@ -238,17 +238,16 @@ void Objects::insertLight (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float r, float g, float b, f
info.time = Ogre::Math::RangeRandom(-500, +500);
info.phase = Ogre::Math::RangeRandom(-500, +500);
// adjust the lights depending if we're in an interior or exterior cell
// quadratic means the light intensity falls off quite fast, resulting in a
// dark, atmospheric environment (perfect for exteriors)
// for interiors, we want more "warm" lights, so use linear attenuation.
// changed to linear to look like morrowind
bool quadratic = false;
if (!lightOutQuadInLin)
quadratic = lightQuadratic;
quadratic = !info.interior;
if (!quadratic)