mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 20:49:41 +00:00
Merge pull request #403 from OpenMW/master
Add OpenMW commits up to 9 Apr 2018
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 231 additions and 90 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include <MyGUI_ScrollView.h>
#include <MyGUI_Gui.h>
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp"
@ -72,7 +74,10 @@ namespace MWGui
MWWorld::ActionTeleport::getFollowersToTeleport(player, followers);
// Apply followers cost, in vanilla one follower travels for free
price *= std::max(1, static_cast<int>(followers.size()));
if (Settings::Manager::getBool("charge for every follower travelling", "Game"))
price *= 1 + static_cast<int>(followers.size());
price *= std::max(1, static_cast<int>(followers.size()));
MyGUI::Button* toAdd = mDestinationsView->createWidget<MyGUI::Button>("SandTextButton", 0, mCurrentY, 200, sLineHeight, MyGUI::Align::Default);
toAdd->setEnabled(price <= playerGold);
@ -1502,7 +1502,20 @@ namespace MWMechanics
// Attacker is in combat with us, but we are not in combat with the attacker yet. Time to fight back.
// Note: accidental or collateral damage attacks are ignored.
if (!target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getAiSequence().hasPackage(AiPackage::TypeIdPursue))
startCombat(target, attacker);
// If an actor has OnPCHitMe declared in his script, his Fight = 0 and the attacker is player,
// he will attack the player only if we will force him (e.g. via StartCombat console command)
bool peaceful = false;
std::string script = target.getClass().getScript(target);
if (!script.empty() && target.getRefData().getLocals().hasVar(script, "onpchitme") && attacker == getPlayer())
int fight = std::max(0, target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getAiSetting(CreatureStats::AI_Fight).getModified());
peaceful = (fight == 0);
if (!peaceful)
startCombat(target, attacker);
return true;
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ void MWMechanics::NpcStats::useSkill (int skillIndex, const ESM::Class& class_,
void MWMechanics::NpcStats::increaseSkill(int skillIndex, const ESM::Class &class_, bool preserveProgress)
void MWMechanics::NpcStats::increaseSkill(int skillIndex, const ESM::Class &class_, bool preserveProgress, bool readBook)
int base = getSkill (skillIndex).getBase();
@ -256,9 +256,14 @@ void MWMechanics::NpcStats::increaseSkill(int skillIndex, const ESM::Class &clas
std::stringstream message;
if (readBook)
message << std::string("#{sBookSkillMessage}\n");
message << boost::format(MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->getGameSettingString ("sNotifyMessage39", ""))
% std::string("#{" + ESM::Skill::sSkillNameIds[skillIndex] + "}")
% static_cast<int> (base);
MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->messageBox(message.str(), MWGui::ShowInDialogueMode_Never);
if (mLevelProgress >= gmst.find("iLevelUpTotal")->getInt())
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
void useSkill (int skillIndex, const ESM::Class& class_, int usageType = -1, float extraFactor=1.f);
///< Increase skill by usage.
void increaseSkill (int skillIndex, const ESM::Class& class_, bool preserveProgress);
void increaseSkill (int skillIndex, const ESM::Class& class_, bool preserveProgress, bool readBook = false);
int getLevelProgress() const;
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ namespace MWMechanics
ActiveSpells::ActiveEffect effect_ = effect;
effect_.mMagnitude *= -1;
if (reflected && Settings::Manager::getBool("classic reflected absorb attribute behavior", "Game"))
if (reflected && Settings::Manager::getBool("classic reflect absorb attribute behavior", "Game"))
target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getActiveSpells().addSpell("", true,
absorbEffects, mSourceName, caster.getClass().getCreatureStats(caster).getActorId());
@ -51,6 +51,16 @@
#include "terrainstorage.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
float DLLandFogStart;
float DLLandFogEnd;
float DLUnderwaterFogStart;
float DLUnderwaterFogEnd;
float DLInteriorFogStart;
float DLInteriorFogEnd;
namespace MWRender
@ -173,14 +183,18 @@ namespace MWRender
, mResourceSystem(resourceSystem)
, mWorkQueue(workQueue)
, mUnrefQueue(new SceneUtil::UnrefQueue)
, mFogDepth(0.f)
, mLandFogStart(0.f)
, mLandFogEnd(std::numeric_limits<float>::max())
, mUnderwaterFogStart(0.f)
, mUnderwaterFogEnd(std::numeric_limits<float>::max())
, mUnderwaterColor(fallback->getFallbackColour("Water_UnderwaterColor"))
, mUnderwaterWeight(fallback->getFallbackFloat("Water_UnderwaterColorWeight"))
, mUnderwaterFog(0.f)
, mUnderwaterIndoorFog(fallback->getFallbackFloat("Water_UnderwaterIndoorFog"))
, mNightEyeFactor(0.f)
, mFieldOfViewOverride(0.f)
, mDistantFog(false)
, mDistantTerrain(false)
, mFieldOfViewOverridden(false)
, mFieldOfViewOverride(0.f)
resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->setShaderPath(resourcePath + "/shaders");
@ -216,12 +230,20 @@ namespace MWRender
mWater.reset(new Water(mRootNode, sceneRoot, mResourceSystem, mViewer->getIncrementalCompileOperation(), fallback, resourcePath));
const bool distantTerrain = Settings::Manager::getBool("distant terrain", "Terrain");
DLLandFogStart = Settings::Manager::getFloat("distant land fog start", "Fog");
DLLandFogEnd = Settings::Manager::getFloat("distant land fog end", "Fog");
DLUnderwaterFogStart = Settings::Manager::getFloat("distant underwater fog start", "Fog");
DLUnderwaterFogEnd = Settings::Manager::getFloat("distant underwater fog end", "Fog");
DLInteriorFogStart = Settings::Manager::getFloat("distant interior fog start", "Fog");
DLInteriorFogEnd = Settings::Manager::getFloat("distant interior fog end", "Fog");
mDistantFog = Settings::Manager::getBool("use distant fog", "Fog");
mDistantTerrain = Settings::Manager::getBool("distant terrain", "Terrain");
mTerrainStorage = new TerrainStorage(mResourceSystem, Settings::Manager::getString("normal map pattern", "Shaders"), Settings::Manager::getString("normal height map pattern", "Shaders"),
Settings::Manager::getBool("auto use terrain normal maps", "Shaders"), Settings::Manager::getString("terrain specular map pattern", "Shaders"),
Settings::Manager::getBool("auto use terrain normal maps", "Shaders"), Settings::Manager::getString("terrain specular map pattern", "Shaders"),
Settings::Manager::getBool("auto use terrain specular maps", "Shaders"));
if (distantTerrain)
if (mDistantTerrain)
mTerrain.reset(new Terrain::QuadTreeWorld(sceneRoot, mRootNode, mResourceSystem, mTerrainStorage, Mask_Terrain, Mask_PreCompile));
mTerrain.reset(new Terrain::TerrainGrid(sceneRoot, mRootNode, mResourceSystem, mTerrainStorage, Mask_Terrain, Mask_PreCompile));
@ -479,14 +501,44 @@ namespace MWRender
osg::Vec4f color = SceneUtil::colourFromRGB(cell->mAmbi.mFog);
configureFog (cell->mAmbi.mFogDensity, mUnderwaterIndoorFog, color);
float density = std::max(0.2f, cell->mAmbi.mFogDensity);
mLandFogStart = (DLInteriorFogEnd*(1.0f-density) + DLInteriorFogStart*density);
mLandFogEnd = DLInteriorFogEnd;
mUnderwaterFogStart = DLUnderwaterFogStart;
mUnderwaterFogEnd = DLUnderwaterFogEnd;
mFogColor = color;
configureFog(cell->mAmbi.mFogDensity, mUnderwaterIndoorFog, 1.0f, 0.0f, color);
void RenderingManager::configureFog(float fogDepth, float underwaterFog, const osg::Vec4f &color)
void RenderingManager::configureFog(float fogDepth, float underwaterFog, float dlFactor, float dlOffset, const osg::Vec4f &color)
mFogDepth = fogDepth;
mLandFogStart = dlFactor * (DLLandFogStart - dlOffset*DLLandFogEnd);
mLandFogEnd = dlFactor * (1.0f-dlOffset) * DLLandFogEnd;
mUnderwaterFogStart = DLUnderwaterFogStart;
mUnderwaterFogEnd = DLUnderwaterFogEnd;
if(fogDepth == 0.0)
mLandFogStart = 0.0f;
mLandFogEnd = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
mLandFogStart = mViewDistance * (1 - fogDepth);
mLandFogEnd = mViewDistance;
mUnderwaterFogStart = mViewDistance * (1 - underwaterFog);
mUnderwaterFogEnd = mViewDistance;
mFogColor = color;
mUnderwaterFog = underwaterFog;
SkyManager* RenderingManager::getSkyManager()
@ -517,23 +569,15 @@ namespace MWRender
float viewDistance = mViewDistance;
viewDistance = std::min(viewDistance, 6666.f);
setFogColor(mUnderwaterColor * mUnderwaterWeight + mFogColor * (1.f-mUnderwaterWeight));
mStateUpdater->setFogStart(viewDistance * (1 - mUnderwaterFog));
if (mFogDepth == 0.f)
mStateUpdater->setFogStart(mViewDistance * (1 - mFogDepth));
@ -960,7 +1004,8 @@ namespace MWRender
else if (it->first == "Camera" && it->second == "viewing distance")
mViewDistance = Settings::Manager::getFloat("viewing distance", "Camera");
else if (it->first == "General" && (it->second == "texture filter" ||
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ namespace MWRender
void configureAmbient(const ESM::Cell* cell);
void configureFog(const ESM::Cell* cell);
void configureFog(float fogDepth, float underwaterFog, const osg::Vec4f& colour);
void configureFog(float fogDepth, float underwaterFog, float dlFactor, float dlOffset, const osg::Vec4f& colour);
void addCell(const MWWorld::CellStore* store);
void removeCell(const MWWorld::CellStore* store);
@ -241,10 +241,12 @@ namespace MWRender
osg::ref_ptr<StateUpdater> mStateUpdater;
float mFogDepth;
float mLandFogStart;
float mLandFogEnd;
float mUnderwaterFogStart;
float mUnderwaterFogEnd;
osg::Vec4f mUnderwaterColor;
float mUnderwaterWeight;
float mUnderwaterFog;
float mUnderwaterIndoorFog;
osg::Vec4f mFogColor;
@ -253,8 +255,10 @@ namespace MWRender
float mNearClip;
float mViewDistance;
bool mDistantFog : 1;
bool mDistantTerrain : 1;
bool mFieldOfViewOverridden : 1;
float mFieldOfViewOverride;
bool mFieldOfViewOverridden;
float mFieldOfView;
float mFirstPersonFieldOfView;
@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ namespace MWRender
float mFogDepth;
float mDLFogFactor;
float mDLFogOffset;
float mWindSpeed;
float mCloudSpeed;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace MWWorld
npcStats.increaseSkill (ref->mBase->mData.mSkillId, *class_, true);
npcStats.increaseSkill (ref->mBase->mData.mSkillId, *class_, true, true);
npcStats.flagAsUsed (ref->mBase->mId);
@ -102,6 +102,8 @@ Weather::Weather(const std::string& name,
const Fallback::Map& fallback,
float stormWindSpeed,
float rainSpeed,
float dlFactor,
float dlOffset,
const std::string& particleEffect)
: mCloudTexture(fallback.getFallbackString("Weather_" + name + "_Cloud_Texture"))
, mSkyColor(fallback.getFallbackColour("Weather_" + name +"_Sky_Sunrise_Color"),
@ -141,6 +143,8 @@ Weather::Weather(const std::string& name,
, mFlashDecrement(fallback.getFallbackFloat("Weather_" + name + "_Flash_Decrement"))
, mFlashBrightness(0.0f)
mDL.FogFactor = dlFactor;
mDL.FogOffset = dlOffset;
mThunderSoundID[0] = fallback.getFallbackString("Weather_" + name + "_Thunder_Sound_ID_0");
mThunderSoundID[1] = fallback.getFallbackString("Weather_" + name + "_Thunder_Sound_ID_1");
mThunderSoundID[2] = fallback.getFallbackString("Weather_" + name + "_Thunder_Sound_ID_2");
@ -541,16 +545,18 @@ WeatherManager::WeatherManager(MWRender::RenderingManager& rendering, const Fall
mTimeSettings.mSunriseTime = mSunriseTime;
addWeather("Clear", fallback); // 0
addWeather("Cloudy", fallback); // 1
addWeather("Foggy", fallback); // 2
addWeather("Overcast", fallback); // 3
addWeather("Rain", fallback); // 4
addWeather("Thunderstorm", fallback); // 5
addWeather("Ashstorm", fallback, "meshes\\ashcloud.nif"); // 6
addWeather("Blight", fallback, "meshes\\blightcloud.nif"); // 7
addWeather("Snow", fallback, "meshes\\snow.nif"); // 8
addWeather("Blizzard", fallback, "meshes\\blizzard.nif"); // 9
// These distant land fog factor and offset values are the defaults MGE XE provides. Should be
// provided by settings somewhere?
addWeather("Clear", fallback, 1.0f, 0.0f); // 0
addWeather("Cloudy", fallback, 0.9f, 0.0f); // 1
addWeather("Foggy", fallback, 0.2f, 30.0f); // 2
addWeather("Overcast", fallback, 0.7f, 0.0f); // 3
addWeather("Rain", fallback, 0.5f, 10.0f); // 4
addWeather("Thunderstorm", fallback, 0.5f, 20.0f); // 5
addWeather("Ashstorm", fallback, 0.2f, 50.0f, "meshes\\ashcloud.nif"); // 6
addWeather("Blight", fallback, 0.2f, 60.0f, "meshes\\blightcloud.nif"); // 7
addWeather("Snow", fallback, 0.5f, 40.0f, "meshes\\snow.nif"); // 8
addWeather("Blizzard", fallback, 0.16f, 70.0f, "meshes\\blizzard.nif"); // 9
Store<ESM::Region>::iterator it = store.get<ESM::Region>().begin();
for(; it != store.get<ESM::Region>().end(); ++it)
@ -718,7 +724,8 @@ void WeatherManager::update(float duration, bool paused, const TimeStamp& time,
mRendering.configureFog(mResult.mFogDepth, underwaterFog, mResult.mFogColor);
mRendering.configureFog(mResult.mFogDepth, underwaterFog, mResult.mDLFogFactor,
mResult.mDLFogOffset/100.0f, mResult.mFogColor);
mRendering.setSunColour(mResult.mSunColor, mResult.mSunColor * mResult.mGlareView);
@ -863,11 +870,12 @@ void WeatherManager::clear()
inline void WeatherManager::addWeather(const std::string& name,
const Fallback::Map& fallback,
float dlFactor, float dlOffset,
const std::string& particleEffect)
static const float fStromWindSpeed = mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fStromWindSpeed")->getFloat();
Weather weather(name, fallback, fStromWindSpeed, mRainSpeed, particleEffect);
Weather weather(name, fallback, fStromWindSpeed, mRainSpeed, dlFactor, dlOffset, particleEffect);
@ -1055,6 +1063,8 @@ inline void WeatherManager::calculateResult(const int weatherID, const float gam
mResult.mNight = (gameHour < mSunriseTime || gameHour > mTimeSettings.mNightStart - 1);
mResult.mFogDepth = current.mLandFogDepth.getValue(gameHour, mTimeSettings);
mResult.mDLFogFactor = current.mDL.FogFactor;
mResult.mDLFogOffset = current.mDL.FogOffset;
mResult.mFogColor = current.mFogColor.getValue(gameHour, mTimeSettings);
mResult.mAmbientColor = current.mAmbientColor.getValue(gameHour, mTimeSettings);
mResult.mSunColor = current.mSunColor.getValue(gameHour, mTimeSettings);
@ -1110,6 +1120,8 @@ inline void WeatherManager::calculateTransitionResult(const float factor, const
mResult.mAmbientColor = lerp(current.mAmbientColor, other.mAmbientColor, factor);
mResult.mSunDiscColor = lerp(current.mSunDiscColor, other.mSunDiscColor, factor);
mResult.mFogDepth = lerp(current.mFogDepth, other.mFogDepth, factor);
mResult.mDLFogFactor = lerp(current.mDLFogFactor, other.mDLFogFactor, factor);
mResult.mDLFogOffset = lerp(current.mDLFogOffset, other.mDLFogOffset, factor);
mResult.mWindSpeed = lerp(current.mWindSpeed, other.mWindSpeed, factor);
mResult.mCloudSpeed = lerp(current.mCloudSpeed, other.mCloudSpeed, factor);
mResult.mGlareView = lerp(current.mGlareView, other.mGlareView, factor);
@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ namespace MWWorld
const Fallback::Map& fallback,
float stormWindSpeed,
float rainSpeed,
float dlFactor,
float dlOffset,
const std::string& particleEffect);
std::string mCloudTexture;
@ -102,6 +104,12 @@ namespace MWWorld
// Also appears to modify how visible the sun, moons, and stars are for various weather effects.
float mGlareView;
// Fog factor and offset used with distant land rendering.
struct {
float FogFactor;
float FogOffset;
} mDL;
// Sound effect
// This is used for Blight, Ashstorm and Blizzard (Bloodmoon)
std::string mAmbientLoopSoundID;
@ -293,6 +301,7 @@ namespace MWWorld
void addWeather(const std::string& name,
const Fallback::Map& fallback,
float dlFactor, float dlOffset,
const std::string& particleEffect = "");
void importRegions();
@ -339,52 +339,76 @@ namespace Gui
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
code->addAttribute("size", MyGUI::IntSize(static_cast<int>(data[i].width), static_cast<int>(data[i].height)));
// More hacks! The french game uses several win1252 characters that are not included
// in the cp437 encoding of the font. Fall back to similar available characters.
if (mEncoding == ToUTF8::CP437)
// Fall back from unavailable Windows-1252 encoding symbols to similar characters available in the game fonts
std::multimap<int, int> additional; // fallback glyph index, unicode
additional.insert(std::make_pair(156, 0x00A2)); // cent sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(89, 0x00A5)); // yen sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(221, 0x00A6)); // broken bar
additional.insert(std::make_pair(99, 0x00A9)); // copyright sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(97, 0x00AA)); // prima ordinal indicator
additional.insert(std::make_pair(60, 0x00AB)); // double left-pointing angle quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x00AD)); // soft hyphen
additional.insert(std::make_pair(114, 0x00AE)); // registered trademark symbol
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x00AF)); // macron
additional.insert(std::make_pair(241, 0x00B1)); // plus-minus sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(50, 0x00B2)); // superscript two
additional.insert(std::make_pair(51, 0x00B3)); // superscript three
additional.insert(std::make_pair(44, 0x00B8)); // cedilla
additional.insert(std::make_pair(49, 0x00B9)); // superscript one
additional.insert(std::make_pair(111, 0x00BA)); // primo ordinal indicator
additional.insert(std::make_pair(62, 0x00BB)); // double right-pointing angle quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(63, 0x00BF)); // inverted question mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(65, 0x00C6)); // latin capital ae ligature
additional.insert(std::make_pair(79, 0x00D8)); // latin capital o with stroke
additional.insert(std::make_pair(97, 0x00E6)); // latin small ae ligature
additional.insert(std::make_pair(111, 0x00F8)); // latin small o with stroke
additional.insert(std::make_pair(79, 0x0152)); // latin capital oe ligature
additional.insert(std::make_pair(111, 0x0153)); // latin small oe ligature
additional.insert(std::make_pair(83, 0x015A)); // latin capital s with caron
additional.insert(std::make_pair(115, 0x015B)); // latin small s with caron
additional.insert(std::make_pair(89, 0x0178)); // latin capital y with diaresis
additional.insert(std::make_pair(90, 0x017D)); // latin capital z with caron
additional.insert(std::make_pair(122, 0x017E)); // latin small z with caron
additional.insert(std::make_pair(102, 0x0192)); // latin small f with hook
additional.insert(std::make_pair(94, 0x02C6)); // circumflex modifier
additional.insert(std::make_pair(126, 0x02DC)); // small tilde
additional.insert(std::make_pair(69, 0x0401)); // cyrillic capital io (no diaeresis latin e is available)
additional.insert(std::make_pair(137, 0x0451)); // cyrillic small io
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2012)); // figure dash
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2013)); // en dash
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2014)); // em dash
additional.insert(std::make_pair(39, 0x2018)); // left single quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(39, 0x2019)); // right single quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(44, 0x201A)); // single low quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(39, 0x201B)); // single high quotation mark (reversed)
additional.insert(std::make_pair(34, 0x201C)); // left double quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(34, 0x201D)); // right double quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(44, 0x201E)); // double low quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(34, 0x201F)); // double high quotation mark (reversed)
additional.insert(std::make_pair(43, 0x2020)); // dagger
additional.insert(std::make_pair(216, 0x2021)); // double dagger (note: this glyph is not available)
additional.insert(std::make_pair(46, 0x2026)); // ellipsis
additional.insert(std::make_pair(37, 0x2030)); // per mille sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(60, 0x2039)); // single left-pointing angle quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(62, 0x203A)); // single right-pointing angle quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(101, 0x20AC)); // euro sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(84, 0x2122)); // trademark sign
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2212)); // minus sign
for (std::multimap<int, int>::iterator it = additional.begin(); it != additional.end(); ++it)
std::multimap<int, int> additional; // <cp437, unicode>
additional.insert(std::make_pair(39, 0x2019)); // apostrophe
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2013)); // dash
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2014)); // dash
additional.insert(std::make_pair(34, 0x201D)); // right double quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(34, 0x201C)); // left double quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(44, 0x201A));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(44, 0x201E));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(43, 0x2020));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(94, 0x02C6));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(37, 0x2030));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(83, 0x0160));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(60, 0x2039));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(79, 0x0152));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(90, 0x017D));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(39, 0x2019));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(126, 0x02DC));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(84, 0x2122));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(83, 0x0161));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(62, 0x203A));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(111, 0x0153));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(122, 0x017E));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(89, 0x0178));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(156, 0x00A2));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(46, 0x2026));
for (std::multimap<int, int>::iterator it = additional.begin(); it != additional.end(); ++it)
if (it->first != i)
code = codes->createChild("Code");
code->addAttribute("index", it->second);
code->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
code->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
code->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
code->addAttribute("size", MyGUI::IntSize(static_cast<int>(data[i].width), static_cast<int>(data[i].height)));
if (it->first != i)
code = codes->createChild("Code");
code->addAttribute("index", it->second);
code->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
code->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
code->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
code->addAttribute("size", MyGUI::IntSize(static_cast<int>(data[i].width), static_cast<int>(data[i].height)));
// ASCII vertical bar, use this as text input cursor
@ -90,6 +90,24 @@ pointers cache size = 40
# If true, use paging and LOD algorithms to display the entire terrain. If false, only display terrain of the loaded cells
distant terrain = false
# If true, use extended fog parameters for distant terrain not controlled by
# viewing distance. If false, use the standard fog calculations.
use distant fog = false
distant land fog start = 16384
distant land fog end = 40960
distant underwater fog start = -4096
distant underwater fog end = 2457.6
distant interior fog start = 0
distant interior fog end = 16384
# Size of each exterior cell in pixels in the world map. (e.g. 12 to 24).
@ -182,6 +200,9 @@ classic reflect absorb attribute behavior = true
# Show duration of magic effect and lights in the spells window.
show effect duration = false
# Account for the first follower in fast travel cost calculations.
charge for every follower travelling = false
# Prevents merchants from equipping items that are sold to them.
prevent merchant equipping = false
Reference in a new issue