Previously we always discarded shadow map fragments if the alpha channel of the output would have been low, but there were some (modded) assets that have non-one alpha but have testing or blending disabled so end up opaque anyway. This lets the shadows of those objects match.
/home/elsid/dev/openmw/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp:3127:9: warning: Call to virtual function during construction [clang-analyzer-optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall]
/home/elsid/dev/openmw/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp:3094:5: note: Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
/home/elsid/dev/openmw/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp:3094:5: note: Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
/home/elsid/dev/openmw/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp:3094:5: note: Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 3102
/home/elsid/dev/openmw/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp:3126:21: note: Assuming 'i' is < 'numberOfShadowMapsPerLight'
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfShadowMapsPerLight; ++i)
/home/elsid/dev/openmw/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp:3126:5: note: Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfShadowMapsPerLight; ++i)
/home/elsid/dev/openmw/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp:3127:9: note: This constructor of an object of type 'DebugHUD' has not returned when the virtual method was called
/home/elsid/dev/openmw/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp:3127:9: note: Call to virtual function during construction