@ -502,6 +502,11 @@ namespace Compiler
if (get (c) && c!='=') // <== is a allowed as an alternative to <= :(
putback (c);
else if (c == '<' || c == '>') // Treat <> and << as <
special = S_cmpLT;
mErrorHandler.warning (std::string("invalid operator <") + c + ", treating it as <", mLoc);
putback (c);
@ -525,6 +530,11 @@ namespace Compiler
if (get (c) && c!='=') // >== is a allowed as an alternative to >= :(
putback (c);
else if (c == '<' || c == '>') // Treat >< and >> as >
special = S_cmpGT;
mErrorHandler.warning (std::string("invalid operator >") + c + ", treating it as >", mLoc);
putback (c);