@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
# include <osg/TexEnvCombine>
# include <osg/TexMat>
# include <osg/Version>
# include <osg/OcclusionQueryNode>
# include <osg/ColorMask>
# include <osg/MatrixTransform>
# include <osgParticle/ParticleSystem>
# include <osgParticle/ParticleSystemUpdater>
@ -368,6 +371,18 @@ public:
osg : : Texture : : CLAMP ) ;
mGeode - > getOrCreateStateSet ( ) - > setTextureAttributeAndModes ( 0 , sunTex , osg : : StateAttribute : : ON ) ;
// Slightly downscale the query geometry since the sun quad has a transparent texture that doesn't cover the whole area
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : PositionAttitudeTransform > queryTransform ( new osg : : PositionAttitudeTransform ) ;
queryTransform - > setScale ( osg : : Vec3f ( 0.5f , 0.5f , 0.5f ) ) ;
// Need to render after the world geometry so we can correctly test for occlusions
queryTransform - > getOrCreateStateSet ( ) - > setRenderBinDetails ( 10 , " RenderBin " ) ;
queryTransform - > getOrCreateStateSet ( ) - > setNestRenderBins ( false ) ;
mTransform - > addChild ( queryTransform ) ;
mOcclusionQueryVisiblePixels = createOcclusionQueryNode ( queryTransform , true ) ;
mOcclusionQueryTotalPixels = createOcclusionQueryNode ( queryTransform , false ) ;
~ Sun ( )
@ -391,6 +406,46 @@ public:
private :
/// @param queryVisible If true, queries the amount of visible pixels. If false, queries the total amount of pixels.
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : OcclusionQueryNode > createOcclusionQueryNode ( osg : : Group * parent , bool queryVisible )
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : OcclusionQueryNode > oqn = new osg : : OcclusionQueryNode ;
oqn - > setQueriesEnabled ( true ) ;
// Make it fast! A DYNAMIC query geometry means we can't break frame until the flare is rendered (which is rendered after all the other geometry,
// so that would be pretty bad). STATIC should be safe, since our node's local bounds are static, thus computeBounds() which modifies the queryGeometry
// is only called once.
// Note the debug geometry setDebugDisplay(true) is always DYNAMIC and that can't be changed, not a big deal.
oqn - > getQueryGeometry ( ) - > setDataVariance ( osg : : Object : : STATIC ) ;
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : Geode > queryGeode = osg : : clone ( mGeode . get ( ) , osg : : CopyOp : : DEEP_COPY_ALL ) ;
// Disable writing to the color buffer. We are using this geode for visibility tests only.
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : ColorMask > colormask ( new osg : : ColorMask ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
queryGeode - > getOrCreateStateSet ( ) - > setAttributeAndModes ( colormask , osg : : StateAttribute : : ON ) ;
oqn - > addChild ( queryGeode ) ;
if ( queryVisible )
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : Depth > depth ( new osg : : Depth ) ;
depth - > setFunction ( osg : : Depth : : LESS ) ;
// This is a trick to make fragments written by the query always use the maximum depth value,
// without having to retrieve the current far clipping distance.
// We want the sun glare to be "infinitely" far away.
depth - > setZNear ( 1.0 ) ;
depth - > setZFar ( 1.0 ) ;
oqn - > getQueryStateSet ( ) - > setAttributeAndModes ( depth , osg : : StateAttribute : : ON ) ;
oqn - > getQueryStateSet ( ) - > setMode ( GL_DEPTH_TEST , osg : : StateAttribute : : OFF ) ;
parent - > addChild ( oqn ) ;
return oqn ;
struct Updater : public SceneUtil : : StateSetUpdater
osg : : Vec4f mColor ;
@ -414,6 +469,8 @@ private:
} ;
osg : : ref_ptr < Updater > mUpdater ;
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : OcclusionQueryNode > mOcclusionQueryVisiblePixels ;
osg : : ref_ptr < osg : : OcclusionQueryNode > mOcclusionQueryTotalPixels ;
} ;
class Moon : public CelestialBody