@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# include "enchanting.hpp"
# include <components/misc/rng.hpp>
# include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
# include "../mwworld/manualref.hpp"
# include "../mwworld/class.hpp"
@ -62,7 +63,6 @@ namespace MWMechanics
const MWWorld : : Ptr & player = getPlayer ( ) ;
MWWorld : : ContainerStore & store = player . getClass ( ) . getContainerStore ( player ) ;
ESM : : Enchantment enchantment ;
enchantment . mData . mCharge = getGemCharge ( ) ;
enchantment . mData . mAutocalc = 0 ;
enchantment . mData . mType = mCastStyle ;
enchantment . mData . mCost = getBaseCastCost ( ) ;
@ -81,19 +81,26 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mEnchanter . getClass ( ) . skillUsageSucceeded ( mEnchanter , ESM : : Skill : : Enchant , 2 ) ;
if ( mCastStyle = = ESM : : Enchantment : : ConstantEffect )
enchantment . mData . mCharge = 0 ;
enchantment . mEffects = mEffectList ;
int count = getEnchantItemsCount ( ) ;
if ( mCastStyle = = ESM : : Enchantment : : ConstantEffect )
enchantment . mData . mCharge = 0 ;
enchantment . mData . mCharge = getGemCharge ( ) / count ;
// Try to find a dynamic enchantment with the same stats, create a new one if not found.
const ESM : : Enchantment * enchantmentPtr = getRecord ( enchantment ) ;
if ( enchantmentPtr = = nullptr )
enchantmentPtr = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > createRecord ( enchantment ) ;
// Apply the enchantment
const ESM : : Enchantment * enchantmentPtr = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > createRecord ( enchantment ) ;
std : : string newItemId = mOldItemPtr . getClass ( ) . applyEnchantment ( mOldItemPtr , enchantmentPtr - > mId , getGemCharge ( ) , mNewItemName ) ;
// Add the new item to player inventory and remove the old one
store . remove ( mOldItemPtr , 1 , player ) ;
store . add ( newItemId , 1 , player ) ;
store . remove ( mOldItemPtr , count , player ) ;
store . add ( newItemId , count , player ) ;
if ( ! mSelfEnchanting )
payForEnchantment ( ) ;
@ -123,20 +130,22 @@ namespace MWMechanics
else if ( mWeaponType ! = - 1 )
{ // Weapon
ESM : : WeaponType : : Class weapclass = MWMechanics : : getWeaponType ( mWeaponType ) - > mWeaponClass ;
switch ( mCastStyle )
case ESM : : Enchantment : : WhenStrikes :
mCastStyle = ESM : : Enchantment : : WhenUsed ;
if ( weapclass = = ESM : : WeaponType : : Melee | | weapclass = = ESM : : WeaponType : : Ranged )
mCastStyle = ESM : : Enchantment : : WhenUsed ;
return ;
case ESM : : Enchantment : : WhenUsed :
if ( powerfulSoul )
if ( powerfulSoul & & weapclass ! = ESM : : WeaponType : : Ammo & & weapclass ! = ESM : : WeaponType : : Thrown )
mCastStyle = ESM : : Enchantment : : ConstantEffect ;
else if ( getWeaponType( mWeaponType ) - > mWeaponC lass ! = ESM : : WeaponType : : Ranged )
else if ( weapc lass ! = ESM : : WeaponType : : Ranged )
mCastStyle = ESM : : Enchantment : : WhenStrikes ;
return ;
default : // takes care of Constant effect too
mCastStyle = ESM : : Enchantment : : WhenUsed ;
if ( getWeaponType( mWeaponType ) - > mWeaponC lass ! = ESM : : WeaponType : : Ranged )
if ( weapc lass ! = ESM : : WeaponType : : Ranged )
mCastStyle = ESM : : Enchantment : : WhenStrikes ;
return ;
@ -200,6 +209,53 @@ namespace MWMechanics
return enchantmentCost ;
const ESM : : Enchantment * Enchanting : : getRecord ( const ESM : : Enchantment & toFind ) const
const MWWorld : : Store < ESM : : Enchantment > & enchantments = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > getStore ( ) . get < ESM : : Enchantment > ( ) ;
MWWorld : : Store < ESM : : Enchantment > : : iterator iter ( enchantments . begin ( ) ) ;
iter + = ( enchantments . getSize ( ) - enchantments . getDynamicSize ( ) ) ;
for ( ; iter ! = enchantments . end ( ) ; + + iter )
if ( iter - > mEffects . mList . size ( ) ! = toFind . mEffects . mList . size ( ) )
continue ;
if ( iter - > mData . mAutocalc ! = toFind . mData . mAutocalc
| | iter - > mData . mType ! = toFind . mData . mType
| | iter - > mData . mCost ! = toFind . mData . mCost
| | iter - > mData . mCharge ! = toFind . mData . mCharge )
continue ;
// Don't choose an ID that came from the content files, would have unintended side effects
if ( ! enchantments . isDynamic ( iter - > mId ) )
continue ;
bool mismatch = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < static_cast < int > ( iter - > mEffects . mList . size ( ) ) ; + + i )
const ESM : : ENAMstruct & first = iter - > mEffects . mList [ i ] ;
const ESM : : ENAMstruct & second = toFind . mEffects . mList [ i ] ;
if ( first . mEffectID ! = second . mEffectID | |
first . mArea ! = second . mArea | |
first . mRange ! = second . mRange | |
first . mSkill ! = second . mSkill | |
first . mAttribute ! = second . mAttribute | |
first . mMagnMin ! = second . mMagnMin | |
first . mMagnMax ! = second . mMagnMax | |
first . mDuration ! = second . mDuration )
mismatch = true ;
break ;
if ( ! mismatch )
return & ( * iter ) ;
return nullptr ;
int Enchanting : : getBaseCastCost ( ) const
@ -224,6 +280,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
float priceMultipler = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) - > getStore ( ) . get < ESM : : GameSetting > ( ) . find ( " fEnchantmentValueMult " ) - > mValue . getFloat ( ) ;
int price = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getMechanicsManager ( ) - > getBarterOffer ( mEnchanter , static_cast < int > ( getEnchantPoints ( ) * priceMultipler ) , true ) ;
price * = getEnchantItemsCount ( ) * getTypeMultiplier ( ) ;
return price ;
@ -282,13 +339,45 @@ namespace MWMechanics
const float fEnchantmentChanceMult = gmst . find ( " fEnchantmentChanceMult " ) - > mValue . getFloat ( ) ;
const float fEnchantmentConstantChanceMult = gmst . find ( " fEnchantmentConstantChanceMult " ) - > mValue . getFloat ( ) ;
float x = ( a - getEnchantPoints ( ) * fEnchantmentChanceMult + 0.2f * b + 0.1f * c ) * stats . getFatigueTerm ( ) ;
float x = ( a - getEnchantPoints ( ) * fEnchantmentChanceMult * getTypeMultiplier ( ) * getEnchantItemsCount ( ) + 0.2f * b + 0.1f * c ) * stats . getFatigueTerm ( ) ;
if ( mCastStyle = = ESM : : Enchantment : : ConstantEffect )
x * = fEnchantmentConstantChanceMult ;
return static_cast < int > ( x ) ;
int Enchanting : : getEnchantItemsCount ( ) const
int count = 1 ;
float enchantPoints = getEnchantPoints ( ) ;
if ( mWeaponType ! = - 1 & & enchantPoints > 0 )
ESM : : WeaponType : : Class weapclass = MWMechanics : : getWeaponType ( mWeaponType ) - > mWeaponClass ;
if ( weapclass = = ESM : : WeaponType : : Thrown | | weapclass = = ESM : : WeaponType : : Ammo )
static const float multiplier = std : : max ( 0.f , std : : min ( 1.0f , Settings : : Manager : : getFloat ( " projectiles enchant multiplier " , " Game " ) ) ) ;
MWWorld : : Ptr player = getPlayer ( ) ;
int itemsInInventoryCount = player . getClass ( ) . getContainerStore ( player ) . count ( mOldItemPtr . getCellRef ( ) . getRefId ( ) ) ;
count = std : : min ( itemsInInventoryCount , std : : max ( 1 , int ( getGemCharge ( ) * multiplier / enchantPoints ) ) ) ;
return count ;
float Enchanting : : getTypeMultiplier ( ) const
static const bool useMultiplier = Settings : : Manager : : getFloat ( " projectiles enchant multiplier " , " Game " ) > 0 ;
if ( useMultiplier & & mWeaponType ! = - 1 & & getEnchantPoints ( ) > 0 )
ESM : : WeaponType : : Class weapclass = MWMechanics : : getWeaponType ( mWeaponType ) - > mWeaponClass ;
if ( weapclass = = ESM : : WeaponType : : Thrown | | weapclass = = ESM : : WeaponType : : Ammo )
return 0.125f ;
return 1.f ;
void Enchanting : : payForEnchantment ( ) const
const MWWorld : : Ptr & player = getPlayer ( ) ;