@ -1019,11 +1019,14 @@ hand directed movement = false
# Valid options are: top, wrist
left hand hud position=wrist
# If true, OpenMW will try to use DirectX swapchains instead of OpenGL swapchains. They are HW bridged to OpenGL using the WGL_NV_DX_interop2 extension.
# If true, OpenMW-VR will try to use DirectX swapchains instead of OpenGL swapchains. They are HW bridged to OpenGL using the WGL_NV_DX_interop2 extension.
# As the general quality of OpenXR DirectX runtimes is better than OpenGL runtimes, i default this to true.
Prefer DirectX swapchains=true
[VR Debug]
# If true, OpenMW-VR will enable gamma postprocessing
gamma postprocessing=true
# Openmw will sync with openxr at the beginning of this phase in the rendering pipeline. From early to late in the pipeline the options are update, cull, draw, and swap in that order. If you experience visual glitches such as frames jittering across your vision, try changing this to an earlier phase.