@ -840,6 +840,25 @@ namespace MWMechanics
+ arg);
if (!victim.isEmpty())
int fight = 0;
// Increase in fight rating for each type of crime
if (type == OT_Trespassing || type == OT_SleepingInOwnedBed)
fight = store.find("iFightTrespass")->getFloat();
else if (type == OT_Pickpocket)
fight = store.find("iFightPickpocket")->getInt();
else if (type == OT_Assault)
fight = store.find("iFightAttack")->getInt();
else if (type == OT_Murder)
fight = store.find("iFightKilling")->getInt();
else if (type == OT_Theft)
fight = store.find("fFightStealing")->getFloat();
// Not sure if this should be permanent?
fight = victim.getClass().getCreatureStats(victim).getAiSetting(CreatureStats::AI_Fight).getBase() + fight;
victim.getClass().getCreatureStats(victim).setAiSetting(CreatureStats::AI_Fight, fight);
// If committing a crime against a faction member, expell from the faction
if (!victim.isEmpty() && victim.getClass().isNpc())