@ -163,11 +163,8 @@ void NiPixelData::read(NIFStream *nif)
fmt = (Format)nif->getUInt();
rmask = nif->getUInt(); // usually 0xff
gmask = nif->getUInt(); // usually 0xff00
bmask = nif->getUInt(); // usually 0xff0000
amask = nif->getUInt(); // usually 0xff000000 or zero
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
colorMask[i] = nif->getUInt();
bpp = nif->getUInt();
// 8 bytes of "Old Fast Compare". Whatever that means.
@ -190,10 +187,9 @@ void NiPixelData::read(NIFStream *nif)
// Read the data
unsigned int dataSize = nif->getUInt();
for (unsigned i=0; i<dataSize; ++i)
data.push_back((unsigned char)nif->getChar());
unsigned int numPixels = nif->getUInt();
if (numPixels)
nif->getUChars(data, numPixels);
void NiPixelData::post(NIFFile *nif)
@ -225,7 +221,7 @@ void NiSkinData::read(NIFStream *nif)
trafo.scale = nif->getFloat();
int boneNum = nif->getInt();
if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_MW && nif->getVersion() <= NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_GAMEBRYO)
if (nif->getVersion() >= NIFFile::NIFVersion::VER_MW && nif->getVersion() <= NIFStream::generateVersion(10,1,0,0))
nif->skip(4); // NiSkinPartition link