@ -103,27 +103,80 @@ namespace MWGui
void LocalMapBase::onMarkerFocused (MyGUI::Widget* w1, MyGUI::Widget* w2)
// Workaround to not make the marker visible if it's under fog of war
applyFogOfWar ();
void LocalMapBase::onMarkerUnfocused (MyGUI::Widget* w1, MyGUI::Widget* w2)
// Workaround to not make the marker visible if it's under fog of war
applyFogOfWar ();
MyGUI::IntPoint LocalMapBase::getMarkerPosition(float worldX, float worldY, MarkerPosition& markerPos)
MyGUI::IntPoint widgetPos;
// normalized cell coordinates
float nX,nY;
markerPos.interior = mInterior;
if (!mInterior)
int cellX, cellY;
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->positionToIndex(worldX, worldY, cellX, cellY);
const int cellSize = 8192;
nX = (worldX - cellSize * cellX) / cellSize;
// Image space is -Y up, cells are Y up
nY = 1 - (worldY - cellSize * cellY) / cellSize;
float cellDx = cellX - mCurX;
float cellDy = cellY - mCurY;
markerPos.cellX = cellX;
markerPos.cellY = cellY;
widgetPos = MyGUI::IntPoint(nX * 512 + (1+cellDx) * 512,
nY * 512 - (cellDy-1) * 512);
int cellX, cellY;
Ogre::Vector2 worldPos (worldX, worldY);
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getInteriorMapPosition (worldPos, nX, nY, cellX, cellY);
markerPos.cellX = cellX;
markerPos.cellY = cellY;
widgetPos = MyGUI::IntPoint(nX * 512 + (1+cellX-mCurX) * 512,
nY * 512 + (1+cellY-mCurY) * 512);
markerPos.nX = nX;
markerPos.nY = nY;
return widgetPos;
void LocalMapBase::setActiveCell(const int x, const int y, bool interior)
if (x==mCurX && y==mCurY && mInterior==interior && !mChanged) return; // don't do anything if we're still in the same cell
if (x==mCurX && y==mCurY && mInterior==interior && !mChanged)
return; // don't do anything if we're still in the same cell
mCurX = x;
mCurY = y;
mInterior = interior;
mChanged = false;
// clear all previous markers
for (unsigned int i=0; i< mLocalMap->getChildCount(); ++i)
if (mLocalMap->getChildAt(i)->getName ().substr (0, 6) == "Marker")
if (mLocalMap->getChildAt(i)->getName ().substr (0, 4) == "Door")
MyGUI::Gui::getInstance ().destroyWidget (mLocalMap->getChildAt(i));
// Update the map textures
for (int mx=0; mx<3; ++mx)
for (int my=0; my<3; ++my)
@ -138,78 +191,57 @@ namespace MWGui
MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
// door markers
// interior map only consists of one cell, so handle the markers only once
if (interior && (mx != 2 || my != 2))
MWWorld::CellStore* cell;
// Retrieve the door markers we want to show
std::vector<MWBase::World::DoorMarker> doors;
if (interior)
cell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getInterior (mPrefix);
cell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getExterior (x+mx-1, y-(my-1));
std::vector<MWBase::World::DoorMarker> doors = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getDoorMarkers (cell);
for (std::vector<MWBase::World::DoorMarker>::iterator it = doors.begin(); it != doors.end(); ++it)
MWBase::World::DoorMarker marker = *it;
// convert world coordinates to normalized cell coordinates
MyGUI::IntCoord widgetCoord;
float nX,nY;
int cellDx, cellDy;
if (!interior)
const int cellSize = 8192;
nX = (marker.x - cellSize * (x+mx-1)) / cellSize;
nY = 1 - (marker.y - cellSize * (y-(my-1))) / cellSize;
widgetCoord = MyGUI::IntCoord(nX * 512 - 4 + mx * 512, nY * 512 - 4 + my * 512, 8, 8);
MWWorld::CellStore* cell = world->getInterior (mPrefix);
world->getDoorMarkers(cell, doors);
Ogre::Vector2 position (marker.x, marker.y);
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getInteriorMapPosition (position, nX, nY, cellDx, cellDy);
widgetCoord = MyGUI::IntCoord(nX * 512 - 4 + (1+cellDx-x) * 512, nY * 512 - 4 + (1+cellDy-y) * 512, 8, 8);
for (int dX=-1; dX<2; ++dX)
for (int dY=-1; dY<2; ++dY)
MWWorld::CellStore* cell = world->getExterior (mCurX+dX, mCurY+dY);
world->getDoorMarkers(cell, doors);
static int counter = 0;
// Create a widget for each marker
int counter = 0;
for (std::vector<MWBase::World::DoorMarker>::iterator it = doors.begin(); it != doors.end(); ++it)
MWBase::World::DoorMarker marker = *it;
MarkerPosition markerPos;
MyGUI::IntPoint widgetPos = getMarkerPosition(marker.x, marker.y, markerPos);
MyGUI::IntCoord widgetCoord(widgetPos.left - 4,
widgetPos.top - 4,
8, 8);
MyGUI::Button* markerWidget = mLocalMap->createWidget<MyGUI::Button>("ButtonImage",
widgetCoord, MyGUI::Align::Default, "Marker" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(counter));
widgetCoord, MyGUI::Align::Default, "Door" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(counter));
markerWidget->setUserString("ToolTipType", "Layout");
markerWidget->setUserString("ToolTipLayout", "TextToolTipOneLine");
markerWidget->setUserString("Caption_TextOneLine", marker.name);
markerWidget->setUserString("IsMarker", "true");
markerWidget->eventMouseSetFocus += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &LocalMapBase::onMarkerFocused);
markerWidget->eventMouseLostFocus += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &LocalMapBase::onMarkerUnfocused);
MarkerPosition markerPos;
markerPos.interior = interior;
markerPos.cellX = interior ? cellDx : x + mx - 1;
markerPos.cellY = interior ? cellDy : y + ((my - 1)*-1);
markerPos.nX = nX;
markerPos.nY = nY;
// Used by tooltips to not show the tooltip if marker is hidden by fog of war
markerWidget->setUserString("IsMarker", "true");
mInterior = interior;
mCurX = x;
mCurY = y;
mChanged = false;
// fog of war
// set the compass texture again, because MyGUI determines sorting of ImageBox widgets
@ -222,6 +254,8 @@ namespace MWGui
void LocalMapBase::setPlayerPos(const float x, const float y)
if (x == mLastPositionX && y == mLastPositionY)
@ -255,6 +289,88 @@ namespace MWGui
mLastDirectionY = y;
void LocalMapBase::addDetectionMarkers(int type)
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> markers;
MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
markers, MWBase::World::DetectionType(type));
if (markers.empty())
std::string markerTexture;
MyGUI::Colour markerColour;
if (type == MWBase::World::Detect_Creature)
markerTexture = "textures\\menu_map_dcreature.dds";
markerColour = MyGUI::Colour(1,0,0,1);
if (type == MWBase::World::Detect_Key)
markerTexture = "textures\\menu_map_dkey.dds";
markerColour = MyGUI::Colour(0,1,0,1);
if (type == MWBase::World::Detect_Enchantment)
markerTexture = "textures\\menu_map_dmagic.dds";
markerColour = MyGUI::Colour(0,0,1,1);
int counter = 0;
for (std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>::iterator it = markers.begin(); it != markers.end(); ++it)
const ESM::Position& worldPos = it->getRefData().getPosition();
MarkerPosition markerPos;
MyGUI::IntPoint widgetPos = getMarkerPosition(worldPos.pos[0], worldPos.pos[1], markerPos);
MyGUI::IntCoord widgetCoord(widgetPos.left - 4,
widgetPos.top - 4,
8, 8);
MyGUI::ImageBox* markerWidget = mLocalMap->createWidget<MyGUI::ImageBox>("ImageBox",
widgetCoord, MyGUI::Align::Default, "Marker" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(counter));
markerWidget->setUserString("IsMarker", "true");
void LocalMapBase::updateMarkers()
// clear all previous markers
for (unsigned int i=0; i< mLocalMap->getChildCount(); ++i)
if (mLocalMap->getChildAt(i)->getName ().substr (0, 6) == "Marker")
MyGUI::Gui::getInstance ().destroyWidget (mLocalMap->getChildAt(i));
// Add marker for the spot marked with Mark magic effect
MWWorld::CellStore* markedCell = NULL;
ESM::Position markedPosition;
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().getMarkedPosition(markedCell, markedPosition);
if (markedCell && markedCell->isExterior() == !mInterior
&& (!mInterior || Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(markedCell->mCell->mName, mPrefix)))
MarkerPosition markerPos;
MyGUI::IntPoint widgetPos = getMarkerPosition(markedPosition.pos[0], markedPosition.pos[1], markerPos);
MyGUI::IntCoord widgetCoord(widgetPos.left - 4,
widgetPos.top - 4,
8, 8);
MyGUI::ImageBox* markerWidget = mLocalMap->createWidget<MyGUI::ImageBox>("ImageBox",
widgetCoord, MyGUI::Align::Default, "MarkerMarked");
markerWidget->setUserString("IsMarker", "true");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MapWindow::MapWindow(const std::string& cacheDir)
@ -319,7 +435,7 @@ namespace MWGui
static int _counter=0;
MyGUI::Button* markerWidget = mGlobalMapImage->createWidget<MyGUI::Button>("ButtonImage",
widgetCoord, MyGUI::Align::Default, "Marker" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(_counter));
widgetCoord, MyGUI::Align::Default, "Door" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(_counter));
markerWidget->setUserString("ToolTipType", "Layout");
markerWidget->setUserString("ToolTipLayout", "TextToolTipOneLine");
@ -385,7 +501,7 @@ namespace MWGui
for (unsigned int i=0; i<mGlobalMapImage->getChildCount (); ++i)
if (mGlobalMapImage->getChildAt (i)->getName().substr(0,6) == "Marker")
if (mGlobalMapImage->getChildAt (i)->getName().substr(0,4) == "Door")
mGlobalMapImage->getChildAt (i)->castType<MyGUI::Button>()->setImageResource("DoorMarker");