Do not set particle lifetime to 0 (#5472)

Frederic Chardon 5 years ago committed by Alexei Dobrohotov
parent 26024e7d0d
commit f268bc13f1

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
Bug #5441: Enemies can't push a player character when in critical strike stance
Bug #5451: Magic projectiles don't disappear with the caster
Bug #5452: Autowalk is being included in savegames
Bug #5472: Mistify mod causes CTD in 0.46 on Mac
Bug #5479: NPCs who should be walking around town are standing around without walking
Bug #5484: Zero value items shouldn't be able to be bought or sold for 1 gold
Bug #5485: Intimidate doesn't increase disposition on marginal wins

@ -923,15 +923,18 @@ namespace NifOsg
osg::BoundingBox box;
int i=0;
for (std::vector<Nif::NiParticleSystemController::Particle>::const_iterator it = partctrl->particles.begin();
i<particledata->activeCount && it != partctrl->particles.end(); ++it, ++i)
for (const auto& particle : partctrl->particles)
const Nif::NiParticleSystemController::Particle& particle = *it;
if (i++ >= particledata->activeCount)
if (particle.lifespan <= 0)
ParticleAgeSetter particletemplate(std::max(0.f, particle.lifetime));
osgParticle::Particle* created = partsys->createParticle(&particletemplate);
created->setLifeTime(std::max(0.f, particle.lifespan));
// Note this position and velocity is not correct for a particle system with absolute reference frame,
// which can not be done in this loader since we are not attached to the scene yet. Will be fixed up post-load in the SceneManager.
@ -970,6 +973,8 @@ namespace NifOsg
osgParticle::ConstantRateCounter* counter = new osgParticle::ConstantRateCounter;
if (partctrl->emitFlags & Nif::NiParticleSystemController::NoAutoAdjust)
else if (partctrl->lifetime == 0 && partctrl->lifetimeRandom == 0)
counter->setNumberOfParticlesPerSecondToCreate(partctrl->numParticles / (partctrl->lifetime + partctrl->lifetimeRandom/2));

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void ParticleShooter::shoot(osgParticle::Particle *particle) const
particle->setVelocity(dir * vel);
// Not supposed to set this here, but there doesn't seem to be a better way of doing it
particle->setLifeTime(mLifetime + mLifetimeRandom * Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability());
particle->setLifeTime(std::max(std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(), mLifetime + mLifetimeRandom * Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability()));
GrowFadeAffector::GrowFadeAffector(float growTime, float fadeTime)
@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ ParticleColorAffector::ParticleColorAffector(const ParticleColorAffector &copy,
void ParticleColorAffector::operate(osgParticle::Particle* particle, double /* dt */)
assert(particle->getLifeTime() > 0);
float time = static_cast<float>(particle->getAge()/particle->getLifeTime());
osg::Vec4f color = mData.interpKey(time);
float alpha = color.a();
