Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp.git synced 2025-03-03 17:19:39 +00:00

Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'

This commit is contained in:
Roman Melnik 2012-04-01 17:53:12 +03:00
commit ed58e9e553
24 changed files with 998 additions and 89 deletions

View file

@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ if(DPKG_PROGRAM)
Data files from the original game is required to run it.")
SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES "openmw;OpenMW esmtool;Esmtool omwlauncher;OMWLauncher")
SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_EXECUTABLES "openmw;OpenMW esmtool;Esmtool omwlauncher;OMWLauncher mwiniimporter;MWiniImporter")
SET(CPACK_DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS "nvidia-cg-toolkit (>= 2.1), libboost-filesystem1.46.1 (>= 1.46.1), libboost-program-options1.46.1 (>= 1.46.1), libboost-system1.46.1 (>= 1.46.1), libboost-thread1.46.1 (>= 1.46.1), libc6 (>= 2.11.2), libfreetype6 (>= 2.2.1), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libmpg123-0 (>= 1.12.1), libois-1.3.0 (>= 1.3.0), libopenal1 (>= 1:1.12.854), libsndfile1 (>= 1.0.23), libstdc++6 (>= 4.4.5), libuuid1 (>= 2.17.2), libqtgui4 (>= 4.7.0)")
@ -392,6 +392,11 @@ if (BUILD_LAUNCHER)
add_subdirectory( apps/launcher )
option(BUILD_MWINIIMPORTER "build MWiniImporter inspector" ON)
add_subdirectory( apps/mwiniimporter )
if (WIN32)
if (MSVC)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
#include "importer.hpp"
#include <boost/iostreams/device/file.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
MwIniImporter::MwIniImporter() {
const char *map[][2] =
{ "fps", "General:Show FPS" },
{ 0, 0 }
for(int i=0; map[i][0]; i++) {
mMergeMap.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, std::string>(map[i][0], map[i][1]));
void MwIniImporter::setVerbose(bool verbose) {
mVerbose = verbose;
std::string MwIniImporter::numberToString(int n) {
std::stringstream str;
str << n;
return str.str();
MwIniImporter::multistrmap MwIniImporter::loadIniFile(std::string filename) {
std::cout << "load ini file: " << filename << std::endl;
std::string section("");
MwIniImporter::multistrmap map;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
if(line[0] == '[') {
if(line.length() > 2) {
section = line.substr(1, line.length()-3);
int comment_pos = line.find(";");
if(comment_pos > 0) {
line = line.substr(0,comment_pos);
if(line.empty()) {
int pos = line.find("=");
if(pos < 1) {
std::string key(section + ":" + line.substr(0,pos));
std::string value(line.substr(pos+1));
multistrmap::iterator it;
if((it = map.find(key)) == map.end()) {
map.insert( std::make_pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > (key, std::vector<std::string>() ) );
return map;
MwIniImporter::multistrmap MwIniImporter::loadCfgFile(std::string filename) {
std::cout << "load cfg file: " << filename << std::endl;
MwIniImporter::multistrmap map;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
// we cant say comment by only looking at first char anymore
int comment_pos = line.find("#");
if(comment_pos > 0) {
line = line.substr(0,comment_pos);
if(line.empty()) {
int pos = line.find("=");
if(pos < 1) {
std::string key(line.substr(0,pos));
std::string value(line.substr(pos+1));
multistrmap::iterator it;
if((it = map.find(key)) == map.end()) {
map.insert( std::make_pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > (key, std::vector<std::string>() ) );
return map;
void MwIniImporter::merge(multistrmap &cfg, multistrmap &ini) {
multistrmap::iterator cfgIt;
multistrmap::iterator iniIt;
for(strmap::iterator it=mMergeMap.begin(); it!=mMergeMap.end(); it++) {
if((iniIt = ini.find(it->second)) != ini.end()) {
if(!this->specialMerge(it->first, it->second, cfg, ini)) {
cfg.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >(it->first, iniIt->second));
bool MwIniImporter::specialMerge(std::string cfgKey, std::string iniKey, multistrmap &cfg, multistrmap &ini) {
return false;
void MwIniImporter::importGameFiles(multistrmap &cfg, multistrmap &ini) {
std::vector<std::string> esmFiles;
std::vector<std::string> espFiles;
std::string baseGameFile("Game Files:GameFile");
std::string gameFile("");
multistrmap::iterator it = ini.begin();
for(int i=0; it != ini.end(); i++) {
gameFile = baseGameFile;
it = ini.find(gameFile);
if(it == ini.end()) {
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator entry = it->second.begin(); entry!=it->second.end(); entry++) {
std::string filetype(entry->substr(entry->length()-4, 3));
std::transform(filetype.begin(), filetype.end(), filetype.begin(), ::tolower);
if(filetype.compare("esm") == 0) {
else if(filetype.compare("esp") == 0) {
gameFile = "";
cfg.insert( std::make_pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > ("master", std::vector<std::string>() ) );
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it=esmFiles.begin(); it!=esmFiles.end(); it++) {
cfg.insert( std::make_pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > ("plugin", std::vector<std::string>() ) );
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it=espFiles.begin(); it!=espFiles.end(); it++) {
void MwIniImporter::writeToFile(boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_sink> &out, multistrmap &cfg) {
for(multistrmap::iterator it=cfg.begin(); it != cfg.end(); it++) {
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator entry=it->second.begin(); entry != it->second.end(); entry++) {
out << (it->first) << "=" << (*entry) << std::endl;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#include <boost/iostreams/device/file.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <exception>
class MwIniImporter {
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> strmap;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > multistrmap;
void setVerbose(bool verbose);
multistrmap loadIniFile(std::string filename);
multistrmap loadCfgFile(std::string filename);
void merge(multistrmap &cfg, multistrmap &ini);
void importGameFiles(multistrmap &cfg, multistrmap &ini);
void writeToFile(boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_sink> &out, multistrmap &cfg);
bool specialMerge(std::string cfgKey, std::string iniKey, multistrmap &cfg, multistrmap &ini);
std::string numberToString(int n);
bool mVerbose;
strmap mMergeMap;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#include "importer.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
bpo::options_description desc("Syntax: mwiniimporter <options>\nAllowed options");
("help,h", "produce help message")
("verbose,v", "verbose output")
("ini,i", bpo::value<std::string>(), "morrowind.ini file")
("cfg,c", bpo::value<std::string>(), "openmw.cfg file")
("output,o", bpo::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "openmw.cfg file")
("game-files,g", "import esm and esp files")
bpo::variables_map vm;
try {
bpo::store(boost::program_options::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
// parse help before calling notify because we dont want it to throw an error if help is set
if(vm.count("help")) {
std::cout << desc;
return 0;
catch(std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Error:" << e.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
catch(...) {
std::cerr << "Error" << std::endl;
return -2;
std::string iniFile = vm["ini"].as<std::string>();
std::string cfgFile = vm["cfg"].as<std::string>();
// if no output is given, write back to cfg file
std::string outputFile(vm["output"].as<std::string>());
if(vm["output"].defaulted()) {
outputFile = vm["cfg"].as<std::string>();
if(!boost::filesystem::exists(iniFile)) {
std::cerr << "ini file does not exist" << std::endl;
return -3;
if(!boost::filesystem::exists(cfgFile)) {
std::cerr << "cfg file does not exist" << std::endl;
return -4;
MwIniImporter importer;
boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_sink> file(outputFile);
MwIniImporter::multistrmap ini = importer.loadIniFile(iniFile);
MwIniImporter::multistrmap cfg = importer.loadCfgFile(cfgFile);
importer.merge(cfg, ini);
if(vm.count("game-files")) {
importer.importGameFiles(cfg, ini);
std::cout << "write to: " << outputFile << std::endl;
importer.writeToFile(file, cfg);
return 0;

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ source_group(game FILES ${GAME} ${GAME_HEADER})
add_openmw_dir (mwrender
renderingmanager debugging sky player animation npcanimation creatureanimation actors objects
renderinginterface localmap water terrain terrainmaterial
renderinginterface localmap occlusionquery terrain terrainmaterial water
add_openmw_dir (mwinput

View file

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
#include "occlusionquery.hpp"
#include <OgreRenderSystem.h>
#include <OgreRoot.h>
#include <OgreBillboardSet.h>
#include <OgreHardwareOcclusionQuery.h>
#include <OgreEntity.h>
using namespace MWRender;
using namespace Ogre;
OcclusionQuery::OcclusionQuery(OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer* renderer, SceneNode* sunNode) :
mSunTotalAreaQuery(0), mSunVisibleAreaQuery(0), mSingleObjectQuery(0), mActiveQuery(0),
mDoQuery(0), mSunVisibility(0), mQuerySingleObjectStarted(false), mTestResult(false),
mQuerySingleObjectRequested(false), mWasVisible(false), mObjectWasVisible(false), mDoQuery2(false)
mRendering = renderer;
mSunNode = sunNode;
try {
RenderSystem* renderSystem = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem();
mSunTotalAreaQuery = renderSystem->createHardwareOcclusionQuery();
mSunVisibleAreaQuery = renderSystem->createHardwareOcclusionQuery();
mSingleObjectQuery = renderSystem->createHardwareOcclusionQuery();
mSupported = (mSunTotalAreaQuery != 0) && (mSunVisibleAreaQuery != 0) && (mSingleObjectQuery != 0);
catch (Ogre::Exception e)
mSupported = false;
if (!mSupported)
std::cout << "Hardware occlusion queries not supported." << std::endl;
// This means that everything up to RENDER_QUEUE_MAIN can occlude the objects that are tested
const int queue = RENDER_QUEUE_MAIN+1;
MaterialPtr matBase = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("BaseWhiteNoLighting");
MaterialPtr matQueryArea = matBase->clone("QueryTotalPixels");
matQueryArea->setDepthCheckEnabled(false); // Not occluded by objects
MaterialPtr matQueryVisible = matBase->clone("QueryVisiblePixels");
matQueryVisible->setColourWriteEnabled(false); // Uncomment this to visualize the occlusion query
matQueryVisible->setDepthCheckEnabled(true); // Occluded by objects
mBBNode = mSunNode->getParentSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
mObjectNode = mRendering->getScene()->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
mBBNodeReal = mRendering->getScene()->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
mBBQueryTotal = mRendering->getScene()->createBillboardSet(1);
mBBQueryTotal->setDefaultDimensions(150, 150);
mBBQueryVisible = mRendering->getScene()->createBillboardSet(1);
mBBQueryVisible->setDefaultDimensions(150, 150);
mBBQuerySingleObject = mRendering->getScene()->createBillboardSet(1);
/// \todo ideally this should occupy exactly 1 pixel on the screen
mBBQuerySingleObject->setDefaultDimensions(0.003, 0.003);
mDoQuery = true;
mDoQuery2 = true;
RenderSystem* renderSystem = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem();
if (mSunTotalAreaQuery) renderSystem->destroyHardwareOcclusionQuery(mSunTotalAreaQuery);
if (mSunVisibleAreaQuery) renderSystem->destroyHardwareOcclusionQuery(mSunVisibleAreaQuery);
if (mSingleObjectQuery) renderSystem->destroyHardwareOcclusionQuery(mSingleObjectQuery);
bool OcclusionQuery::supported()
return mSupported;
void OcclusionQuery::notifyRenderSingleObject(Renderable* rend, const Pass* pass, const AutoParamDataSource* source,
const LightList* pLightList, bool suppressRenderStateChanges)
// The following code activates and deactivates the occlusion queries
// so that the queries only include the rendering of their intended targets
// Close the last occlusion query
// Each occlusion query should only last a single rendering
if (mActiveQuery != NULL)
mActiveQuery = NULL;
// Open a new occlusion query
if (mDoQuery == true)
if (rend == mBBQueryTotal)
mActiveQuery = mSunTotalAreaQuery;
mWasVisible = true;
else if (rend == mBBQueryVisible)
mActiveQuery = mSunVisibleAreaQuery;
if (mDoQuery == true && rend == mBBQuerySingleObject)
mQuerySingleObjectStarted = true;
mQuerySingleObjectRequested = false;
mActiveQuery = mSingleObjectQuery;
mObjectWasVisible = true;
if (mActiveQuery != NULL)
void OcclusionQuery::renderQueueEnded(uint8 queueGroupId, const String& invocation, bool& repeatThisInvocation)
if (mActiveQuery != NULL)
mActiveQuery = NULL;
* for every beginOcclusionQuery(), we want a respective pullOcclusionQuery() and vice versa
* this also means that results can be wrong at other places if we pull, but beginOcclusionQuery() was never called
* this can happen for example if the object that is tested is outside of the view frustum
* to prevent this, check if the queries have been performed after everything has been rendered and if not, start them manually
if (queueGroupId == RENDER_QUEUE_SKIES_LATE)
if (mWasVisible == false && mDoQuery)
if (mObjectWasVisible == false && mDoQuery)
mQuerySingleObjectStarted = true;
mQuerySingleObjectRequested = false;
void OcclusionQuery::update(float duration)
if (!mSupported) return;
mWasVisible = false;
mObjectWasVisible = false;
// Adjust the position of the sun billboards according to camera viewing distance
// we need to do this to make sure that _everything_ can occlude the sun
float dist = mRendering->getCamera()->getFarClipDistance();
if (dist==0) dist = 10000000;
dist -= 1000; // bias
dist /= 1000.f;
mBBNode->setPosition(mSunNode->getPosition() * dist);
mBBNode->setScale(dist, dist, dist);
// Stop occlusion queries until we get their information
// (may not happen on the same frame they are requested in)
mDoQuery = false;
mDoQuery2 = false;
if (!mSunTotalAreaQuery->isStillOutstanding()
&& !mSunVisibleAreaQuery->isStillOutstanding()
&& !mSingleObjectQuery->isStillOutstanding())
unsigned int totalPixels;
unsigned int visiblePixels;
if (totalPixels == 0)
// probably outside of the view frustum
mSunVisibility = 0;
mSunVisibility = float(visiblePixels) / float(totalPixels);
if (mSunVisibility > 1) mSunVisibility = 1;
unsigned int result;
mTestResult = (result != 0);
mQuerySingleObjectStarted = false;
mQuerySingleObjectRequested = false;
mDoQuery = true;
void OcclusionQuery::occlusionTest(const Ogre::Vector3& position, Ogre::SceneNode* object)
assert( !occlusionTestPending()
&& "Occlusion test still pending");
// scale proportional to camera distance, in order to always give the billboard the same size in screen-space
mObjectNode->setScale( Vector3(1,1,1)*(position - mRendering->getCamera()->getRealPosition()).length() );
mQuerySingleObjectRequested = true;
bool OcclusionQuery::occlusionTestPending()
return (mQuerySingleObjectRequested || mQuerySingleObjectStarted);
bool OcclusionQuery::getTestResult()
assert( !occlusionTestPending()
&& "Occlusion test still pending");
return mTestResult;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
#include <OgreRenderObjectListener.h>
#include <OgreRenderQueueListener.h>
namespace Ogre
class HardwareOcclusionQuery;
class Entity;
class SceneNode;
#include <openengine/ogre/renderer.hpp>
namespace MWRender
/// \brief Implements hardware occlusion queries on the GPU
class OcclusionQuery : public Ogre::RenderObjectListener, public Ogre::RenderQueueListener
OcclusionQuery(OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer*, Ogre::SceneNode* sunNode);
* @return true if occlusion queries are supported on the user's hardware
bool supported();
* per-frame update
void update(float duration);
* request occlusion test for a billboard at the given position, omitting an entity
* @param position of the billboard in ogre coordinates
* @param object to exclude from the occluders
void occlusionTest(const Ogre::Vector3& position, Ogre::SceneNode* object);
* @return true if a request is still outstanding
bool occlusionTestPending();
* @return true if the object tested in the last request was occluded
bool getTestResult();
float getSunVisibility() const {return mSunVisibility;};
Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery* mSunTotalAreaQuery;
Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery* mSunVisibleAreaQuery;
Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery* mSingleObjectQuery;
Ogre::HardwareOcclusionQuery* mActiveQuery;
Ogre::BillboardSet* mBBQueryVisible;
Ogre::BillboardSet* mBBQueryTotal;
Ogre::BillboardSet* mBBQuerySingleObject;
Ogre::SceneNode* mSunNode;
Ogre::SceneNode* mBBNode;
Ogre::SceneNode* mBBNodeReal;
float mSunVisibility;
Ogre::SceneNode* mObjectNode;
bool mWasVisible;
bool mObjectWasVisible;
bool mTestResult;
bool mSupported;
bool mDoQuery;
bool mDoQuery2;
bool mQuerySingleObjectRequested;
bool mQuerySingleObjectStarted;
OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer* mRendering;
virtual void notifyRenderSingleObject(Ogre::Renderable* rend, const Ogre::Pass* pass, const Ogre::AutoParamDataSource* source,
const Ogre::LightList* pLightList, bool suppressRenderStateChanges);
virtual void renderQueueEnded(Ogre::uint8 queueGroupId, const Ogre::String& invocation, bool& repeatThisInvocation);

View file

@ -46,9 +46,6 @@ RenderingManager::RenderingManager (OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer& _rend, const
//used to obtain ingame information of ogre objects (which are faced or selected)
mRaySceneQuery = mRendering.getScene()->createRayQuery(Ray());
Ogre::SceneNode *playerNode = mMwRoot->createChildSceneNode ("player");
@ -59,10 +56,10 @@ RenderingManager::RenderingManager (OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer& _rend, const
//mSkyManager = 0;
mSkyManager = new SkyManager(mMwRoot, mRendering.getCamera(), &environment);
mOcclusionQuery = new OcclusionQuery(&mRendering, mSkyManager->getSunNode());
mWater = 0;
mPlayer = new MWRender::Player (mRendering.getCamera(), playerNode);
mSun = 0;
@ -76,6 +73,7 @@ RenderingManager::~RenderingManager ()
delete mSkyManager;
delete mTerrainManager;
delete mLocalMap;
delete mOcclusionQuery;
MWRender::SkyManager* RenderingManager::getSkyManager()
@ -166,9 +164,13 @@ void RenderingManager::moveObjectToCell (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const Ogre::Ve
void RenderingManager::update (float duration){
mActors.update (duration);
mLocalMap->updatePlayer( mRendering.getCamera()->getRealPosition(), mRendering.getCamera()->getRealDirection() );

View file

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "player.hpp"
#include "water.hpp"
#include "localmap.hpp"
#include "occlusionquery.hpp"
namespace Ogre
@ -108,6 +109,9 @@ class RenderingManager: private RenderingInterface {
void sunEnable();
void sunDisable();
bool occlusionQuerySupported() { return mOcclusionQuery->supported(); };
OcclusionQuery* getOcclusionQuery() { return mOcclusionQuery; };
void setGlare(bool glare);
void skyEnable ();
void skyDisable ();
@ -145,10 +149,12 @@ class RenderingManager: private RenderingInterface {
SkyManager* mSkyManager;
MWRender::Water *mWater;
OcclusionQuery* mOcclusionQuery;
TerrainManager* mTerrainManager;
MWRender::Water *mWater;
OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer &mRendering;
MWRender::Objects mObjects;
@ -164,7 +170,6 @@ class RenderingManager: private RenderingInterface {
/// that the OGRE coordinate system matches that used internally in
/// Morrowind.
Ogre::SceneNode *mMwRoot;
Ogre::RaySceneQuery *mRaySceneQuery;
OEngine::Physic::PhysicEngine* mPhysicsEngine;

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "../mwworld/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/world.hpp"
#include "occlusionquery.hpp"
using namespace MWRender;
using namespace Ogre;
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ BillboardObject::BillboardObject()
void BillboardObject::setVisible(const bool visible)
void BillboardObject::setSize(const float size)
@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ void BillboardObject::init(const String& textureName,
/// \todo These billboards are not 100% correct, might want to revisit them later
mBBSet = sceneMgr->createBillboardSet("SkyBillboardSet"+StringConverter::toString(bodyCount), 1);
mBBSet->setDefaultDimensions(550.f*initialSize, 550.f*initialSize);
mBBSet->setCommonDirection( -position.normalisedCopy() );
mNode = rootNode->createChildSceneNode();
@ -319,8 +320,8 @@ SkyManager::SkyManager (SceneNode* pMwRoot, Camera* pCamera, MWWorld::Environmen
, mThunderTextureUnit(NULL)
, mRemainingTransitionTime(0.0f)
, mGlareFade(0.0f)
, mGlare(0.0f)
, mEnabled(true)
, mGlareEnabled(true)
, mSunEnabled(true)
, mMasserEnabled(true)
, mSecundaEnabled(true)
@ -592,10 +593,23 @@ void SkyManager::update(float duration)
mMasser->setPhase( static_cast<Moon::Phase>( (int) ((mDay % 32)/4.f)) );
mSecunda->setPhase ( static_cast<Moon::Phase>( (int) ((mDay % 32)/4.f)) );
// increase the strength of the sun glare effect depending
// on how directly the player is looking at the sun
if (mSunEnabled)
// take 1/5 sec for fading the glare effect from invisible to full
if (mGlareFade > mGlare)
mGlareFade -= duration*5;
if (mGlareFade < mGlare) mGlareFade = mGlare;
else if (mGlareFade < mGlare)
mGlareFade += duration*5;
if (mGlareFade > mGlare) mGlareFade = mGlare;
// increase the strength of the sun glare effect depending
// on how directly the player is looking at the sun
Vector3 sun = mSunGlare->getPosition();
sun = Vector3(sun.x, sun.z, -sun.y);
Vector3 cam = mViewport->getCamera()->getRealDirection();
@ -603,21 +617,10 @@ void SkyManager::update(float duration)
float val = 1- (angle.valueDegrees() / 180.f);
val = (val*val*val*val)*2;
if (mGlareEnabled)
mGlareFade += duration*3;
if (mGlareFade > 1) mGlareFade = 1;
mGlareFade -= duration*3;
if (mGlareFade < 0.3) mGlareFade = 0;
mSunGlare->setSize(val * (mGlareFade));
mSunGlare->setSize(val * mGlareFade);
mSunGlare->setVisible(mGlareFade>0 && mSunEnabled);
@ -719,15 +722,15 @@ void SkyManager::setWeather(const MWWorld::WeatherResult& weather)
strength = 1.f;
mSunGlare->setVisibility(weather.mGlareView * strength);
mSunGlare->setVisibility(weather.mGlareView * mGlareFade * strength);
mSun->setVisibility(mGlareFade >= 0.5 ? weather.mGlareView * mGlareFade * strength : 0);
mAtmosphereNight->setVisible(weather.mNight && mEnabled);
void SkyManager::setGlare(bool glare)
void SkyManager::setGlare(const float glare)
mGlareEnabled = glare;
mGlare = glare;
Vector3 SkyManager::getRealSunPos()
@ -812,3 +815,8 @@ void SkyManager::setDate(int day, int month)
mDay = day;
mMonth = month;
Ogre::SceneNode* SkyManager::getSunNode()
return mSun->getNode();

View file

@ -109,58 +109,60 @@ namespace MWRender
SkyManager(Ogre::SceneNode* pMwRoot, Ogre::Camera* pCamera, MWWorld::Environment* env);
void update(float duration);
void enable();
void disable();
void setHour (double hour);
///< will be called even when sky is disabled.
void setDate (int day, int month);
///< will be called even when sky is disabled.
int getMasserPhase() const;
///< 0 new moon, 1 waxing or waning cresecent, 2 waxing or waning half,
/// 3 waxing or waning gibbous, 4 full moon
int getSecundaPhase() const;
///< 0 new moon, 1 waxing or waning cresecent, 2 waxing or waning half,
/// 3 waxing or waning gibbous, 4 full moon
void setMoonColour (bool red);
///< change Secunda colour to red
void setCloudsOpacity(float opacity);
///< change opacity of the clouds
void setWeather(const MWWorld::WeatherResult& weather);
Ogre::SceneNode* getSunNode();
void sunEnable();
void sunDisable();
void setSunDirection(const Ogre::Vector3& direction);
void setMasserDirection(const Ogre::Vector3& direction);
void setSecundaDirection(const Ogre::Vector3& direction);
void setMasserFade(const float fade);
void setSecundaFade(const float fade);
void masserEnable();
void masserDisable();
void secundaEnable();
void secundaDisable();
void setThunder(const float factor);
void setGlare(bool glare);
void setGlare(const float glare);
Ogre::Vector3 getRealSunPos();
@ -203,12 +205,12 @@ namespace MWRender
float mRemainingTransitionTime;
float mGlareFade;
float mGlare; // target
float mGlareFade; // actual
void ModVertexAlpha(Ogre::Entity* ent, unsigned int meshType);
bool mEnabled;
bool mGlareEnabled;
bool mSunEnabled;
bool mMasserEnabled;
bool mSecundaEnabled;

View file

@ -261,7 +261,16 @@ bool OpenAL_SoundStream::isPlaying()
void OpenAL_SoundStream::update()
alSourcef(mSource, AL_GAIN, mVolume*mBaseVolume);
ALfloat gain = mVolume*mBaseVolume;
ALfloat pitch = mPitch;
if(!(mFlags&Play_NoEnv) && mOutput.mLastEnvironment == Env_Underwater)
gain *= 0.9f;
pitch *= 0.7f;
alSourcef(mSource, AL_GAIN, gain);
alSourcef(mSource, AL_PITCH, pitch);
alSource3f(mSource, AL_POSITION, mPos[0], mPos[2], -mPos[1]);
alSource3f(mSource, AL_DIRECTION, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
alSource3f(mSource, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
@ -389,7 +398,16 @@ bool OpenAL_Sound::isPlaying()
void OpenAL_Sound::update()
alSourcef(mSource, AL_GAIN, mVolume*mBaseVolume);
ALfloat gain = mVolume*mBaseVolume;
ALfloat pitch = mPitch;
if(!(mFlags&Play_NoEnv) && mOutput.mLastEnvironment == Env_Underwater)
gain *= 0.9f;
pitch *= 0.7f;
alSourcef(mSource, AL_GAIN, gain);
alSourcef(mSource, AL_PITCH, pitch);
alSource3f(mSource, AL_POSITION, mPos[0], mPos[2], -mPos[1]);
alSource3f(mSource, AL_DIRECTION, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
alSource3f(mSource, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
@ -398,10 +416,18 @@ void OpenAL_Sound::update()
void OpenAL_Sound3D::update()
ALfloat gain = mVolume*mBaseVolume;
ALfloat pitch = mPitch;
if(mPos.squaredDistance(mOutput.mPos) > mMaxDistance*mMaxDistance)
alSourcef(mSource, AL_GAIN, 0.0f);
alSourcef(mSource, AL_GAIN, mVolume*mBaseVolume);
gain = 0.0f;
else if(!(mFlags&Play_NoEnv) && mOutput.mLastEnvironment == Env_Underwater)
gain *= 0.9f;
pitch *= 0.7f;
alSourcef(mSource, AL_GAIN, gain);
alSourcef(mSource, AL_PITCH, pitch);
alSource3f(mSource, AL_POSITION, mPos[0], mPos[2], -mPos[1]);
alSource3f(mSource, AL_DIRECTION, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
alSource3f(mSource, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
@ -639,6 +665,11 @@ SoundPtr OpenAL_Output::playSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, float
alSourcef(src, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, 1000.0f);
alSourcef(src, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0f);
if(!(flags&Play_NoEnv) && mLastEnvironment == Env_Underwater)
volume *= 0.9f;
pitch *= 0.7f;
alSourcef(src, AL_GAIN, volume);
alSourcef(src, AL_PITCH, pitch);
@ -686,6 +717,11 @@ SoundPtr OpenAL_Output::playSound3D(const std::string &fname, const Ogre::Vector
alSourcef(src, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, max);
alSourcef(src, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 1.0f);
if(!(flags&Play_NoEnv) && mLastEnvironment == Env_Underwater)
volume *= 0.9f;
pitch *= 0.7f;
alSourcef(src, AL_GAIN, (pos.squaredDistance(mPos) > max*max) ?
0.0f : volume);
alSourcef(src, AL_PITCH, pitch);
@ -702,7 +738,7 @@ SoundPtr OpenAL_Output::playSound3D(const std::string &fname, const Ogre::Vector
SoundPtr OpenAL_Output::streamSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, float pitch)
SoundPtr OpenAL_Output::streamSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, float pitch, int flags)
boost::shared_ptr<OpenAL_SoundStream> sound;
ALuint src;
@ -714,6 +750,8 @@ SoundPtr OpenAL_Output::streamSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, floa
std::cout <<"Warning: cannot loop stream "<<fname<< std::endl;
DecoderPtr decoder = mManager.getDecoder();
sound.reset(new OpenAL_SoundStream(*this, src, decoder));
@ -732,6 +770,11 @@ SoundPtr OpenAL_Output::streamSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, floa
alSourcef(src, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, 1000.0f);
alSourcef(src, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0f);
if(!(flags&Play_NoEnv) && mLastEnvironment == Env_Underwater)
volume *= 0.9f;
pitch *= 0.7f;
alSourcef(src, AL_GAIN, volume);
alSourcef(src, AL_PITCH, pitch);
@ -744,9 +787,10 @@ SoundPtr OpenAL_Output::streamSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, floa
void OpenAL_Output::updateListener(const Ogre::Vector3 &pos, const Ogre::Vector3 &atdir, const Ogre::Vector3 &updir)
void OpenAL_Output::updateListener(const Ogre::Vector3 &pos, const Ogre::Vector3 &atdir, const Ogre::Vector3 &updir, Environment env)
mPos = pos;
mLastEnvironment = env;
@ -763,7 +807,7 @@ void OpenAL_Output::updateListener(const Ogre::Vector3 &pos, const Ogre::Vector3
OpenAL_Output::OpenAL_Output(SoundManager &mgr)
: Sound_Output(mgr), mDevice(0), mContext(0), mBufferCacheMemSize(0),
mStreamThread(new StreamThread)
mLastEnvironment(Env_Normal), mStreamThread(new StreamThread)

View file

@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ namespace MWSound
ALuint getBuffer(const std::string &fname);
void bufferFinished(ALuint buffer);
Environment mLastEnvironment;
virtual std::vector<std::string> enumerate();
virtual void init(const std::string &devname="");
virtual void deinit();
@ -43,9 +45,9 @@ namespace MWSound
virtual SoundPtr playSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, float pitch, int flags);
virtual SoundPtr playSound3D(const std::string &fname, const Ogre::Vector3 &pos,
float volume, float pitch, float min, float max, int flags);
virtual SoundPtr streamSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, float pitch);
virtual SoundPtr streamSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, float pitch, int flags);
virtual void updateListener(const Ogre::Vector3 &pos, const Ogre::Vector3 &atdir, const Ogre::Vector3 &updir);
virtual void updateListener(const Ogre::Vector3 &pos, const Ogre::Vector3 &atdir, const Ogre::Vector3 &updir, Environment env);
OpenAL_Output& operator=(const OpenAL_Output &rhs);
OpenAL_Output(const OpenAL_Output &rhs);

View file

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ namespace MWSound
Ogre::Vector3 mPos;
float mVolume; /* NOTE: Real volume = mVolume*mBaseVolume */
float mBaseVolume;
float mPitch;
float mMinDistance;
float mMaxDistance;
int mFlags;
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ namespace MWSound
Sound() : mPos(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
, mVolume(1.0f)
, mBaseVolume(1.0f)
, mPitch(1.0f)
, mMinDistance(20.0f) /* 1 * min_range_scale */
, mMaxDistance(12750.0f) /* 255 * max_range_scale */
, mFlags(Play_Normal)

View file

@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ namespace MWSound
virtual SoundPtr playSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, float pitch, int flags) = 0;
virtual SoundPtr playSound3D(const std::string &fname, const Ogre::Vector3 &pos,
float volume, float pitch, float min, float max, int flags) = 0;
virtual SoundPtr streamSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, float pitch) = 0;
virtual SoundPtr streamSound(const std::string &fname, float volume, float pitch, int flags) = 0;
virtual void updateListener(const Ogre::Vector3 &pos, const Ogre::Vector3 &atdir, const Ogre::Vector3 &updir) = 0;
virtual void updateListener(const Ogre::Vector3 &pos, const Ogre::Vector3 &atdir, const Ogre::Vector3 &updir, Environment env) = 0;
Sound_Output& operator=(const Sound_Output &rhs);
Sound_Output(const Sound_Output &rhs);

View file

@ -88,10 +88,7 @@ namespace MWSound
if(snd == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Failed to lookup sound ")+soundId);
if(snd->data.volume == 0)
volume = 0.0f;
volume *= pow(10.0, (snd->data.volume/255.0f*3348.0 - 3348.0) / 2000.0);
volume *= pow(10.0, (snd->data.volume/255.0*3348.0 - 3348.0) / 2000.0);
if(snd->data.minRange == 0 && snd->data.maxRange == 0)
@ -135,10 +132,10 @@ namespace MWSound
std::cout <<"Playing "<<filename<< std::endl;
mMusic = mOutput->streamSound(filename, 0.4f, 1.0f);
mMusic = mOutput->streamSound(filename, 0.4f, 1.0f, Play_NoEnv);
mMusic->mBaseVolume = 0.4f;
mMusic->mFlags = Play_NoEnv;
catch(std::exception &e)
@ -215,6 +212,7 @@ namespace MWSound
sound = mOutput->playSound(file, volume*basevol, pitch, mode);
sound->mVolume = volume;
sound->mBaseVolume = basevol;
sound->mPitch = pitch;
sound->mMinDistance = min;
sound->mMaxDistance = max;
sound->mFlags = mode;
@ -245,6 +243,7 @@ namespace MWSound
sound->mPos = objpos;
sound->mVolume = volume;
sound->mBaseVolume = basevol;
sound->mPitch = pitch;
sound->mMinDistance = min;
sound->mMaxDistance = max;
sound->mFlags = mode;
@ -408,19 +407,25 @@ namespace MWSound
MWWorld::Ptr::CellStore *current = mEnvironment.mWorld->getPlayer().getPlayer().getCell();
Ogre::Camera *cam = mEnvironment.mWorld->getPlayer().getRenderer()->getCamera();
Ogre::Vector3 nPos, nDir, nUp;
nPos = cam->getRealPosition();
nDir = cam->getRealDirection();
nUp = cam->getRealUp();
Environment env = Env_Normal;
if(nPos.y < current->cell->water)
env = Env_Underwater;
// The output handler is expecting vectors oriented like the game
// (that is, -Z goes down, +Y goes forward), but that's not what we
// get from Ogre's camera, so we have to convert.
const Ogre::Vector3 pos(nPos[0], -nPos[2], nPos[1]);
const Ogre::Vector3 at(nDir[0], -nDir[2], nDir[1]);
const Ogre::Vector3 up(nUp[0], -nUp[2], nUp[1]);
mOutput->updateListener(pos, at, up);
mOutput->updateListener(pos, at, up, env);
// Check if any sounds are finished playing, and trash them
SoundMap::iterator snditer = mActiveSounds.begin();

View file

@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ namespace MWSound
static inline int operator&(const PlayMode &a, const PlayMode &b)
{ return (int)a & (int)b; }
enum Environment {
class SoundManager
Ogre::ResourceGroupManager& mResourceMgr;

View file

@ -50,6 +50,28 @@ namespace MWWorld
return mEngine->rayTest(from,to);
std::vector < std::pair <float, std::string> > PhysicsSystem::getFacedObjects ()
//get a ray pointing to the center of the viewport
Ray centerRay = mRender.getCamera()->getCameraToViewportRay(
btVector3 from(centerRay.getOrigin().x,-centerRay.getOrigin().z,centerRay.getOrigin().y);
btVector3 to(centerRay.getPoint(500).x,-centerRay.getPoint(500).z,centerRay.getPoint(500).y);
return mEngine->rayTest2(from,to);
btVector3 PhysicsSystem::getRayPoint(float extent)
//get a ray pointing to the center of the viewport
Ray centerRay = mRender.getCamera()->getCameraToViewportRay(
btVector3 result(centerRay.getPoint(500*extent).x,-centerRay.getPoint(500*extent).z,centerRay.getPoint(500*extent).y);
return result;
bool PhysicsSystem::castRay(const Vector3& from, const Vector3& to)

View file

@ -35,7 +35,11 @@ namespace MWWorld
bool toggleCollisionMode();
std::pair<std::string, float> getFacedHandle (MWWorld::World& world);
btVector3 getRayPoint(float extent);
std::vector < std::pair <float, std::string> > getFacedObjects ();
// cast ray, return true if it hit something
bool castRay(const Ogre::Vector3& from, const Ogre::Vector3& to);

View file

@ -157,7 +157,8 @@ namespace MWWorld
const std::string& master, const boost::filesystem::path& resDir,
bool newGame, Environment& environment, const std::string& encoding)
: mPlayer (0), mLocalScripts (mStore), mGlobalVariables (0),
mSky (true), mEnvironment (environment), mNextDynamicRecord (0), mCells (mStore, mEsm, *this)
mSky (true), mEnvironment (environment), mNextDynamicRecord (0), mCells (mStore, mEsm, *this),
mPhysics = new PhysicsSystem(renderer);
mPhysEngine = mPhysics->getEngine();
@ -498,13 +499,21 @@ namespace MWWorld
std::string World::getFacedHandle()
std::pair<std::string, float> result = mPhysics->getFacedHandle (*this);
if (!mRendering->occlusionQuerySupported())
std::pair<std::string, float> result = mPhysics->getFacedHandle (*this);
if (result.first.empty() ||
result.second>getStore().gameSettings.find ("iMaxActivateDist")->i)
return "";
if (result.first.empty() ||
result.second>getStore().gameSettings.find ("iMaxActivateDist")->i)
return "";
return result.first;
return result.first;
// updated every few frames in update()
return mFacedHandle;
void World::deleteObject (Ptr ptr)
@ -706,13 +715,82 @@ namespace MWWorld
mWeatherManager->update (duration);
// cast a ray from player to sun to detect if the sun is visible
// this is temporary until we find a better place to put this code
// currently its here because we need to access the physics system
float* p = mPlayer->getPlayer().getRefData().getPosition().pos;
Vector3 sun = mRendering->getSkyManager()->getRealSunPos();
sun = Vector3(sun.x, -sun.z, sun.y);
mRendering->getSkyManager()->setGlare(!mPhysics->castRay(Ogre::Vector3(p[0], p[1], p[2]), sun));
if (!mRendering->occlusionQuerySupported())
// cast a ray from player to sun to detect if the sun is visible
// this is temporary until we find a better place to put this code
// currently its here because we need to access the physics system
float* p = mPlayer->getPlayer().getRefData().getPosition().pos;
Vector3 sun = mRendering->getSkyManager()->getRealSunPos();
sun = Vector3(sun.x, -sun.z, sun.y);
mRendering->getSkyManager()->setGlare(!mPhysics->castRay(Ogre::Vector3(p[0], p[1], p[2]), sun));
// update faced handle (object the player is looking at)
// this uses a mixture of raycasts and occlusion queries.
else // if (mRendering->occlusionQuerySupported())
MWRender::OcclusionQuery* query = mRendering->getOcclusionQuery();
if (!query->occlusionTestPending())
// get result of last query
if (mNumFacing == 0) mFacedHandle = "";
else if (mNumFacing == 1)
bool result = query->getTestResult();
mFacedHandle = result ? mFaced1Name : "";
else if (mNumFacing == 2)
bool result = query->getTestResult();
mFacedHandle = result ? mFaced2Name : mFaced1Name;
// send new query
// figure out which object we want to test against
std::vector < std::pair < float, std::string > > results = mPhysics->getFacedObjects();
// ignore the player
for (std::vector < std::pair < float, std::string > >::iterator it = results.begin();
it != results.end(); ++it)
if ( (*it).second == mPlayer->getPlayer().getRefData().getHandle() )
if (results.size() == 0)
mNumFacing = 0;
else if (results.size() == 1)
mFaced1 = getPtrViaHandle(results.front().second);
mFaced1Name = results.front().second;
mNumFacing = 1;
btVector3 p = mPhysics->getRayPoint(results.front().first);
Ogre::Vector3 pos(p.x(), p.z(), -p.y());
Ogre::SceneNode* node = mFaced1.getRefData().getBaseNode();
query->occlusionTest(pos, node);
mFaced1Name = results.front().second;
mFaced2Name = results[1].second;
mFaced1 = getPtrViaHandle(results.front().second);
mFaced2 = getPtrViaHandle(results[1].second);
mNumFacing = 2;
btVector3 p = mPhysics->getRayPoint(results[1].first);
Ogre::Vector3 pos(p.x(), p.z(), -p.y());
Ogre::SceneNode* node = mFaced2.getRefData().getBaseNode();
query->occlusionTest(pos, node);
bool World::isCellExterior() const

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@ -93,6 +93,12 @@ namespace MWWorld
Ptr getPtrViaHandle (const std::string& handle, Ptr::CellStore& cellStore);
std::string mFacedHandle;
Ptr mFaced1;
Ptr mFaced2;
std::string mFaced1Name;
std::string mFaced2Name;
int mNumFacing;
int getDaysPerMonth (int month) const;

View file

@ -426,4 +426,35 @@ namespace Physic
return std::pair<std::string,float>(name,d);
std::vector< std::pair<float, std::string> > PhysicEngine::rayTest2(btVector3& from, btVector3& to)
MyRayResultCallback resultCallback1;
resultCallback1.m_collisionFilterMask = COL_WORLD;
dynamicsWorld->rayTest(from, to, resultCallback1);
std::vector< std::pair<float, btCollisionObject*> > results = resultCallback1.results;
MyRayResultCallback resultCallback2;
resultCallback2.m_collisionFilterMask = COL_ACTOR_INTERNAL|COL_ACTOR_EXTERNAL;
dynamicsWorld->rayTest(from, to, resultCallback2);
std::vector< std::pair<float, btCollisionObject*> > actorResults = resultCallback2.results;
std::vector< std::pair<float, std::string> > results2;
for (std::vector< std::pair<float, btCollisionObject*> >::iterator it=results.begin();
it != results.end(); ++it)
results2.push_back( std::make_pair( (*it).first, static_cast<RigidBody&>(*(*it).second).mName ) );
for (std::vector< std::pair<float, btCollisionObject*> >::iterator it=actorResults.begin();
it != actorResults.end(); ++it)
results2.push_back( std::make_pair( (*it).first, static_cast<PairCachingGhostObject&>(*(*it).second).mName ) );
std::sort(results2.begin(), results2.end(), MyRayResultCallback::cmp);
return results2;

View file

@ -206,6 +206,11 @@ namespace Physic
std::pair<std::string,float> rayTest(btVector3& from,btVector3& to);
* Return all objects hit by a ray.
std::vector< std::pair<float, std::string> > rayTest2(btVector3& from, btVector3& to);
//event list of non player object
std::list<PhysicEvent> NPEventList;
@ -235,6 +240,25 @@ namespace Physic
bool mDebugActive;
struct MyRayResultCallback : public btCollisionWorld::RayResultCallback
virtual btScalar addSingleResult( btCollisionWorld::LocalRayResult& rayResult, bool bNormalInWorldSpace)
results.push_back( std::make_pair(rayResult.m_hitFraction, rayResult.m_collisionObject) );
return rayResult.m_hitFraction;
static bool cmp( const std::pair<float, std::string>& i, const std::pair<float, std::string>& j )
if( i.first > j.first ) return false;
if( j.first > i.first ) return true;
return false;
std::vector < std::pair<float, btCollisionObject*> > results;