@ -112,11 +112,13 @@ namespace MWMechanics
* allowed set . The issue is when the door opens the allowed set is not
* re - calculated . Normally this would not be an issue since hostile actors will
* enter combat ( i . e . no longer wandering )
* FIXME : Sometimes allowed nodes that shouldn ' t be deleted are deleted .
bool AiWander : : execute ( const MWWorld : : Ptr & actor , float duration )
MWMechanics : : CreatureStats & cStats = actor . getClass ( ) . getCreatureStats ( actor ) ;
if ( cStats . isDead ( ) | | cStats . getHealth ( ) . getCurrent ( ) < = 0 )
return true ; // Don't bother with dead actors
bool cellChange = mCell & & ( actor . getCell ( ) ! = mCell ) ;
if ( ! mCell | | cellChange )
@ -125,7 +127,6 @@ namespace MWMechanics
const ESM : : Cell * cell = mCell - > getCell ( ) ;
MWMechanics : : CreatureStats & cStats = actor . getClass ( ) . getCreatureStats ( actor ) ;
cStats . setDrawState ( DrawState_Nothing ) ;
cStats . setMovementFlag ( CreatureStats : : Flag_Run , false ) ;
MWBase : : World * world = MWBase : : Environment : : get ( ) . getWorld ( ) ;
@ -188,45 +189,56 @@ namespace MWMechanics
mYCell = mCellY * ESM : : Land : : REAL_SIZE ;
// convert actorPos to local (i.e. cell) co-ordinates
Ogre : : Vector3 actorPos ( pos . pos ) ;
actorPos [ 0 ] = actorPos [ 0 ] - mXCell ;
actorPos [ 1 ] = actorPos [ 1 ] - mYCell ;
// mAllowedNodes for this actor with pathgrid point indexes
// based on mDistance
// FIXME: There might be a bug here. The allowed node points are
// based on the actor's current position rather than the actor's
// spawn point. As a result the allowed nodes for wander can change
// between saves, for example.
// convert npcPos to local (i.e. cell) co-ordinates
Ogre : : Vector3 npcPos ( pos . pos ) ;
npcPos [ 0 ] = npcPos [ 0 ] - mXCell ;
npcPos [ 1 ] = npcPos [ 1 ] - mYCell ;
// mAllowedNodes for this actor with pathgrid point indexes based on mDistance
// NOTE: mPoints and mAllowedNodes are in local co-ordinates
float closestNodeDist = - 1 ;
unsigned int closestIndex = 0 ;
unsigned int indexAllowedNodes = 0 ;
for ( unsigned int counter = 0 ; counter < pathgrid - > mPoints . size ( ) ; counter + + )
float sqrDist = actorPos . squaredDistance ( Ogre : : Vector3 (
pathgrid - > mPoints [ counter ] . mX ,
pathgrid - > mPoints [ counter ] . mY ,
pathgrid - > mPoints [ counter ] . mZ ) ) ;
if ( sqrDist < = ( mDistance * mDistance ) )
Ogre : : Vector3 nodePos ( pathgrid - > mPoints [ counter ] . mX , pathgrid - > mPoints [ counter ] . mY ,
pathgrid - > mPoints [ counter ] . mZ ) ;
if ( npcPos . squaredDistance ( nodePos ) < = mDistance * mDistance )
mAllowedNodes . push_back ( pathgrid - > mPoints [ counter ] ) ;
// keep track of the closest node
if ( closestNodeDist = = - 1 | | sqrDist < closestNodeDist )
closestNodeDist = sqrDist ;
closestIndex = indexAllowedNodes ;
indexAllowedNodes + + ;
if ( ! mAllowedNodes . empty ( ) )
// Start with the closest node and remove it from the allowed set
// so that it does not get selected again. The removed node will
// later be put in the back of the queue, unless it gets removed
// due to inaccessibility (e.g. a closed door)
mCurrentNode = mAllowedNodes [ closestIndex ] ;
mAllowedNodes . erase ( mAllowedNodes . begin ( ) + closestIndex ) ;
// set only if successful in finding allowed nodes
mStoredAvailableNodes = true ;
Ogre : : Vector3 firstNodePos ( mAllowedNodes [ 0 ] . mX , mAllowedNodes [ 0 ] . mY , mAllowedNodes [ 0 ] . mZ ) ;
float closestNode = npcPos . squaredDistance ( firstNodePos ) ;
unsigned int index = 0 ;
for ( unsigned int counterThree = 1 ; counterThree < mAllowedNodes . size ( ) ; counterThree + + )
Ogre : : Vector3 nodePos ( mAllowedNodes [ counterThree ] . mX , mAllowedNodes [ counterThree ] . mY ,
mAllowedNodes [ counterThree ] . mZ ) ;
float tempDist = npcPos . squaredDistance ( nodePos ) ;
if ( tempDist < closestNode )
index = counterThree ;
#if 0
if ( actor . getClass ( ) . getName ( actor ) = = " Rat " )
std : : cout < < " rat allowed " < < std : : to_string ( mAllowedNodes . size ( ) )
+ " mDist " + std : : to_string ( mDistance )
+ " pos " + std : : to_string ( static_cast < int > ( npcPos [ 0 ] ) )
+ " , " + std : : to_string ( static_cast < int > ( npcPos [ 1 ] ) )
< < std : : endl ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < mAllowedNodes . size ( ) ; i + + )
std : : cout < < " rat " + std : : to_string ( mAllowedNodes [ i ] . mX )
+ " , " + std : : to_string ( mAllowedNodes [ i ] . mY ) < < std : : endl ;
# endif
mCurrentNode = mAllowedNodes [ index ] ;
mAllowedNodes . erase ( mAllowedNodes . begin ( ) + index ) ;
mStoredAvailableNodes = true ; // set only if successful in finding allowed nodes
@ -398,10 +410,14 @@ namespace MWMechanics
if ( mTrimCurrentNode & & mAllowedNodes . size ( ) > 1 )
mTrimCurrentNode = false ;
#if 0
//#if 0
std : : cout < < " deleted " < < std : : to_string ( mCurrentNode . mX )
+ " , " + std : : to_string ( mCurrentNode . mY ) < < std : : endl ;
# endif
//#if 0
std : : cout < < " allowed size " < <
std : : to_string ( mAllowedNodes . size ( ) ) < < std : : endl ;
mAllowedNodes . push_back ( mCurrentNode ) ;
@ -412,7 +428,15 @@ namespace MWMechanics
// Choose a different node and delete this one from possible nodes because it is uncreachable:
mAllowedNodes . erase ( mAllowedNodes . begin ( ) + randNode ) ;
//#if 0
//std::cout << "actor \""<< actor.getClass().getName(actor) << "\"" << std::endl;
if ( actor . getClass ( ) . getName ( actor ) = = " Rat " )
std : : cout < < " erase no path " < < std : : to_string ( mAllowedNodes [ randNode ] . mX )
+ " , " + std : : to_string ( mAllowedNodes [ randNode ] . mY ) < < std : : endl ;
@ -477,9 +501,6 @@ namespace MWMechanics
void AiWander : : trimAllowedNodes ( std : : vector < ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point > & nodes ,
const PathFinder & pathfinder )
//#if 0
std : : cout < < " allowed size " < < std : : to_string ( nodes . size ( ) ) < < std : : endl ;
// TODO: how to add these back in once the door opens?
std : : list < ESM : : Pathgrid : : Point > paths = pathfinder . getPath ( ) ;
while ( paths . size ( ) > = 2 )