@ -41,13 +41,6 @@ namespace MWMechanics
AiWander::GreetingState mSaidGreeting;
int mGreetingTimer;
// Cached current cell location
int mCellX;
int mCellY;
// Cell location multiplied by ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE
float mXCell;
float mYCell;
const MWWorld::CellStore* mCell; // for detecting cell change
// AiWander states
@ -66,10 +59,6 @@ namespace MWMechanics
@ -183,7 +172,6 @@ namespace MWMechanics
currentCell = actor.getCell();
mStoredAvailableNodes = false; // prob. not needed since mDistance = 0
const ESM::Cell *cell = currentCell->getCell();
cStats.setMovementFlag(CreatureStats::Flag_Run, false);
@ -371,81 +359,10 @@ namespace MWMechanics
int& cachedCellX = storage.mCellX;
int& cachedCellY = storage.mCellY;
float& cachedCellXposition = storage.mXCell;
float& cachedCellYposition = storage.mYCell;
// Initialization to discover & store allowed node points for this actor.
// infrequently used, therefore no benefit in caching it as a member
const ESM::Pathgrid *
pathgrid = world->getStore().get<ESM::Pathgrid>().search(*cell);
// cache the current cell location
cachedCellX = cell->mData.mX;
cachedCellY = cell->mData.mY;
// If there is no path this actor doesn't go anywhere. See:
// https://forum.openmw.org/viewtopic.php?t=1556
// http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5833
if(!pathgrid || pathgrid->mPoints.empty())
mDistance = 0;
// A distance value passed into the constructor indicates how far the
// actor can wander from the spawn position. AiWander assumes that
// pathgrid points are available, and uses them to randomly select wander
// destinations within the allowed set of pathgrid points (nodes).
cachedCellXposition = 0;
cachedCellYposition = 0;
cachedCellXposition = cachedCellX * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE;
cachedCellYposition = cachedCellY * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE;
// FIXME: There might be a bug here. The allowed node points are
// based on the actor's current position rather than the actor's
// spawn point. As a result the allowed nodes for wander can change
// between saves, for example.
// convert npcPos to local (i.e. cell) co-ordinates
Ogre::Vector3 npcPos(pos.pos);
npcPos[0] = npcPos[0] - cachedCellXposition;
npcPos[1] = npcPos[1] - cachedCellYposition;
// mAllowedNodes for this actor with pathgrid point indexes based on mDistance
// NOTE: mPoints and mAllowedNodes are in local co-ordinates
for(unsigned int counter = 0; counter < pathgrid->mPoints.size(); counter++)
Ogre::Vector3 nodePos(pathgrid->mPoints[counter].mX, pathgrid->mPoints[counter].mY,
if(npcPos.squaredDistance(nodePos) <= mDistance * mDistance)
Ogre::Vector3 firstNodePos(mAllowedNodes[0].mX, mAllowedNodes[0].mY, mAllowedNodes[0].mZ);
float closestNode = npcPos.squaredDistance(firstNodePos);
unsigned int index = 0;
for(unsigned int counterThree = 1; counterThree < mAllowedNodes.size(); counterThree++)
Ogre::Vector3 nodePos(mAllowedNodes[counterThree].mX, mAllowedNodes[counterThree].mY,
float tempDist = npcPos.squaredDistance(nodePos);
if(tempDist < closestNode)
index = counterThree;
mCurrentNode = mAllowedNodes[index];
mAllowedNodes.erase(mAllowedNodes.begin() + index);
mStoredAvailableNodes = true; // set only if successful in finding allowed nodes
getAllowedNodes(actor, currentCell->getCell());
// Actor becomes stationary - see above URL's for previous research
@ -581,8 +498,8 @@ namespace MWMechanics
// convert dest to use world co-ordinates
ESM::Pathgrid::Point dest;
dest.mX = destNodePos[0] + cachedCellXposition;
dest.mY = destNodePos[1] + cachedCellYposition;
dest.mX = destNodePos[0] + currentCell->getCell()->mData.mX * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE;
dest.mY = destNodePos[1] + currentCell->getCell()->mData.mY * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE;
dest.mZ = destNodePos[2];
// actor position is already in world co-ordinates
@ -732,6 +649,96 @@ namespace MWMechanics
void AiWander::fastForward(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, AiState &state)
if (mDistance == 0)
if (!mStoredAvailableNodes)
getAllowedNodes(actor, actor.getCell()->getCell());
if (mAllowedNodes.empty())
state.moveIn(new AiWanderStorage());
int index = std::rand() / (static_cast<double> (RAND_MAX) + 1) * mAllowedNodes.size();
ESM::Pathgrid::Point dest = mAllowedNodes[index];
// apply a slight offset to prevent overcrowding
dest.mX += Ogre::Math::RangeRandom(-64, 64);
dest.mY += Ogre::Math::RangeRandom(-64, 64);
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->moveObject(actor, dest.mX, dest.mY, dest.mZ);
actor.getClass().adjustPosition(actor, false);
void AiWander::getAllowedNodes(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const ESM::Cell* cell)
// infrequently used, therefore no benefit in caching it as a member
const ESM::Pathgrid *
pathgrid = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Pathgrid>().search(*cell);
// If there is no path this actor doesn't go anywhere. See:
// https://forum.openmw.org/viewtopic.php?t=1556
// http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5833
if(!pathgrid || pathgrid->mPoints.empty())
mDistance = 0;
// A distance value passed into the constructor indicates how far the
// actor can wander from the spawn position. AiWander assumes that
// pathgrid points are available, and uses them to randomly select wander
// destinations within the allowed set of pathgrid points (nodes).
float cellXOffset = 0;
float cellYOffset = 0;
cellXOffset = cell->mData.mX * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE;
cellYOffset = cell->mData.mY * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE;
// FIXME: There might be a bug here. The allowed node points are
// based on the actor's current position rather than the actor's
// spawn point. As a result the allowed nodes for wander can change
// between saves, for example.
// convert npcPos to local (i.e. cell) co-ordinates
Ogre::Vector3 npcPos(actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
npcPos[0] = npcPos[0] - cellXOffset;
npcPos[1] = npcPos[1] - cellYOffset;
// mAllowedNodes for this actor with pathgrid point indexes based on mDistance
// NOTE: mPoints and mAllowedNodes are in local co-ordinates
for(unsigned int counter = 0; counter < pathgrid->mPoints.size(); counter++)
Ogre::Vector3 nodePos(pathgrid->mPoints[counter].mX, pathgrid->mPoints[counter].mY,
if(npcPos.squaredDistance(nodePos) <= mDistance * mDistance)
Ogre::Vector3 firstNodePos(mAllowedNodes[0].mX, mAllowedNodes[0].mY, mAllowedNodes[0].mZ);
float closestNode = npcPos.squaredDistance(firstNodePos);
unsigned int index = 0;
for(unsigned int counterThree = 1; counterThree < mAllowedNodes.size(); counterThree++)
Ogre::Vector3 nodePos(mAllowedNodes[counterThree].mX, mAllowedNodes[counterThree].mY,
float tempDist = npcPos.squaredDistance(nodePos);
if(tempDist < closestNode)
index = counterThree;
mCurrentNode = mAllowedNodes[index];
mAllowedNodes.erase(mAllowedNodes.begin() + index);
mStoredAvailableNodes = true; // set only if successful in finding allowed nodes
void AiWander::writeState(ESM::AiSequence::AiSequence &sequence) const
std::auto_ptr<ESM::AiSequence::AiWander> wander(new ESM::AiSequence::AiWander());