@ -452,17 +452,25 @@ void MechanicsHelper::unequipItemsByEffect(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, short enchan
MWWorld : : Ptr MechanicsHelper : : getItemPtrFromStore ( const mwmp : : Item & item , MWWorld : : ContainerStore & store )
MWWorld : : Ptr closestPtr ;
for ( MWWorld : : ContainerStoreIterator storeIterator = store . begin ( ) ; storeIterator ! = store . end ( ) ; + + storeIterator )
// Enchantment charges are often in the process of refilling themselves, so don't check for them here
if ( Misc : : StringUtils : : ciEqual ( item . refId , storeIterator - > getCellRef ( ) . getRefId ( ) ) & &
item . count = = storeIterator - > getRefData ( ) . getCount ( ) & &
item . charge = = storeIterator - > getCellRef ( ) . getCharge ( ) & &
item . enchantmentCharge = = storeIterator - > getCellRef ( ) . getEnchantmentCharge ( ) & &
Misc : : StringUtils : : ciEqual ( item . soul , storeIterator - > getCellRef ( ) . getSoul ( ) ) )
return * storeIterator ;
// If we have no closestPtr, set it to the Ptr corresponding to this storeIterator; otherwise, make
// sure the storeIterator's enchantmentCharge is closer to our goal than that of the previous closestPtr
if ( ! closestPtr | | abs ( storeIterator - > getCellRef ( ) . getEnchantmentCharge ( ) - item . enchantmentCharge ) <
abs ( closestPtr . getCellRef ( ) . getEnchantmentCharge ( ) - item . enchantmentCharge ) )
closestPtr = * storeIterator ;
return 0 ;
return closestPtr ;