@ -40,33 +40,6 @@ namespace
return targetlevel;
float distanceToBox(const osg::BoundingBox& box, const osg::Vec3f& v)
if (box.contains(v))
return 0;
osg::Vec3f maxDist(0,0,0);
if (v.x() < box.xMin())
maxDist.x() = box.xMin() - v.x();
else if (v.x() > box.xMax())
maxDist.x() = v.x() - box.xMax();
if (v.y() < box.yMin())
maxDist.y() = box.yMin() - v.y();
else if (v.y() > box.yMax())
maxDist.y() = v.y() - box.yMax();
if (v.z() < box.zMin())
maxDist.z() = box.zMin() - v.z();
else if (v.z() > box.zMax())
maxDist.z() = v.z() - box.zMax();
return maxDist.length();
namespace Terrain
@ -81,9 +54,8 @@ public:
virtual bool isSufficientDetail(QuadTreeNode* node, const osg::Vec3f& eyePoint)
virtual bool isSufficientDetail(QuadTreeNode* node, float dist)
float dist = distanceToBox(node->getBoundingBox(), eyePoint);
int nativeLodLevel = Log2(static_cast<unsigned int>(node->getSize()/mMinSize));
int lodLevel = Log2(static_cast<unsigned int>(dist/(Constants::CellSizeInUnits*mMinSize*mFactor)));
@ -201,22 +173,40 @@ public:
if (node->getSize() > mMinSize)
if (center.x() - halfSize > mMaxX
|| center.x() + halfSize < mMinX
|| center.y() - halfSize > mMaxY
|| center.y() + halfSize < mMinY )
// Out of bounds of the actual terrain - this will happen because
// we rounded the size up to the next power of two
// Still create and return an empty node so as to not break the assumption that each QuadTreeNode has either 4 or 0 children.
return node;
// We arrived at a leaf
float minZ, maxZ;
mStorage->getMinMaxHeights(size, center, minZ, maxZ);
float cellWorldSize = mStorage->getCellWorldSize();
osg::BoundingBox boundingBox(osg::Vec3f((center.x()-halfSize)*cellWorldSize, (center.y()-halfSize)*cellWorldSize, minZ),
osg::Vec3f((center.x()+halfSize)*cellWorldSize, (center.y()+halfSize)*cellWorldSize, maxZ));
// Do not add child nodes for default cells without data.
// size = 1 means that the single shape covers the whole cell.
if (node->getSize() == 1 && !mStorage->hasData(center.x()-0.5, center.y()-0.5))
return node;
return node;
if (node->getSize() <= mMinSize)
// We arrived at a leaf
float minZ,maxZ;
if (mStorage->getMinMaxHeights(size, center, minZ, maxZ))
float cellWorldSize = mStorage->getCellWorldSize();
osg::BoundingBox boundingBox(osg::Vec3f((center.x()-halfSize)*cellWorldSize, (center.y()-halfSize)*cellWorldSize, minZ),
osg::Vec3f((center.x()+halfSize)*cellWorldSize, (center.y()+halfSize)*cellWorldSize, maxZ));
return node;
return node;
osg::ref_ptr<RootNode> getRootNode()
@ -236,11 +226,12 @@ private:
QuadTreeWorld::QuadTreeWorld(osg::Group *parent, osg::Group *compileRoot, Resource::ResourceSystem *resourceSystem, Storage *storage, int nodeMask, int preCompileMask, int borderMask, int compMapResolution, float compMapLevel, float lodFactor, int vertexLodMod, float maxCompGeometrySize)
: World(parent, compileRoot, resourceSystem, storage, nodeMask, preCompileMask, borderMask)
: TerrainGrid(parent, compileRoot, resourceSystem, storage, nodeMask, preCompileMask, borderMask)
, mViewDataMap(new ViewDataMap)
, mQuadTreeBuilt(false)
, mLodFactor(lodFactor)
, mVertexLodMod(vertexLodMod)
, mViewDistance(std::numeric_limits<float>::max())
// No need for culling on the Drawable / Transform level as the quad tree performs the culling already.
@ -256,7 +247,7 @@ QuadTreeWorld::~QuadTreeWorld()
void traverse(QuadTreeNode* node, ViewData* vd, osg::NodeVisitor* nv, LodCallback* lodCallback, const osg::Vec3f& eyePoint, bool visible)
void traverse(QuadTreeNode* node, ViewData* vd, osg::NodeVisitor* nv, LodCallback* lodCallback, const osg::Vec3f& eyePoint, bool visible, float maxDist)
if (!node->hasValidBounds())
@ -264,14 +255,18 @@ void traverse(QuadTreeNode* node, ViewData* vd, osg::NodeVisitor* nv, LodCallbac
if (nv && nv->getVisitorType() == osg::NodeVisitor::CULL_VISITOR)
visible = visible && !static_cast<osgUtil::CullVisitor*>(nv)->isCulled(node->getBoundingBox());
bool stopTraversal = (lodCallback && lodCallback->isSufficientDetail(node, eyePoint)) || !node->getNumChildren();
float dist = node->distance(eyePoint);
if (dist > maxDist)
bool stopTraversal = (lodCallback && lodCallback->isSufficientDetail(node, dist)) || !node->getNumChildren();
if (stopTraversal)
vd->add(node, visible);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<node->getNumChildren(); ++i)
traverse(node->getChild(i), vd, nv, lodCallback, eyePoint, visible);
traverse(node->getChild(i), vd, nv, lodCallback, eyePoint, visible, maxDist);
@ -403,7 +398,7 @@ void QuadTreeWorld::accept(osg::NodeVisitor &nv)
traverseToCell(mRootNode.get(), vd, x,y);
traverse(mRootNode.get(), vd, cv, mRootNode->getLodCallback(), cv->getViewPoint(), true);
traverse(mRootNode.get(), vd, cv, mRootNode->getLodCallback(), cv->getViewPoint(), true, mViewDistance);
@ -483,7 +478,7 @@ void QuadTreeWorld::preload(View *view, const osg::Vec3f &eyePoint, std::atomic<
ViewData* vd = static_cast<ViewData*>(view);
traverse(mRootNode.get(), vd, nullptr, mRootNode->getLodCallback(), eyePoint, false);
traverse(mRootNode.get(), vd, nullptr, mRootNode->getLodCallback(), eyePoint, false, mViewDistance);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<vd->getNumEntries() && !abort; ++i)
@ -502,5 +497,25 @@ void QuadTreeWorld::setDefaultViewer(osg::Object *obj)
void QuadTreeWorld::loadCell(int x, int y)
// fallback behavior only for undefined cells (every other is already handled in quadtree)
float dummy;
if (!mStorage->getMinMaxHeights(1, osg::Vec2f(x+0.5, y+0.5), dummy, dummy))
void QuadTreeWorld::unloadCell(int x, int y)
// fallback behavior only for undefined cells (every other is already handled in quadtree)
float dummy;
if (!mStorage->getMinMaxHeights(1, osg::Vec2f(x+0.5, y+0.5), dummy, dummy))