@ -163,6 +163,17 @@ Used as the units parameter for the polygon offset used for shadow map rendering
Higher values reduce shadow flicker, but risk increasing Peter Panning.
See `the OpenGL documentation for glPolygonOffset <https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL-Refpages/gl4/html/glPolygonOffset.xhtml>`_ for details.
normal offset distance
:Type: float
:Range: Theoretically the whole range of 32-bit floating point, but values between 0 and 2 are most sensible.
:Default: 1.0
How far along the surface normal to project shadow coordinates.
Higher values significantly reduce shadow flicker, usually with a lower increase of Peter Panning than the Polygon Offset settings.
This value is in in-game units, so 1.0 is roughly 1.4 cm.
use front face culling