@ -615,6 +615,7 @@ if (WIN32)
4244 # Storing value of one type in variable of another (size_t in int, for example)
4305 # Truncating value (double to float, for example)
4309 # Variable overflow, trying to store 128 in a signed char for example
4351 # New behavior: elements of array 'array' will be default initialized (desired behavior)
4355 # Using 'this' in member initialization list
4505 # Unreferenced local function has been removed
4701 # Potentially uninitialized local variable used
@ -633,7 +634,9 @@ if (WIN32)
set_target_properties(shiny.OgrePlatform PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${SHINY_OGRE_WARNINGS})
set_target_properties(sdl4ogre PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${WARNINGS})
set_target_properties(oics PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${WARNINGS})
# oics uses tinyxml, which has an initialized but unused variable
set(OICS_WARNINGS "${WARNINGS} /wd4189")
set_target_properties(oics PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${OICS_WARNINGS})
set_target_properties(components PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${WARNINGS})
set_target_properties(omwlauncher PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${WARNINGS})