@ -456,6 +456,15 @@ namespace
return UpdateNavMeshStatus::ignore;
template <class T>
unsigned long getMinValuableBitsNumber(const T value)
unsigned long power = 0;
while (power < sizeof(T) * 8 && (static_cast<T>(1) << power) < value)
return power;
namespace DetourNavigator
@ -464,17 +473,20 @@ namespace DetourNavigator
// Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated.
// There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon.
const auto tileBits = 10;
const auto polyBits = 22 - tileBits;
const auto maxTiles = 1 << tileBits;
const auto maxPolysPerTile = 1 << polyBits;
const int polysAndTilesBits = 22;
const auto polysBits = getMinValuableBitsNumber(settings.mMaxPolys);
if (polysBits >= polysAndTilesBits)
throw InvalidArgument("Too many polygons per tile");
const auto tilesBits = polysAndTilesBits - polysBits;
dtNavMeshParams params;
std::fill_n(params.orig, 3, 0.0f);
params.tileWidth = settings.mTileSize * settings.mCellSize;
params.tileHeight = settings.mTileSize * settings.mCellSize;
params.maxTiles = maxTiles;
params.maxPolys = maxPolysPerTile;
params.maxTiles = 1 << tilesBits;
params.maxPolys = 1 << polysBits;
NavMeshPtr navMesh(dtAllocNavMesh(), &dtFreeNavMesh);
const auto status = navMesh->init(¶ms);