@ -156,6 +156,52 @@ void CSMSettings::UserSettings::buildSettingModelDefaults()
ritd->setDeclaredValues (values);
declareSection ("table-input", "Table Input");
QString inPlaceEdit ("Edit in Place");
QString editRecord ("Edit Record");
QString view ("View");
QString editRecordAndClose ("Edit Record and Close");
QStringList values;
<< "None" << inPlaceEdit << editRecord << view << "Revert" << "Delete"
<< editRecordAndClose << "View and Close";
QString toolTip = "<ul>"
"<li>Edit in Place: Edit the clicked cell</li>"
"<li>Edit Record: Open a dialogue subview for the clicked record</li>"
"<li>View: Open a scene subview for the clicked record (not available everywhere)</li>"
"<li>Revert: Revert record</li>"
"<li>Delete: Delete recordy</li>"
"<li>Edit Record and Close: Open a dialogue subview for the clicked record and close the table subview</li>"
"<li>View And Close: Open a scene subview for the clicked record and close the table subview</li>"
Setting *doubleClick = createSetting (Type_ComboBox, "double", "Double Click");
doubleClick->setDeclaredValues (values);
doubleClick->setDefaultValue (inPlaceEdit);
doubleClick->setToolTip ("Action on double click in table:<p>" + toolTip);
Setting *shiftDoubleClick = createSetting (Type_ComboBox, "double-s",
"Shift Double Click");
shiftDoubleClick->setDeclaredValues (values);
shiftDoubleClick->setDefaultValue (editRecord);
shiftDoubleClick->setToolTip ("Action on shift double click in table:<p>" + toolTip);
Setting *ctrlDoubleClick = createSetting (Type_ComboBox, "double-c",
"Control Double Click");
ctrlDoubleClick->setDeclaredValues (values);
ctrlDoubleClick->setDefaultValue (view);
ctrlDoubleClick->setToolTip ("Action on control double click in table:<p>" + toolTip);
Setting *shiftCtrlDoubleClick = createSetting (Type_ComboBox, "double-sc",
"Shift Control Double Click");
shiftCtrlDoubleClick->setDeclaredValues (values);
shiftCtrlDoubleClick->setDefaultValue (editRecordAndClose);
shiftCtrlDoubleClick->setToolTip ("Action on shift control double click in table:<p>" + toolTip);