file?

@ -46,9 +46,7 @@ add_component_dir (resource
add_component_dir (sceneutil
clone attach visitor util statesetupdater controller skeleton riggeometry lightcontroller
lightmanager lightutil positionattitudetransform
# not used yet
lightmanager lightutil positionattitudetransform workqueue
add_component_dir (nif

@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ namespace Resource
void ResourceSystem::updateCache(double referenceTime)
// TODO: call updateCache from the worker thread so the main thread isn't held up by the delete operations
// change ObjectCache to not hold lock while the unref happens
osg::Timer timer;
for (std::vector<ResourceManager*>::iterator it = mResourceManagers.begin(); it != mResourceManagers.end(); ++it)
