@ -316,23 +316,8 @@ void OpenAL_SoundStream::play()
mSamplesQueued = 0;
int srate;
ChannelConfig chans;
SampleType sampleType;
mDecoder->getInfo(&srate, &chans, &sampleType);
// Use exactly one sample of silence.
// This is required for OpenAL implementations that don't accept empty buffer data.
// (like one in OS X 10.9)
ALuint sampleSize = framesToBytes(1, chans, sampleType);
std::vector<char> silenceSample(sampleSize);
if (sampleType == SampleType_UInt8)
std::fill(silenceSample.begin(), silenceSample.end(), 0x80);
for(ALuint i = 0;i < sNumBuffers;i++)
alBufferData(mBuffers[i], mFormat, &silenceSample[0], sampleSize, mSampleRate);
for(ALuint i = 0;i < sNumBuffers;i++)
alBufferData(mBuffers[i], mFormat, this, 0, mSampleRate);
alSourceQueueBuffers(mSource, sNumBuffers, mBuffers);